How To Clear Up Wet Basement Smell
Posted on November 8th, 2013Does your basement smell damp and musty, or have you had a flood and after the water is cleaned up you are left with a musty mildew odor?
Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator will completely eliminate these odors.
Simple and cost effective to use Earth Care is the answer to your basements musty mildew odors. This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.
Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.
If you need to eliminate odors in your basement, order our basement bundle. Here is how to eliminate that wet basement odor:
- Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet.
- Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months.
- If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
- One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.
How To Care For Your Pets In Cold Weather
Posted on November 6th, 2013Cold weather care tips for you and your pets.
In Southern California our “cold weather” is usually pretty mild compared to other parts of the country.
But keep in mind it does still get cold at night. Cold enough you need to take precaution for your pets.
Clear The Air would like to share some tips on how to care for your pet during the colder winter months:
- Don’t leave pets outdoors when the temperatures drop. Of course dogs need outdoor exercise however keeping them outside for lengthy periods of time during freezing conditions can cause health hazards.
- Make sure shorter coated dogs don’t spend too much time playing outside in the cold weather. If your dog will wear a comfortable sweater during walks and outdoor playtime, we recommend it.
- Dogs and cats are safer indoors altogether. Animals left outside unattended pose the risk of being stolen or otherwise harmed.
- Look for signs of hypothermia during cold weather conditions. These include weak pulse, dilated pupils, decreased heart rate, extreme shivering, pale or blue mucous membranes, stupor or unconsciousness. Consequences of sever hypothermia can cause neurological problems including coma, heart problems and kidney failure.
- Don’t let your pet be exposed to wind chill. If you must keep your pet outdoors, protect him with a dry, draft-free doghouse large enough for the dog to sit and lie down comfortable but small enough to keep in his body heat.
- Pets that spend more time outdoors need more food in the winter. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make sure his water is fresh as well.
- Don’t expose your pets to antifreeze. This is a deadly poison that has a sweet taste which attracts animals. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze out of reach of pets and children.
How To Safely Eliminate Home Odors
Posted on November 4th, 2013Clear The Air is non toxic and all green.
Earth Care’s Clear The Air is a naturally green product and 100% safe to use around pets and children.
We pride ourselves on not only the amazing things it can do, but also on the safety of Clear The Air. Check out why it is safe:
Earth Care is made from an all natural mineral. It is non toxic, non hazardous, non-caustic, and biodegradable. It can safely be used around pets and children. It is safe to sprinkle in your pet’s cage; it will not hurt your pet even if eaten. It can be applied directly to you pets fur; this is excellent if your pet has encountered a skunk, or to get rid of the “doggie” smell.
Many of the odor and pollution control products on the market today act merely as masking agents. This means they add chemicals to the air to cover up odors and actually increase the level of indoor pollutants in the process. Earth Care, on the other hand, truly eliminates odors and cleans the air by adsorbing and neutralizing odors. Earth Care Products are especially beneficial to those that suffer from chemical sensitivity which can be aggravated by fragrances.
Earth Care is safe for Planet Earth. To dispose of Earth Care simply add to your soil, it is an excellent nitrogen soil amendment.
How To Keep Pets Safe On Halloween
Posted on October 30th, 20135 Halloween safety tips for your pets.
Halloween is just around the corner and as we all like to include our pets in our family activities, it is important to make sure we keep our pets safe and happy on holidays like Halloween.
Check out Clear the Air’s helpful tips to keeping your pets safe this Halloween:
- Pet Costumes – The safest pet costume is one that fits loosely and is simple. A bandana around your dog’s neck is perfect. Don’t let your pet’s costume restrict his mobility or allow him to get tangled up or strangled. Always make sure your pet is under your supervision when he has a costume on.
- Halloween Decorations – When decorating your home, remember to put decorations on display in an area they won’t be easily knocked over or reached from pets. This especially goes for any décor with lit candles.
- Noises – Pets can be scared and skittish of noises associated with Halloween such as the ringing of the doorbell, squeals and chatter outside the door and any small fireworks that are set off in the street. Additionally, scary costumes can alarm pets.
- Candy – Candy and chocolates are never a good idea for your pets. On Halloween there is an increased chance your pets may consume treats they aren’t meant to have. Provide your pets with pet-safe treats and toys to keep them entertained and keep all candies away from your pets during the holiday.
- Runaway Pet – Halloween is not the time to let your pets wander around outside. Keep your dogs on leash and your cats indoors. Unfortunately there are mean-spirited individuals that may be inspired to mess with your pets. This is also a great time to get your pets micro-chipped.
How To Get Your Cat To Use The Litter Box
Posted on October 28th, 2013Litter box tips for your cat.
Clear The Air specializes in providing Odor Eliminators that can eliminate litter box odor to keep you and your cat’s noses happy.
Here are some tips for creating a pleasant environment for your kitty’s sandbox:
- Keep the litter box in a safe and quiet location. Make sure it is not in a corner with no escape – like the end of the laundry room with one entry/exit.
- Keep litter box clean….no one likes a dirty outhouse!
- Keep litter box and the cat’s feeding area in separate places.
- Don’t place litter box on carpet…often the feel of carpet is more attractive than the litter.
- Don’t move the box around and if you have to change the location of it, do it gradually (a few inches a day)
- The bigger the box, the better.
- Add Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator to the box every time you scoop or clean the box.
If your kitty misses the sandbox or has an accident somewhere else he/she isn’t supposed to, clean up the spot and sprinkle Earth Care on the soiled area. Cat urine is a very strong odor and unfortunately it stays in the carpet if you do not have the proper way to get rid of it. That is why Earth Care works great for cat urine odor. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed and neutralized.
The Truth About Black Cats
Posted on October 24th, 2013Happy Halloween from Clear the Air!
We always like to encourage families adopt animals from shelters and we especially encourage the adoption of black animals because believe it or not, they are usually the last to get adopted.
We would like to share an article from the ASPCA regarding the truth about black cats.
Have you heard the myth that black cats are unsafe in October, in part because witches may try to adopt them for rituals? We sure have. But guess what? Top ASPCA experts agree that it’s just not true.
Unfortunately, the truth is kinda scary, too: Year-round, black cats are the least likely to get adopted in shelters across the U.S. In fact, black animals in general take more time to find homes, says Gail Buchwald, Senior Vice President of the Adoption Center.
Aside from the most important reason to adopt black kitties—that they really need extra help finding homes—here are a few reasons to take home one or two:
- Their fur won’t show on your little black dress.
- You can tell your kids you adopted a mini panther.
- Black cats go with everything.
- In most cultures, black cats are a sign of good luck.
- You already know black cats are awesome—you have one at home! If you’ve got a great black kitty, tell us about him or her in the comments. You just might persuade someone else to give these felines a little extra attention.
How To Remove Odors From Your House
Posted on October 22nd, 2013Many different odors can emerge throughout your home.
Thankfully, Clear The Air can eliminate all those odors, no matter how bad they smell! Please share with us how Clear The Air has helped eliminate odors in your home by commenting below.
- Refrigerator Odors: Place one to two of our Odor Eliminator Bags in your refrigerator and let our product do its magic. Of course, taking out any old or spoiled food from your fridge will help take the odor away faster.
- Cat Litter Box: Add granules to bottom of litter box, add litter, then add additional granules on top. Add ½ cup of granules each time litter is changed, scooped or as needed. This will prolong the life of your litter, along with making the odor unnoticeable to your nose and your cats!
- Doggie Smell On Carpets/Furniture: Remove feces and excess urine then sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Our product will also work well on old dry urine odors. Leave product on overnight, then sweep or vacuum. Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor. Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary. One canister covers 100 square feet.
