• How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

    Posted on February 15th, 2015
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    Look around your home. Would you call it eco-friendly? Or, do you have some nagging doubts about what you buy, how you maintain your home and how you impact the environment? The following are just a few reasons why you should go green at home and how to do it.

    Why Go Green at Home?

    You probably know that recycling keeps things out of landfills, reduces costs and materials in manufacturing and reduces pollution. And you know that turning out the lights and not letting the water run before you get in the shower are actions that save energy. But, is it really making a difference?

    Manon Verchot, reporting for Treehugger, explains that every choice you make has an impact on the environment, on yourself and on your neighbors. Choices about the food you eat, the personal care products you use, the way you get around and the kind of energy you use affect your personal health and the health of the planet. Just one reason is a good reason to go green at home. For example, a computer can run for three hours on the amount of energy saved from recycling one aluminum can.

    How to Go Green at Home

    If you’re not recycling already, it’s a good way to start. If your community offers curb-side recycling, this is the easiest way to start. If it doesn’t, research where the nearest recycling facility is and what materials they accept. Set up your household to recycle paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and aluminum with organized bins.

    Look beyond your garbage for recycling opportunities. Instead of throwing old drapes away when it’s time for new ones, look for ways to reuse the material or look for textile recyclers. Eartheasy reminds you to look at packaging when you buy products, to reduce junk mail and to recycle locally.

    Use Less Energy at Home

    The U.S. Energy Information Association reports that heating and cooling are no longer the major sources of U.S. home energy use. Homes built since 2000 are 30 percent bigger than older homes, but use about the same amount of energy. However, appliance, electronics and lighting use are increasing.

    Duke Energy recommends looking at your home’s cooling systems and practices to reduce your energy consumption.

    Start by installing energy-efficient windows and blocking heat caused by sunlight by decorating with drapes or solar screens. You also can plant trees and shrubs on your home’s sunny side to help create shade. Additionally, walk around your home and reduce how many things are plugged in when not in use, and use power strips to avoid energy drains.

    Make More Changes

    If you look around your home and see room for more eco-friendly improvements, make the necessary changes. Some improvements to consider include using green products like insulation made from recycled materials, used furniture from eco-conscious manufacturers and paints and stains with fewer or no chemicals. Switch to sustainable practices like composting, repurposing materials and using water-saving appliances like a recirculating water pump and low-flow toilet.

  • Go Green In Your Home With Simple Changes

    Posted on October 19th, 2014
    admin No comments

    How “green” is your home?

    There are simple changes you can make in your home to become more green. Clear The Air would like to share a few simple tips on how to impact the environment in a positive way.

    • Change your light bulbs. Trade out those incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs which save energy.
    • Use energy-efficient appliances. If you need to replace an appliance, replace it with an appliance that has an Energy Star label to save energy and money. You may be eligible for a tax credit when you use energy-efficient appliances in your home.
    • Wash full loads of laundry and dishes. Waiting until you fill your washing machine and dishwasher before you run them will save energy, water, and power.
    • Recycle those old electronics instead of throwing them away in the trash. Chemicals and heavy metals from electronics that are thrown away just sit in the ground.
    • Pull the plug on your electronics. Even after you turn your TV off it continues to use power if it is still plugged in. By unplugging it, you can save energy and money.
    • Get your food from local farmer’s market. You will not only have fresher produce, but you will save on the energy and fuel costs when you buy your produce at local farmer’s markets.
    • Fix your leaky faucets immediately. A leaky faucet or shower can waste gallons of water a day which not only a waste of our water resources, it is also money down the drain.