Diet Tricks For Your Pet’s Health
Posted on June 13th, 2013Just like a large percent of American humans, American’s pets are overweight or obese.
While a cat or dog might look cute with some extra pounds on him, it is not healthy for him.
Clear The Air knows it is important to keep your pets healthy and avoid and medical risks. One major way you can do this is by monitoring what your pet eats. Here are some helpful tips for maintaining your pets’ diet:
- Provide more smaller meals for your pet rather than one or two large meals.
- Take away the self-feeders. Having food set out for your pets all the time is just asking for your pet to overeat and gain weight. Feed your pet at appropriate meal times.
- If your dog is begging for food, pet him instead. All your dog really wants is attention. Avoid the connection between begging and receiving food. Especially from the dinner table!
- Get some exercise! Providing routine exercise for your dog is a great way to keep his health up and stay in shape.
- If your dog acts hungry, provide a small snack for him. For example, instead of filling a cup of his kibbles and pouring it into his bowl, just give him 10-15 kibbles instead.
- Provide your pet with veggies as a treat. If your dog is like ours, he’ll eat anything! Try giving him some baby carrots, broccoli, celery or asparagus.
- Always provide fresh water for your pets. We suggest having multiple bowls and dishes of water throughout the house. If you have cats and dogs, make sure you provide your cats with small bowls on counters or high up places your dogs cannot reach.
Do you have any tips for feeding your pets? Please comment and share with us at our blog!
Pudgy Pets – They May Be Cute But Their Health Is In Danger
Posted on March 1st, 2012Pudgy pets are unfortunately a common occurrence nowadays.
Pet obesity is a surprisingly common problem in America – who can turn down those sweet begging brown eyes?
Unfortunately, we are killing our pets with kindness by giving them what they want and more.
The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention noted that 94 million animals – 53% of adult dogs and 55% of cats – are classified as obese or overweight according to veterinarians. However, many people seem unaware that their pets are overweight thinking their pets are fine how they are.
Obesity is now the leading health threat of pets, according to the founder of APOP, Dr. Ernie Ward. This is quite simple when obesity in pets is compared to that in humans. Obesity causes many problems such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and kidney disease. Not only will this easy to fix problem end up costing you hundreds to thousands of dollars in vet bills, it will also lower your pets life span.
The best way to defend your pet from obesity is to use a measuring cup. Most of the time, pet owners scoop up an unknown amount of dog or cat food for their pets and allow their pets to “free feed”. To assist pet owners, you can visit www.petobesityprevention.com/pet-weight-translator to find your pet’s optimum weight.
Just like humans, the best solution to preventing obesity is to exercise more and eat wisely.
Have You Considered Putting Your Pet On A New Year’s Weight Resolution?
Posted on January 5th, 2012Pets, just like humans, need to watch their weight as well. While we as the humans are the ones who provide our pets’ feed and lifestyle, we need to be attentive to the health benefits that are involved.
Pet obesity is a growing problem not often taken seriously even though it contributes to life-threatening and life-shortening conditions such as cancer, heart disease, joint problems and more. In order to see if your pet has a weight problem, you should be able to feel the ribs without a layer of fat as well as notice a waist on him. If your pet is very furry, run your hands through the fur to see if you can easily feel his ribs.
If you have any questions or concerns, always ask your vet. Should your pet be overweight, you can go to your local pet store or feed store and ask what foods they recommend for heavier pets. Also, making sure your pet gets lots of exercise is key! Just like humans, pets require exercise.
If you feed your pet commercial treats, try to limit it to very few per day or week. They are usually high in fats, sugars and calories. Try providing treats like small ice cubes or carrot pieces.
Making sure your pet is at his or her ideal weight will ensure a happier and healthier life, reducing vet visits and chronic diseases.