- Cigarette and Cigar Odor: Hang 1-2 Earth Care Odor Eliminator Bags in each room that smells like cigarette smoke. One bag will cover 50-100 square feet. The odor will be eliminated in 24 hours. One bag will last 1-2 months, if room is heavily permeated with smoke odor the bag may need to be changed more often at first. If odors are particularly strong or room has been smoked in for years sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture granules on carpets and furniture. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated. One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture covers 100 square feet; one bucket covers 900 square feet. Granules can also be placed in ashtrays and cigarette butt receptacles.
- Basement: Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet. Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months. If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated. One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.
- New Carpet: Some new carpets contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are emitted as gases when they are first installed. When exposed to VOCs people may experience a wide range of symptoms that can include nose and throat discomfort, headache, allergic skin reaction, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. Sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator granules over entire carpet. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum. When granules are down it is best to have some ventilation in the room such as a window open. One bucket covers 900 square feet. Also hang 1-3 bags in each room. Bags will last 3-4 months; we recommend you leave the bags up to continue removing new carpet odors. One bag covers 100 square feet.
Uncategorized ammonia, animals, cat urine odor eliminator, cigar, cigarette smoke, clear the air, dead mice, dead rat odor, dog care, dog urine, dogs, earth care, health benefits, litter box, mildew odor, new pet, odor, odor eliminator, odor remover, older dog, Pest Control, pets, small animals, smoke, urine, water damage -
How To Give Medicine To Your Cat
Posted on October 17th, 2013Tips to giving medicine to cats.
It is not easy to give a cat medicine. We would like to share some helpful tips from the ASPCA on how to successfully administer medicine to your cat:
- First, call your cat to a place she likes, such as the area where you keep her food dish. When she comes, give her one of her favorite cat treats. (If your cat doesn’t like cat treats, try something more exciting, like small pieces of fish or chicken.)
- Gently put your hand on her jaw and hold it for a very brief moment. (Try to release her before she tries to get away.) Just before you release your cat, say “Yes,” and then quickly give her a treat.
- Practice steps one and two for a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the time that you hold your cat’s jaw. Progress in very slow steps. First, increase from one second to two seconds. When your cat seems totally comfortable with that and doesn’t struggle to get away, you can increase to three seconds. Then increase to four seconds, then five, etc.
- When your cat will let you hold her jaw for 8 to 10 seconds, help her get her used to letting you stick your finger just inside her mouth. Again, start slowly. Only put your finger in her mouth for a second at first. Say “Yes” just before you remove your finger, and then quickly give your cat a treat. When you can put your finger in your cat’s mouth for about three seconds, proceed to the next step.
- Now you can teach your cat to allow you to open her mouth. Open her mouth, just a little, for only a second. Before letting go of your cat, say “Yes.” Then give her a treat. Repeat this step until your cat doesn’t resist when you try to open her mouth.
- When you can open your cat’s mouth wide enough, slip a small bit of treat inside, say “Yes,” and give her a second treat. When your cat seems comfortable with this step, you can move on to Step 7.
- Finally, open your cat’s mouth, slip in a treat with medicine juice on it, say “Yes,” and give her a real treat.
Does My Dog Know When I’m Sad?
Posted on October 14th, 2013Dogs are much more perceptive than we think.
You may not be able to talk with him about your bad day at work but when he lies next to you with his nose on your lap, you can tell he just gets it.
Did you know a dog’s mind is roughly equivalent to that of a human two-year old’s and they have the social consciousness of a teenager? The following are emotions dogs can sense you are feeling:
Sadness – When you are down in the dumps, your dog will probably act extra-tame. Why do you think they use dogs for therapy for sick and elderly people? Scientists are still a few steps away from saying dogs have true empathy for humans but they are optimistic. In a study published in the journal Animal Cognition dogs would lick all around sad people’s hands or faces and some sweetly brought over toys.
