Keep Your Dog Warm This Winter
Posted on November 9th, 2012Keep your dog warm this winter with our winter tips.
We’re getting into the colder months of the year and don’t you love to be able to go home out of the cold and curl up with your pajamas and sit by the fire. What about your dog? Don’t you want to make sure he is as warm and cozy as you are when you’re at home?
Certain breeds of dogs are affected by cold weather more than others. If your dog is older and has certain health conditions, such as arthritis, it is important to make sure your dog is warm and comfortable.
Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your dog warm this winter:
Keep them indoors. This is the surest way to keep your pets warm. Dogs, while they enjoy outings, are often happier indoors as well so they can dote on their owners.
Get them jackets and sweaters. If your home is a little chilly, cute jackets and sweaters can keep them warm. If they are going outside with you into the snow (dogs more than cats), it’s better to choose something that has a waterproof nylon covering. Make sure the sweater or jacket fits them properly and they are comfortable enough to maneuver in it.
Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.
Proper outdoor housing. If your dog spends a lot of his time outdoors, make sure he has the right housing. His doghouse should have a sloped roof, insulation and even a heater if he is expected to live in there.
Bedding. His bed should be at least 3 inches off the cold floor to avoid drafts. Low platforms made of a light wood or aluminum frame with canvas stretched over it suit these pets just fine.
Booties. Your dog regulates his temperature through the soles of his feet (as well as his tongue, of course). When walking in the snow, booties can help keep him warm. This will also protect him from salt and other products used to melt ice.
Increase feeding. Dogs use up more calories in the winter trying to stay warm. Feed him a little more in the winter months, especially if he spends a lot of time outside.
Use a hot water bottle or snuggle disk. If your home is chilly, you can keep your dog warm by using a hot water bottle under his bed or even a snuggle disk, which is a manufactured disk that is heated in a microwave oven and can maintain heat for hours.
Don’t forget the occasional special treat and the belly rub. Nothing warms your dog’s heart more than special food and attention, so give him both.
Foods That Should Not Be Given To Your Dog
Posted on October 26th, 2012It is important to educate yourself on proper health for your pet and most of the time any type of human food scraps are not suitable for your pet.
Some foods which are edible for humans, and even other species of animals, can pose hazards for dogs because of their different metabolism. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness, and even death. The following is just a small list of common food items that should not be fed (intentionally or unintentionally) to dogs:
– Moldy or spoiled food, garbage – can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs.
– Chocolate, coffee, tea, and caffeinated drinks – They contain caffeine which could be toxic and impact the heart and nervous systems.
– Mushrooms – Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death. Wild mushrooms can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma, or death.
– Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.
– Avocado – Can cause difficulty breathing; fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart; or pancreatitis
– Onions & garlic – (raw, cooked, or powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
– Nutmeg – Can cause tremors, seizures and death.
– Fruit pips, seeds Apple seeds, cherry pits, and peach pits, pear pips, plums pits, peaches, and apricot pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous.
– Grapes/raisins – can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill him. If the dog doesn’t eat enough at one time to be fatal, he can be severely damaged by eating just a few grapes or raisins regularly.
– Tomatoes – can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias. Tomato plants and the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves are also unsafe. (All parts of the plant except the tomato itself are also poisonous to humans.)
– Walnuts – walnuts are poisonous to dogs.
– Alcohol – can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
– Cleaning products. You can use many cleaning products in your home safely around your pets, but you have to make sure to read the labels and use them properly. Cleaners containing bleach can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or severe burns if swallowed, so keep your pets away from any areas you’ve cleaned until they are dry.
– Medications. Human medication can make dogs and cats very sick. Always keep medicine bottles tightly closed and stored in a secure cabinet away from your pets.
– Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Prescription drugs, Diet pills
If your pet is not showing symptoms, but ingested something potentially toxic, call the ASPCA hotline at (888) 426-4435. Have the following information available: the species, breed, age, sex, weight, and information about the product exposure. It is best to have the package of the product available for reference.
Introducing The New Dog To Your Pets
Posted on October 24th, 2012Tips for introducing a new dog to existing pets.
