• How To Care For A Pet Bunny

    Posted on December 13th, 2013
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    Did you know a rabbit can be trained to use a litter box, come when you call them and sometimes play tag with you?

    Domestic rabbits make great pets and if well cared for, indoor rabbits can live for seven to ten or more years.

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to caring for your bunny rabbit:

    • Bunnies should be kept indoors in a cage large enough from him to move freely.  If you have a wire cage, it is a good idea to cover the bottom with a piece of wood or corrugated cardboard since wire bottoms can ulcerate your rabbit’s feet.  For bedding, you can use hay, aspen shavings or straw so he can make a cozy nest.
    • Sprinkle Clear The Air at the bottom of their cage to eliminate any odors caused by your bunny. Our product is 100% non-toxic and safe even if ingested.
    • Your rabbit’s diet should consist mostly of grass hay, such as timothy or brome.  This helps keep his intestinal tract healthy and unlimited hay should be available at all times.  You should also feed your bunny rabbit pellets that are of good quality.  Fresh leafy greens are the third important component of your pet’s diet such as turnip greens, carrot tops, collard greens or dark leaf lettuces.
    • Always have clean fresh water available for your rabbit.
    • Rabbits will do their best to keep their living quarters clean as they are very clean animals by nature.  They will usually choose one corner in their cage as their bathroom.  To help litter train your bunny, once you see where his bathroom area he has chosen is, put a newspaper lined litter box in that corner.  Fill it with pelleted newspaper litter.  Don’t use pine or cedar shavings as these fumes can cause problems to your rabbits liver enzymes.
    • Brush your bunny regularly and handle him often very gently and he will become a wonderful family pet!
  • Keeping Your Pets Warm This Winter

    Posted on December 4th, 2013
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    The rainy season is upon us and for us Southern Californians, it is getting cold!

    It is important to make sure your pets are warm and dry during the winter. Keep them safe, warm and happy with these tips:

    • Pets should have a comfortable and clean, dry shelter to stay in especially if your pet spends the majority of its time outdoors.
    • Check to make sure your shelter for your pet does not have any leaks and that falling rain cannot splash inside of the dry shelter.  It is important to place it in an area where water does not accumulate.  Bottom line: keep your pet high and dry!
    • Continuous rain will usually decrease the frequency of your important walks with your dog. In order to compensate for less outdoor time, play with your pet more indoors either chasing a ball or playing tug of war just to get your pet the exercise he’s used to.
    • Pets should always have access to adequate shelter and under no circumstance should you leave your pet tied up in the rain.
    • Should there be an emergency you must have an escape or evacuation plan mapped out for your pets.  Prepare a first-aid kit for your pets in case they become wounded and never abandon them during a disaster.
  • How To Eliminate Musty Mildew Odors

    Posted on December 4th, 2013
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    Does your basement smell damp and musty?

    Basements usually have a musty odor and if you have ever experienced a flood in your home, musty mildew odors can also be left behind.

    Clear The Air can eliminate your basement’s musty odors easily, safely and without any toxic or harsh chemicals. If you smell musty odors, we suggest doing the following to eliminate those odors:

    • Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet.
    • Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months.
    • If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
    • One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.

    The great things about Clear The Air is that it doesn’t have to come in contact with the odor producer. It will actually pull odors from the entire area. Do you have questions about eliminating odors around your home? Please contact our customer service representative and she will be happy to answer all your questions!

  • How To Eliminate Pet Urine Odors

    Posted on December 2nd, 2013
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    Clear The Air’s helpful tips to eliminating pet urine odors.

    Cat & dog urine odor is one of the strongest and toughest odors to get rid of. Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor.

    This means if you have urine that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess! With Clear The Air Cat & Dog Urine Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete. It also will completely eliminate the odors from your litter box and no one will know you have a litter box in the house!

    Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.
    It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Directions to Eliminate Cat Urine Odors From Litter Box:

    • Add granules to bottom of litter box, add litter, then add additional granules on top.
    • Add ½ cup of granules each time litter is changed, scooped or as needed.
    • Will prolong the life of your litter.

    Eliminate Urine Odors From Carpets, Wood Floors, Tile, Concrete or Furniture:

    • Remove feces and excess urine.
    • Sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Also works well on old dry urine odors.
    • Leave overnight, then sweep or vacuum.
    • Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor.
    • Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary.
    • One canister covers 100 square feet.
  • How To Prepare For Unexpected Holiday Company

    Posted on November 29th, 2013
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    Quick and easy clean home tips.

    Clear the Air knows that during the holidays, company can stop in unexpectedly and we would like to share some quick cleaning tips to make your home look its best in just a few minutes.

    • Remember, if you have a cat, sprinkle some of our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator on the litter box before company comes over.
    • If you have a small animal cage, place an Odor Eliminator Bag in the cage or around it (don’t worry, our products are 100% non-toxic).
    • Did you get a puppy and there are accidents around the house? Clean them up then sprinkle our Carpet/Furniture Odor Eliminator, leave on for 24 hours then vacuum up!

