• Animal Fosters Needed at the San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on May 18th, 2012
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    The San Diego Humane Society is looking for volunteers!

    Calling all Warm Hearts and Homes! The San Diego Humane Society cares for thousands of animals annually and many of them get a head start in foster care.

    Animals that are candidates for their Foster Program include animals less than eight weeks of age; mothers with litters; animals with minor medical needs; animals recovering from surgery or illness; and animals that need further behavior evaluation or socialization. The San Diego Humane Society is looking for applicants with big hearts and a special commitment to provide a warm and loving environment for the animals in need. The San Diego Humane Society provides any supplies, special medication or food needed. All the animal needs, is you!

    Foster is the temporary removal of an animal from, in this case, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA, to care for it until the animal is ready to be placed up for adoption.

    Temporary shelter in a volunteer’s home can make all the difference to an animal that needs a little extra care to be ready for adoption.  Cats and dogs with litters, animals under 8 weeks of age, and animals with minor, treatable illnesses are given a second chance at life through the work of our Foster Care Volunteers.  The foster volunteers also grant The San Diego Humane Society the opportunity to free up more kennels for more animals that are in need of immediate care.

    The San Diego Humane Society provides all the necessary training, supplies, and support the foster family will need to care for their foster animals, including food, bowls, bedding, toys, litter, medication, and any veterinary services.

    Even if you aren’t in the San Diego area, you can also volunteer or foster at your local humane society.  Volunteering is a great way to spend time with animals if you can’t have them in your home.

  • Why A Cat Can Benefit Seniors

    Posted on May 9th, 2012
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    Cats make wonderful pets for people of all ages.

    Wherever you live, a cat can be an ideal pet for you.  There are many reasons why but we would like to focus on the benefits cats provide for senior citizens.

    Cats can improve your health – Even though cats require fairly minimal care, the care they do require provides much-needed exercise for older owners. Even seniors who have arthritis or other physical limitations can easily care for cats. Because cats need us to care for them by scooping their boxes, feeding them and giving them fresh water, cats get us up and moving whether we want to or not! Caring for and feeding a cat calls for routines and activities seniors might not otherwise have, providing important mental stimulation. This not only benefits senior citizens’ overall health, but can help them live longer and healthier lives.

    Cats can improve your mood – Seniors can become lonely, or even depressed, when they retire or lose their spouse, or when their children move away. Some seniors become depressed simply because they do not get out and about as much anymore. Studies show that pets help seniors overcome loneliness and depression by providing affection, company, entertainment and a sense of responsibility and purpose. Seniors with pets tend to get up, talk and smile much more than when there are no pets around.  Think about it, when you are home alone with your cat, do you usually say a few words to him?  It definitely makes being alone more enjoyable when you have your furry feline around.

    Cats over dogs – Although dogs can also make great pets for some seniors and provide the same benefits as cat ownership, careful consideration should be given to the care, training and exercise requirements of a dog. Many older owners simply can’t keep up with a dog’s needs, which makes adopting a cat a much better choice. Unlike dogs, cats are happy staying indoors all the time.  Most adult cats require only 20 to 30 minutes of playtime per day, and interactive play does not require the owner to be mobile. A kitty fishing pole or laser toy lets senior cat owners engage their cat in play while sitting in their favorite chair. Cats are also very content to spend most of their time sleeping on their owner’s lap or bed which makes this pet a perfect fit for someone less active.

    Important tips to keep in mind when choosing your new pet cat

    • Lifespan – Before acquiring any pet, it is important to consider the lifespan of the animal and what will happen in the event that the owner is no longer able to care for the pet. In many cases, seniors need to move into a living facility that does not allow pets, or the pet outlives them. Both dogs and cats can live 15 to 20 years, so it is important that seniors have a younger friend or family member who is willing to take responsibility for the pet if necessary.
    • Is a kitten or adult cat better for your senior – Many people think that getting a kitten or puppy for a senior will help “keep them young,” when in reality, puppies and kittens often provide seniors with more stress than enjoyment. Choosing to adopt an adult cat or dog is generally a wise choice for seniors. Adult animals have fewer exercise and training demands, making them easier for seniors to keep up with. Additionally, older pets are also less likely to outlive their senior owner.
    • Talk with shelters to find the right fit for your cat – Arrange to visit your local animal shelter to view the cats available for adoption. Talk to the staff and ask for a calm, easygoing, adult lap cat with minimal medical requirements. The last thing a senior wants is an antisocial cat or one who is prone to urinary tract infections! Once your senior loved one decides on a cat — or two! – you can help shop for pet supplies (including a collar and ID tag) and set everything up  in a convenient location for both owner and kitty.