Unfairness – Your dog may notice if you play favorites with other pets. In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that when dogs saw other dogs getting treats for a trick they’d been performing unrewarded, the uncompensated dogs became visible distressed. In the study, as long as both dogs received a treat, one with a piece of sausage, the other with a piece of bread, both dogs were happy.
Priorities – When a baby comes home from the hospital and your pet is no longer the focus of your attention, he’ll pick that up pretty quickly. In some cases it can even lead to depression. Make sure you show love to your dog as well as your baby. A good suggestion is to bring an extra swaddling blanket to the hospital, wrap the baby in it, then bring it home and put it where your dog sleeps. This way your dog gets used to the scent from the very beginning and associates it with something he likes.
Annoyed or mad – If you’re angry with your dog, he’ll act submissive. That’s where the puppy dog look comes in. Interestingly enough, dog owners who scolded their pets whether or not they acted up, found the guilty look didn’t necessarily correspond to the dogs that actually had been naughty.
Fear – If something is menacing in your home, say a rat or intruder, as soon as you give off scared vibes, your dog will pick up on them. Unless you have a breed of dog that acts more as a guardian, your dog will most likely be just as scared as you are in that frightening situation. Your dog will usually mimic your emotion you put out. For example if you act cautiously and shy away, your dog probably will too.
Generosity – Did you know dogs watch and listen to your social interactions with other humans? In a study done out of the University of Milan, researchers had dogs observe two actors: one who kindly shared his cereal and sausage bits with a beggar, and another who shooed off the beggar harshly. Scientists found that, more often than not, dogs approached the more generous person when prompted—and it seems that a friendlier tone of voice made a difference. So beware: Your dog may judge your personality while you yell at your husband or kids.
Sickness – Believe it or not, it is not an urban legend that dogs can sniff out sickness. A fascinating research shows that many diseases, like lung cancer and prostate cancer, cause the body to give off odors that dogs are able to detect. In certain situations, a dog’s nose is between 1,000 and 10,000 times better than a human being’s. Dogs may not necessarily know if something is wrong, but they can tell something is definitely different.
Attention – Your pet is most likely sneakier than you think. In a study, researchers put treats on the floor in front several dogs, forbidding them to eat the food. The dogs behaved as long as the person watching them stayed in the room. When the person left, the dogs ate the treats within 5 seconds.
How To Eliminate Odors Around The House
Posted on October 10th, 2013Many different odors can emerge throughout your home.
Thankfully, Clear The Air can eliminate all those odors, no matter how bad they smell! Please share with us how Clear The Air has helped eliminate odors in your home.
Refrigerator Odors: Place one to two of our Odor Eliminator Bags in your refrigerator and let our product do its magic. Of course, taking out any old or spoiled food from your fridge will help take the odor away faster.
Cat Litter Box: Add granules to bottom of litter box, add litter, then add additional granules on top. Add ½ cup of granules each time litter is changed, scooped or as needed. This will prolong the life of your litter, along with making the odor unnoticeable to your nose and your cats!
Doggie Smell On Carpets/Furniture: Remove feces and excess urine then sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Our product will also work well on old dry urine odors. Leave product on overnight, then sweep or vacuum. Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor. Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary. One canister covers 100 square feet.
Cigarette and Cigar Odor: Hang 1-2 Earth Care Odor Eliminator Bags in each room that smells like cigarette smoke. One bag will cover 50-100 square feet. The odor will be eliminated in 24 hours. One bag will last 1-2 months, if room is heavily permeated with smoke odor the bag may need to be changed more often at first. Granules can also be placed in ashtrays and cigarette butt receptacles.
Basement: Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet. Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months. If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
New Carpet: Some new carpets contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are emitted as gases when they are first installed. When exposed to VOCs people may experience a wide range of symptoms that can include nose and throat discomfort, headache, allergic skin reaction, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. Sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator granules over entire carpet. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum. When granules are down it is best to have some ventilation in the room such as a window open.