Bringing a new pet home can sometimes be a traumatic experience for both the new dog and existing pets at home. We’d like to share some tips from the Humane Society on introducing a new dog to your pets.
From “the leader of the pack” to “the top dog,” plenty of simplistic metaphors come from the canine world. But relationships between canines can be pretty complex, beginning with the very first meeting.
Like most animals who live in groups, dogs establish their own social structure, sometimes called a dominance hierarchy. This dominance hierarchy serves to maintain order, reduce conflict and promote cooperation among pack members.
Dogs also establish territories, which they may defend against intruders or rivals. Of course, dogs’ social and territorial nature affects their behavior whenever a new dog is introduced to the household.
Choose a neutral location – Introduce the dogs in a neutral location so that your resident dog is less likely to view the newcomer as a territorial intruder. Each dog should be handled by a separate person. With both dogs on leashes, begin the introductions in an area unfamiliar to each, such as a park or a neighbor’s yard. If you frequently walk your resident dog in a nearby park, she may view that area as her territory, too, so choose a less familiar site. If you are adopting your dog from an animal shelter, you might even bring your resident dog to the local shelter and introduce the two there (some shelters may even require that a new dog meets the resident dog before the adoption is complete).
Use positive reinforcement – From the first meeting, help both dogs experience “good things” when they’re in each other’s presence. Let them sniff each other briefly, which is normal canine greeting behavior. As they do, talk to them in a happy, friendly tone of voice; never use a threatening tone. (Don’t allow them to investigate and sniff each other for too long, however, as this may escalate to an aggressive response.)
After a short time, get the attention of both dogs and give each a treat in return for obeying a simple command, such as “sit” or “stay.” Take the dogs for a walk and let them sniff and investigate each other at intervals. Continue with the “happy talk,” food rewards, and simple commands.
Be aware of body postures – One body posture that indicates things are going well is a “play-bow.” One dog will crouch with her front legs on the ground and her hind end in the air. This is an invitation to play, and a posture that usually elicits friendly behavior from the other dog. Watch carefully for body postures that indicate an aggressive response, including hair standing up on one dog’s back, teeth-baring, deep growls, a stiff-legged gait, or a prolonged stare. If you see such postures, interrupt the interaction immediately by calmly getting each dog interested in something else.
For example, both handlers can call their dogs to them, have them sit or lie down, and reward each with a treat. The dogs’ interest in the treats should prevent the situation from escalating into aggression. Try letting the dogs interact again, but this time for a shorter time period and/or at a greater distance from each other.
Taking the dogs home – When the dogs seem to be tolerating each other’s presence without fearful or aggressive responses, and the investigative greeting behaviors have tapered off, you can take them home. Whether you choose to take them in the same vehicle will depend on their size, how well they ride in the car, how trouble-free the initial introduction has been, and how many dogs are involved.
If you have more than one resident dog in your household, it may be best to introduce the resident dogs to the new dog one at a time. Two or more resident dogs may have a tendency to “gang up” on the newcomer.
It is important to support the dominant dog in your household, even if that turns out to be the newcomer. This may mean, for example, allowing the dominant dog to claim a special toy or favored sleeping spot as his own. Trying to impose your preference for which dog should be dominant can confuse the dogs and create further problems.
Introducing puppies to adult dogs – Puppies usually pester adult dogs unmercifully. Before the age of four months, puppies may not recognize subtle body postures from adult dogs signaling that they’ve had enough. Well-socialized adult dogs with good temperaments may set limits with puppies with a warning growl or snarl. These behaviors are normal and should be allowed.
Adult dogs who aren’t well-socialized, or who have a history of fighting with other dogs, may attempt to set limits with more aggressive behaviors, such as biting, which could harm the puppy. For this reason, a puppy shouldn’t be left alone with an adult dog until you’re confident the puppy isn’t in any danger. Be sure to give the adult dog some quiet time away from the puppy, and some extra individual attention as well.
When to get help – If the introductions don’t go smoothly, contact a professional animal behaviorist immediately. Dogs can be severely injured in fights, and the longer the problem continues, the harder it can be to resolve. Punishment won’t work, and could make things worse. Fortunately, most conflicts between dogs in the same family can be resolved with professional guidance.
Halloween Safety Tips For Pets
Posted on October 18th, 2012All you need to know for Halloween safety for your pets.
We like going through Clear the Air’s older blogs and thought this would be useful to share once again with our readers. The holidays, starting with Halloween, are a fun time but you should take some precautions to make sure your pets are safe and just as happy as you during the holidays.
Check out our Halloween safety blog from last year:
Halloween is a fun time for kids and adults, but it can also be scary for animals if you’re not careful. Any holiday brings an increased risk of harm and health problems for animals when candy and decorations are involved, but Halloween can be especially risky for a number of reasons. We encourage everyone to have a safe and fun holiday, but please keep the safety and well-being of your pets in mind!
Here are some tips to keeping your pet safe during the Halloween season:
1. Never leave your dog outside unattended – this is a generally safe rule to follow, but it is particularly important on Halloween. It is a sad truth that disturbed individuals have been known to injure and even kill pets on Halloween. No matter how safe your neighborhood may be, Halloween often brings out the pranksters and vandals, so don’t take any chances and keep your dog inside with you where you know he is safe.
2. Most people will agree that there is nothing cuter than a dog in costume. However, as appealing as your dolled-up pup may be, it is important to always keep your dog’s happiness, safety and comfort in mind.
If you are going to put your dog in costume, make sure it fits properly and does not pose a risk of strangulation. Remove any loose accessories that could be choked on such as ribbons or buttons. If your dog seems even the slightest bit uncomfortable, please reconsider your costume choice. A ballerina beagle may look adorable, but your dog does not know why he is wearing the getup and may do whatever it takes to get out of it, including chewing through the fabric.
3. Everyone knows the best part of Halloween is the candy, but unfortunately this is one of the main reasons that vets see an increase of sick animals around this holiday. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and will likely notice the increase of sweets in the house. Keep all types of candy away from your dog!
Most people already know that chocolate is toxic to dogs and can make them very sick. But chocolate is not the only sweet treat that poses a risk. Sugar-free candy contains a chemical called Xylitol that can make dogs severely ill even in small doses. Candy foil and wrappers can be just as harmful, as they can cause choking or a blockage in a dog’s digestive tract. If you have kids, let them know that the dog cannot share their Halloween treats.
4. If you put up Halloween decorations, be sure to keep them well out of your dog’s reach. Dogs gravitate towards things that are shiny, small and/or inedible – all of which can cause serious health problems! Candles, lights and cords are a huge safety hazard for all pets. A curious dog that gets too close could be burned or electrocuted. A wagging tail can knock over a candle and start a fire in no time at all! Instead of putting a candle in your pumpkin consider using a small battery-powered light, which is safer and lasts longer!
5. Make sure your dog is in a safe, secure place when the trick-or-treaters come knocking at your door. The continuous knocking or ringing of a doorbell combined with the constant opening and closing of the door will offer plenty of opportunities for your pet to dart out and run away.
In addition, strangers arriving in spooky masks can be very frightening and could cause even the friendliest dogs to behave aggressive or territorially as a result of stress and fear. To avoid unnecessary stress or unpleasant confrontations with the neighborhood children, I suggest keeping your dog in a separate room. Try leaving a radio or TV on to drown out the sound of the many visitors.
6. No matter what your friends said in college, a drunk dog is NOT a happy dog. Never ever give any amount of alcohol to any animal. If you think it would be funny to see your dog intoxicated, think again. Alcohol is essentially poison to dogs and can cause symptoms including but not limited to: vomiting, disorientation, seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack and death. If you have a party make sure you clean up any leftover drinks, as some dogs are attracted to the sweetness of beer and wine.
While keeping your family safe during Halloween is always a must, keeping your pets healthy and safe is also essential. If you have kids, I recommend sharing these tips with them so they can learn how to be responsible and keep their beloved pet safe while enjoying the Halloween festivities. Please safe, be smart and have a very happy Halloween!
Disaster Preparedness For Pets
Posted on October 8th, 2012Don’t be caught unprepared when a disaster hits.
If you experience a fire or flood in your home, you want to make sure you have taken all necessary precautions to get your family and pets out of the house safe.