    Support – If you are getting a cat for the senior in your life, make sure you can provide follow-up care and support.  Some seniors are not able to get to the store for needed supplies, while others are dealing with health or behavior problems with the cat and don’t know what to do. Be sure to check in with your loved one and their kitty to make sure things are going well.

    If you know of a senior who is having difficulty affording veterinary care or food for a pet, be sure to contact your local animal shelter, food bank or veterinary clinic. Most professionals in the animal field understand how important pets are to seniors, so they may offer low-cost services and supplies just for seniors.

  • Pets Play a Role to Improve One’s Mood and Health

    Posted on March 26th, 2012
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    Did you know having a pet can improve your mood and health?

    Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with having companionship with their animals, however many people remain unaware of the physical and mental health benefits that come with the pleasure of playing with or snuggling up to their furry friend.

    Studies have recently explored the benefits of human –animals bonds:

    • Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without.
    • Pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets.
    • Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
    • People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets.
    • Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.
    • Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets.
    • A pet doesn’t have to be a dog or a cat. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and pulse rate.

    Most pets fulfill a basic human need to touch.  It is interesting to see that even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interaction with a pet.  Many of them, right off the bat, experience mutual affection.  When someone strokes, holds, cuddles or touches a loving animal, it can rapidly calm and soothe a stressed person.

    Pet companionship can also ease loneliness and some pets are also a stimulus for healthy exercise, such as walks and runs, which can substantially boost your mood.

  • Day #6 of Helpful Tips For You And Your Pet – Is Your Dog Suitable for Pet Therapy?

    Posted on February 7th, 2012
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    Although studies have shown pets help us lead healthier and happier lives, anyone who has a pet probably already knows this.  Have you ever thought about bringing this joy you experience with your pet to someone else in need?  Pet Therapy is very common in convalescent homes as well as children’s hospitals, centers for youths in distress and more.

    Day #6: Is Your Dog Suitable for Pet Therapy?

    If you are interested in having your pet be a Therapy Pet, there are a few things you should first consider.  Not every pet is suitable for therapy and there are many volunteer organizations that will screen both the volunteers and the pets.  Your future therapy pet should include these qualities:

    -Your therapy pet should love attention from anyone.  Plain and simple, he or she should simply love being around people and the attention they provide.

    -Make sure your pet gets along with other pets.  He or she needs to be well socialized and able to tolerate other dogs, cats and even rabbits.

    -Your pet must be well mannered and know basic commands such as sit, stay, down and come.  They should most importantly know the word “no”.

    -Making sure your pet responds okay to loud, strange or sudden noises and all types of handling is key to making sure your pet is ready to be a therapy pet.

    Your pet will go through a screening process to ensure he or she is ready to be a therapy pet.  Pets have a calming and loving quality about them that others in a tumultuous state of life can benefit from.  Check your local organizations to see if your pet should be a Therapy Pet.

  • The benefits of owning a Cat or Dog

    Posted on November 14th, 2011
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    There are many benefits of having a pet.  Not only are they entertaining and provide unconditional love, but you your health can also be benefited by having a pet.

    Pets can help decrease stress. In a 2002 study at State University of New York at Buffalo, researchers found that when conducting a stressful task, people experienced less stress when their pets were with them than when a spouse, family member or close friend was nearby.

    Lower Blood Pressure.  While some studies have found a stronger connection than others, having a pet has the potential to lower blood pressure, especially in hypertensive or high-risk patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Eases pain. Believe it or not, pets can be the best medicine, especially when a person is dealing with chronic pain such as migraines or arthritis.  One study from Loyola University found that people who use pet therapy while recovering from surgery may need significantly less pain medication than those who do not.

    Improves mood. A lot of the health benefits of owning a pet may stem from the mental and emotional benefits.  They give you a sense of belonging and feeling of being needed, while stroking and handling animals can be incredibly therapeutic for those who are stressed.

    Pets help children develop.  Children who grow up in a household with pets benefit in countless ways, especially in their emotional development.  Pets are also hugely beneficial to children suffering from autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For children with ADHD, taking care of a pet can encourage them to focus on responsibilities through a predictable routine.

    Monitors Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetics.  According to the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Forecast magazine, a 1992 study found that one-third of the pets living with diabetics (mostly dogs, but other pets included cats, birds and rabbits) would change their behavior when their owner’s blood sugar level dropped.

    Prevents Strokes. Although dogs are often touted for their health benefits, cat owners can see gains, too. Felines are just as beneficial to your health as dogs.  If you have a cat,  you are less likely to have a heart attack and even increasingly less likely to have a cardiovascular incident like a stroke.