    Any other odors you aren’t sure about? Ask us, we’re happy to help! Here are some cleaning tips you can do quickly before company arrives:

    • Clean the counters with a spray bottle: If you have a lot of dirty counters to clean, spray at the same time. Here’s how. With a spray bottle in one hand and a paper town in the other, spray each counter in a clockwise manner. Then, start at the beginning and wipe without ever missing a beat. It’s a more efficient way to do it and quick too.
    • Clear the Clutter: Do you have a lot of loose papers or bills sitting around your office desk or in the kitchen area? Grab a large plastic bag and fill it. Stuff it with the papers a handful at a time. Then, over the next week, sift through it when you are relaxed and you have time.
    • A few minutes per room: Take five minutes to clean each room of your house. Sound like a waste of time? Well, it isn’t. Most people can pick up a room, vacuum and load a dish washer in five minutes. So try it. You’ll be surprised at how much cleaner your house looks in under 30 minutes.
    • Dishwasher tips: If you wash your dishes prior to throwing them in the dishwasher, it’s time for a change. Through technology and science, dishwashers and dish washing detergent/liquid is much more powerful. So quit washing your dishes before you “wash” your dishes. Rinse them instead. Then, with two hands, pick up two dishes/cups/silverware and place them in the dishwasher at the same time. It’ll help you load your dishwasher in a more efficient manner.
    • Make vacuuming count: If you tend to run your vacuum over the same spot two and three times, stop it. Pretend you’re in a race and you have to cover each area of your carpet in singular motions. Do this and you’ll complete this chore quickly.
  • Thanksgiving Foods Dangerous For Your Pets

    Posted on November 27th, 2013
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    Are you cooking at home for Thanksgiving?

    Tomorrow is the big Turkey Day and if you are planning to cook at home, make sure to check out our list of top ten Thanksgiving foods that are toxic to your pet.

    A very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Clear The Air!

    • Sage – Cats are especially sensitive to this herb, which can cause stomach upset and central nervous system depression
    • Bread Dough – Raw dough could actually rise in your pets’ sensitive tummy, causing discomfort or an even more serious emergency.
    • Cake Batter – Raw eggs can cause salmonella infection in your pet, just as it can for anyone in your family. Stick to dog biscuits and kitty treats instead of this sugary concoction.
    • Wrappings – Dispose of aluminum foil, plastic wrap and wax paper. While licking up food left on these wrappings pets can ingest some of the wrapper, leading to intestinal obstructions. Also, look out for tooth picks, skewers and used silverware.
    • Walnuts and Macadamia Nuts – These can cause weakness, depression, incoordination, and tremors. In addition, the high fat levels of these nuts may cause pancreatitis in dogs, resulting severe vomiting and diarrhea.
    • Bones – It seems counterintuitive, but bones are bad for dogs. Bones are unsafe, no matter what their size. Giving your dog a bone may make your pet a candidate for a trip to your veterinarian’s office later, possible emergency surgery or even death.
    • Raw or undercooked turkey – Turkey Day’s main dish is dangerous for one reason: salmonella bacteria. Even though you may believe your dog’s stomach is iron-clad, it’s not.
    • Turkey skin – Seems harmless enough, right? It’s just the skin. But fatty foods like turkey skin and gravy are difficult for dogs to digest. Your dog’s pancreas can even become inflamed, resulting in pancreatitis, a very serious disease. Turkey skin isn’t good for you, either, so it’s best to throw it away and make more room for the mashed potatoes and gravy.
    • Beer – Some dogs love beer, but this doesn’t mean you should share a cold one with your dog. It can really do a number on your dog’s stomach. Depending on how much he consumes, the hops can cause your dog to have a fever, rapid heartbeat, seizures and liver damage. It can even be lethal.
    • Onions and garlic – These two culprits are always on the list of foods your dog should not eat, and for very good reason: they can make your dog very sick. Both onions and garlic contain sulfides, which are toxic to dogs and can cause the destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia.
  • How To Keep Your Pet Warm During The Rainy Season

    Posted on November 23rd, 2013
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    Pet care tips during winter.

    We’re getting into the colder months of the year and don’t you love to be able to go home out of the cold and curl up with your pajamas and sit by the fire.

    What about your dog? Don’t you want to make sure he is as warm and cozy as you are when you’re at home?

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your dog warm this winter:

    Keep them indoors. This is the surest way to keep your pets warm. Dogs, while they enjoy outings, are often happier indoors as well so they can dote on their owners. Cats enjoy being able to snuggle up somewhere warm indoors.

    Get your dog jackets and sweaters. If your home is a little chilly, cute jackets and sweaters can keep them warm. If they are going outside with you into the snow (dogs more than cats), it’s better to choose something that has a waterproof nylon covering.  Make sure the sweater or jacket fits them properly and they are comfortable enough to maneuver in it.

    Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.