Clear the Air would like to share some helpful disaster preparedness tips courtesy of the ASPCA.
1. Pet Identification. Identify your pets at all times with collars or microchips. Collars should display your name, telephone number and an emergency contact. While collars can become lost, microchips are a secure means of assuring that your pet is identified via an electronic device that is painlessly implanted in your pet’s shoulder area. Since animals may escape during disasters, permanent identification will increase your chances of retrieving your pet(s).
2. Evacuation Supplies. Be prepared for emergency evacuation by having pet carriers on-hand and in an accessible place near the front door. An “Evacsak” is an alternative to a carrier and is similar to a pillowcase but ensures safe pet transport. For reptiles or fish, make sure you have lightweight plastic tanks that can be used for transporting animals in a hurry.
For dogs, keep an extra leash hanging near the front door where friends or neighbors can find it. All dogs should have collars and leashes, especially since a frightened dog may slip away if held only by the collar.
3. Evacuation Stickers. Affix a pet evacuation sticker on your front door or on the front door of your refrigerator indicating the number of pets residing in your household and an emergency contact number in case the animals must be removed without your knowledge. Without this, rescuers may not be aware that there are animals in the home, particularly in the case of cats that may hide when frightened.
4. Emergency Support System. Inform your landlord, neighbors, friends and relatives that you have pets in your home that may need their care in the case of an emergency. Make sure that at least two individuals have keys to your home and are familiar with your pets. Consider starting a “buddy system” in your neighborhood to ensure that someone will check on your animals in a disaster, and agree to do the same for them.
Identify several possible locations where you can take your pet(s) if you need to evacuate your home.
And, before disaster strikes, contact your veterinarian to see if he/she has a disaster plan. Know where you can take your animal for medical attention in the event that it becomes necessary due to a disaster.
5. Medical Records. Keep copies of your pets’ medical records on hand so that if they are treated in the event of an emergency, the veterinarians know about any prior health conditions or medical needs. If your pet requires medication, always have a back-up supply on hand in case a disaster strikes and you cannot get to your veterinarian.
6. Emergency Supplies. You should have the following supplies on hand at all times:
- A 2-week supply of pet food and water
- A 2-week supply of cat litter and plastic bags for waste disposal
- A small container of soap for cleaning purposes
- First Aid kit and manual
- You may wish to purchase a crate for your cat or dog
In general, you should always leave plenty of fresh water available for pets left alone at home. While leaving extra food out is inadvisable due to the health hazard of obesity, extra water may protect the animals from dehydration if they become stranded at home.
7. Retrieving a Lost Pet. Know where the local animal shelters and rescue organizations are in your area. You may need to visit them to look for a missing pet. It is important that you start looking for a missing animal as soon as you realize that it is gone, since some shelters may not be able to house animals for long periods of time.
Take several pictures of your pets and keep them with you at all times. You will need them in the event that you become separated from your pets and need to identify them. Similarly, be ready to describe any distinguishing markings or characteristics of your pets.
Odor Eliminator Testimonials
Posted on August 30th, 2012Clear the Air testimonials from happy customers.
Here at Clear the Air we love hearing success stories from our products where odors which otherwise could not be removed were finally eliminated with our products. Check out what they had to say:
Good Afternoon Bill, I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to reach out and let you know how impressed I am with your products. You were absolutely correct, the dog urine smell in our living room is gone thanks to you. I will certainly recommend your products to anyone who is in need. Have a wonderful afternoon.
– Greg V.
Greetings, My name is Mark Myers. I am an outside sales rep. for Forshaw Distribution. I have been asked to kick off the Kentucky 3 day Pest Control Short Course held annually in Lexington Kentucky by lecturing on new products in the pest control industry. Awhile back you sent me a case of the odor eliminator bags to “show and Tell” to my customers which I did and thereby resulted in several sells. To show my gratitude for the samples you sent me I have decided to showcase your product before 500+ attendees at the seminar. I will relay my first person true story how I tested one of them in my dog’s “potty pen”; It can become rather offensive if I have to be gone all day and can’t clean it till I get back. Your product has always removed the odor and never let us down. Thanks for the samples.
Sincerely, Mark M
Another Hidden Gem From The San Diego Humane Society
Posted on August 27th, 2012We do a lot of fundraising with the San Diego Humane Society and always love sharing special animals with our followers.
We’d like to share another hidden gem from the San Diego Humane Society, Benji.
Been looking for love? Meet Benji…
Benji is a sweet, one-year old Pit Bull/Lab Retriever mix who is as lovable as he is cute! Still an exuberant pup, Benji approaches life with enthusiasm and plenty of curiosity. Although he had a tough start in life that has left him a bit shy, he is becoming more and more social daily, and Benji’s current foster mom reports that he is doing very well, having fun, and wagging that tail of his more than ever!
This sweet guy will need some extra time and patience from the lucky family who adopts him. The world around him can seem very new and scary, so Benji appreciates slow introductions and lots of love to help him overcome some of his fears. In addition to playing with tennis balls and being his energetic and goofy self, Benji also knows how to relax with the best of ’em and enjoys spending plenty of quality time snuggling on the couch.
Benji’s adoption fee of $75 includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, and a certificate for a free veterinary exam! This very special hidden gem of ours is currently in foster care. If you are interested in meeting him or getting more information, please contact San Diego Humane Society‘s Customer Service at (619) 299-7012.
How To Get Rid Of Carpet Odor
Posted on August 24th, 2012Eliminate Carpet and Furniture Odors.
Unfortunately, once in a while our beloved pets have accidents in the house. It is especially common when we just get a new puppy or the kitty is in his or her older years.
Fortunately, Clear the Air will completely remove any odor, GUARANTEED.
We would like to share with you some tips on removing urine and feces odor from your carpets and furniture.
Absorb pet urine and feces odors from carpet, furniture and leather without chemical or fragrances.
This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral can be sprinkled on carpet and furniture as needed to eliminate odors. Odors will be completely eliminated. Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. It works well for old soaked-in urine odors. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances.
Even if you have moved into a home where the previous owner had an animal which frequented the carpet, you can still completely eliminate the odor. Clear the air does not cover up odors; it literally pulls the odors from carpets and furniture leaving the air fresh and clean.
Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.
- Remove feces and excess urine.
- Sprinkle on carpet, rugs, tile, linoleum or hardwood floors.
- Leave on overnight, then sweep or vacuum. Clear The Air pulls odor from carpet, padding and sub-floor.
- Sprinkle directly on furniture. Leave overnight, then vacuum or shake off. Will not harm upholstery or leather.
- Sprinkle on pet bedding or clothes. Leave over night, then shake off.
Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary. The 14 oz canister covers up to 100 square feet while the 21 oz canister covers up to 150 square feet.
Keep Your Pets Safe During The Summer Heat
Posted on August 13th, 2012The dog days of summer – what you can do to ensure your pet is safe from the heat.
We all love spending the long, sunny days of summer outdoors with our furry companions, but the ASPCA warns being overeager in hot weather can spell danger.
Take these simple precautions, provided by ASPCA experts, to help prevent your pet from overheating. And if you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get help from your veterinarian immediately.
- A visit to the veterinarian for a spring or early summer check-up is a must. Make sure your pets get tested for heartworm if they aren’t on year-round preventive medication. Do parasites bug your animal companions? Ask your doctor to recommend a safe flea and tick control program.
- Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it’s hot outdoors. Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful to not over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it’s extremely hot.
- Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees. Animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. These pets, along with the elderly, the overweight, and those with heart or lung diseases, should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.
- Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. “On a hot day, a parked car can become a furnace in no time-even with the windows open-which could lead to fatal heat stroke,” says Dr. Louise Murray, Vice President of ASPCA Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital. Also, leaving pets unattended in cars in extreme weather is illegal in several states.
- Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool-not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats. Rinse your dog off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from his fur, and try to keep your dog from drinking pool water, which contains chlorine and other chemicals that could cause stomach upset.
- “During warmer months, the ASPCA sees an increase in injured animals as a result of High-Rise Syndrome, which occurs when pets-mostly cats-fall out of windows or doors and are seriously or fatally injured,” says Dr. Murray. “Pet owners need to know that this is completely preventable if they take simple precautions.” Keep all unscreened windows or doors in your home closed and make sure adjustable screens are tightly secured.
- Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but never shave your dog: The layers of dogs’ coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. Brushing cats more often than usual can prevent problems caused by excessive heat. And be sure that any sunscreen or insect repellent product you use on your pets is labeled specifically for use on animals.
- When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Being so close the ground, your pooch’s body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn. Keep walks during these times to a minimum.
- Commonly used flea and tick products, rodenticides (mouse and rat baits), and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested, so keep them out of reach. When walking your dog, steer clear of areas that you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or other chemicals. Keep citronella candles, oil products and insect coils out of pets’ reach as well.
- Taking Fido to a backyard barbeque or party? Remember that the food and drink offered to guests may be poisonous to pets. Keep alcoholic beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression and comas. Similarly, remember that the snacks enjoyed by your human friends should not be a treat for your pet; any change of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat severe digestive ailments. Avoid raisins, grapes, onions, chocolate and products with the sweetener xylitol.
Greetings From Down Under
Posted on July 12th, 2012Greetings from Australia! We are attending the FAOPMA (Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Manager Associations) Show in Adelaide Australia. We are here to support our Australian and Asian distributors and to educate Pest Control Operators about Earth Care Odor Eliminators.
We also get to enjoy this beautiful country and wonderful people who make us feel so welcome.
Clear the Air is now in over 20 countries world wide! Thanks to the Pest Control Industry, we have been able to grow our business tremendously and it has been because of attending these pest control shows.
We are “made in the USA and sold in China”!
Check out where we’re at:
760 737-2282
1435 Simpson Way
Escondido, CA 92029
Bag Stock #: Earth Care Bag
States covered: Southern California
212 781-2304
1085 Saint Nicolas Ave.
New York, NY 10023
Bag Stock #: Earth Care Bag
States Covered: NY, NJ
800 562-8123
1925 John Carpenter Fwy, Suite 525
Irving, TX 75063
Bag Stock #: 142601
States Covered: TX, AR, OK, CO, NE, SD
888 225-6080
500 Spring Ridge Drive
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Bag Stock #: 164533
Granules – 21 oz canister Stock #: 164532
States Covered: PA, MD, VA, NC
FORSHAW DISTRIBUTION704 372 6790650 State StreetCharlotte, NC 28208Odor Remover Bag Stock #: EAR01230States Covered:FL,GA,OH,NC,TN
GeoTech SUPPLY COMPANY LLC800 589 0541 555 North Guild AveLodi, CA 95240Bag Stock # B193892Granules BucketStates Covered:� CA,OR,WA,NV
Phone: 770 277-4877
At participating locations in the U.S.A.
Bag Stock #: 091193
Granules 21 oz canister Stock # 091195
Bucket 9 lb Stock # 091194
706 855-6832
3701 New Getwell Road
Memphis, TN 38118
Bag Stock #:450-020-1
States Covered: LA, AL, MS, TN, AR, KY, GA, MO
(225) 752-4565
States Covered: LA, AR, MS, AL
800 998-2847
Bag Stock #: EARTB193892
800 255 0051
1129 Merriam Lane
Kansas City KS 66103
Bag Stock # ECP193892
States Covered:� North Central USA
562 802-2238
15415 Marquardt Avenue
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Bag Stock #: 2234001
Granules – 14 oz canister Stock #: 2234002
Granules 9 pound Bucket Stock #: 2234009
States Covered: AZ, CA, NV, OR
800 888-4897
Bag Stock #: 641915
Granules – 14 oz canister Stock #: 641916
Granules-9 pound Bucket Stock #: 641917
Phone: 858 292-8111
9353 Waxie Way
San Diego, CA 92123-1012
Bag Stock # 165300
States covered: CA
860 844-0101
17 Connecticut South Drive
East Grandby, CT 06026
Bag Stock # B193892
Skunk Stock # SKUNKC
Bucket Stock # BU9C
States covered: ALL
(073) 881-1693
32 Kenworth Place
Brendale, QLD 45005
Bag Stock #: ODOUR/BAG
Contact:Craig Warnes craig@garrards.com.au
Serves: Australia, New Zealand
Phone: (02) 87113 5555
Fax: (02) 8713 5550
87 Allingham Street
Condell Park, NSW 2200
Bag Stock #
Granules 14 oz canister Stock# PAT156
Granules 9 lb. bucket Stock# PAT155
Email: jgreen@globeaustralia.com.au
Tel: +61 2 9450 3555
Fax: +61 2 9450 3535
14 Narabang Way, Suite 16
Belrose, NSW 2085
Granules 28 oz canister Stock# PETODOR28OZ
Tel: 02 9647 2111
Fax:� 02 9648 2262
61105 Derby St.
Silverwater, NSW 2128
email:� eris@agservaustralia.com
519 757-0077
10 Craig Street
Brantford, ON N3R7J1
Bag Stock #: 5540310
Granules – 9 pound Bucket Stock #: 5540320
Providences covered: ALL
416 264-3497
2244 Kingston Road
Scarborough, ON M1N 1T9
Bag Stock #: 90011
Granules – 9 pound pail Stock #:91091
416 675-1638
Bag Stock #: 314072
Granules 14 oz canister Stock# 314066
514 335-1686
2982 Halpern St.
Ville St. Laurent, Quebec H4S 1R2
Bag Stock #: 314072
Granules 14 oz canister Stock# 314066
604 421-6445
3123 Thunderbird Crescent
Burnaby, BC V5A 3G1
Bag Stock #: 314072
Granules 14 oz canister Stock# 314066
604 520-9900
416 908 2745
5840 Falbourne Street
Mississauga, ON L5R 4B5
Odor Remover Bag Stock #: 781563
Tel:� 503 2534 5555
Calle Gerardo Barrios #1722
Colonia Cucumacayan
San Salvador
El Salvador, Guatamala, & Hondouras
Contact:� Salvador Parras
email:� Salvador.parras@trolex.com.SV
555 515-8893
Benjamin Gomez
Locations throughout Mexico
Bag Stock #: 641915
Tel:� ++356 21 41059
Fax:� ++ 356 21 422416
13, Triq L-Iskultur
Malta Orm 3582
Bags, Cansiters, Buckets
+01626 835055
Email: daveb@jonesandson.co.uk
Serves: United Kingdom
BAG STOCK#: RODE0085 Professional Odour Remover
39 Ag. Paviou str
121 32 Peristeri, Greece
Tel:(+30) 210 85 42 220
Fax: (+30) 210 85 42 253
Email: mlekkos@protecta-health.gr
PO Box 212678
Dubai, UAE
Tel +971 4 328 5266
Fax +971 4 328 5377
Email Hani@ecovargroup.com
Tel: +44 (0)1924 268400
Fax: +44 (0)1924 267874113 WAKEFIELD ROAD
Serves: UK, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal
Email: peter.fielding@killgerm.com
Tel: 0 71 53/825 35-12
Fax: 07153/8 25 33-97
Max-Eyth-Strabe 13
Hochdorf D-73269
Serves: Germany, Switzerland
Email: hirschmeier@pps-vertrieb.de
SERVEM LIMITED (Maxboley, Duncormick, Co.,Wesford, Ireland)
Tel: 353 51 563530
Fax: 353 51 563531
Serves: UK, Ireland, Middle East
Bag Stock #: Earth Care Bag
Email: info@servemlimited.com.
Tel:� (+359 2) 9451495
Store 1,2 Benjo Tsonev Str.
Kiv. Ievski
Sofia 1517
Email:� Jordon.pcp@gmail.com
Bags, Canisters
27 33 346 2954
BAG STOCK #: 234
Email: reon@pathogensolutions.co.za
234 1 79025 90
Email: info@sambidng.com
Tel:� 86-22-84269868
Fax:� 86-22 84269878
Tianjin Huihuazhuoyue
Technology Co Ltd
No. 168 Jiulong Street
Shuanggang Zone Jinnan 300350
Contact:� Liu Xing Gang
Tel: 65-6841 2986
Fax 65- 6841 2026
48 Toh Guan Road East #06-139
Enterprise Hub 608586
Contact:� Allan Heng