    Proper outdoor housing. If your dog spends a lot of his time outdoors, make sure he has the right housing. His doghouse should have a sloped roof, insulation and even a heater if he is expected to live in there.

    Bedding. His bed should be at least 3 inches off the cold floor to avoid drafts. Low platforms made of a light wood or aluminum frame with canvas stretched over it suit these pets just fine.

    Booties. Your dog regulates his temperature through the soles of his feet (as well as his tongue, of course). When walking in the snow, booties can help keep him warm. This will also protect him from salt and other products used to melt ice.

    Increase feeding. Pets use up more calories in the winter trying to stay warm. Feed them a little more in the winter months, especially if they spend a lot of time outside.

    Use a hot water bottle or snuggle disk. If your home is chilly, you can keep your dog or cat warm by using a hot water bottle under his bed or even a snuggle disk, which is a manufactured disk that is heated in a microwave oven and can maintain heat for hours.

    Don’t forget the occasional special treat , belly rub or scratch on the head. Nothing warms your dog and cat’s hearts more than special food and attention, so give him both.

  • How To Keep Your Pets Safe Around Christmas Decorations

    Posted on November 15th, 2013
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    Have you started decorating for Christmas yet?

    We’re not sure about you but some of us here at Clear The Air have started to put up our Christmas decorations. We would like to share some tips to keeping your pets safe around your Christmas decorations.

    Your pet will be curious about all the new decorations that are out.  Here are some tips on keeping your pet safe around the holidays:

    • Poinsettias, holly and mistletoe can be toxic to inquisitive pets.  It is important to keep plants up and out of reach of both your dog and cat.
    • If part of your holiday decorations includes a live tree, remember pine needles can create a danger to any pet that may attempt to eat one.  Needles can puncture the intestines of your pet, so keep your tree watered and clean up fallen needles as soon as possible.
    • It is in a cat’s nature to be very curious and usually find indoor trees very entertaining.  As any cat owner would know, cats love to go after things that sparkle and move.  Tinsel is in this category and is extremely dangerous if ingested.  Glass ornaments should be placed up high to keep noses and paws away.
    • Be careful not to let your pet drink the tree water if you have put any type of additives in it.
    • For anyone that has seen the Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation movie, you would know the danger caused by electrical cords under and around the tree.  It is important to tape down or cover electrical cords to keep your pet from chewing on them.
    • If you are planning on hosting a party, make sure to keep animals in a back room away from guests and the door.  While people are arriving it is possible your cat or dog could escape.  Also, while enjoying your holiday meals with family, it is important not to let animals eat scraps from the table; especially rich food usually served during the holidays as it can cause stomach upset or even pancreatitis attacks.

    We wish you and your pets a safe and fantastic Holiday Season!

  • Crazy Cat Facts For The Crazy Cat Lady!

    Posted on November 14th, 2013
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    Think you are a “crazy cat lady”?

    Did you know about these crazy cat facts? Check out some of the facts about cats Clear The Air would like to share:

    • One litter of kittens can be produced by more than one father.
    • A cat’s heart beats up to 140 times per minute, or about twice as fast as a human’s.
    • Many people think that cats are colorblind, but it’s a myth. Now we know that cats can see blues, reds and greens. Also, many cats don’t have eyelashes.
    • Cats will spend about a third of the day grooming. The process is helped along by the backwards-facing spikes on their tongues. Now you know why it feels like being rubbed with sandpaper when they lick you. They will also spend about 16 hours a day sleeping.
    • Puss, a cat from England, lived to be 36 in human years: the oldest cat on record.
    • Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows in mourning when their cats died. And if someone killed a cat, he or she could get the death penalty.
    • Cats weigh an average of 12 pounds. The heaviest cat on record weighed nearly 47 pounds. The lightest was one pound, eight ounces.
    • When kittens are born, their eyes are blue – but they often change color as the babies grow. The will also start dreaming when they’re about one week old.
    • Cats can be trained to use the toilet as their litter box. Some can even be taught to flush when they’re done.
    • Researchers have tried mouse-flavored cat food. The cats who were introduced to it refused to eat it.
    • You might think it’s disgusting when your cat brings you dead prey (like a bird or mouse), but you should thank her anyway. She thinks that she’s bringing you a present.
    • Cats rarely meow at other cats. Often a cat meows to his human when you come home or even to greet you when you see each other in the house or yard.
    • And our favorite – our cats don’t think of themselves as small humans. Rather, they think of us as large cats.
  • How To Eliminate Animal Odor

    Posted on November 12th, 2013
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    We all love our pets but sometimes they come with foul odors we would rather not deal with.

    Our product can help! With our product you can safely and confidently eliminate animal odors no matter how strong they are.

    Cat & dog urine odor is one of the strongest and toughest odors to get rid of. Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor. This means if you have urine that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess!

    With Clear The Air Cat & Dog Urine Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete. Will completely eliminate the odors from your liter box, no one will know you have a liter box in the house!

    Watch our video to learn how to easily eliminate pet odors: