• New Baby? Keep Your Diaper Pail Smelling Fresh!

    Posted on May 28th, 2014
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    Diaper pail odors can become extremely strong and overwhelming.

    If you would rather not have the first thing you smell when you walk into your baby’s room be a smelly, poopy diaper, continue reading…

    Eliminate diaper pail odors with the help of Clear The Air! With frequent cleaning, use of Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminators, and limiting the diaper’s exposure to the air, your home can be the best smelling home with a baby in it on the block.

    Keep one or two of our Odor Eliminator Bags at the bottom of your diaper pail. You can also sprinkle our Odor Eliminator at the bottom of your diaper pail. We also recommend hanging a bag from the changing table, closest to the diaper pail to absorb odors as well.

    If you empty the diaper pail more frequently it will help cut down on the odor. This will also help your Odor Eliminator Bags last longer.

    Don’t use air fresheners. These only mask the odor and do not actually absorb the odor like Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminators. All you end up getting is a flowery/poopy diaper smell. Not too pleasant!

    Regularly wash out the diaper pail to limit bacteria in the air from the pail. Wash the pail with hot water and soap once in a while. This will help keep bacteria from growing.

    Do you have questions about using our product? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service department. Our products are 100% safe, even if ingested, making it perfect to use around children and pets!

  • 6 Ways to “Green” Your Boat

    Posted on May 22nd, 2014
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    Getting your boat back out on the water is one of the best ways to kick off the summer season, but just like other vehicles, boats can negatively impact the environment.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of simple “go green” adjustments you can make to your boating habits and help ensure that our waters stay clean and healthy. A summary of ideas is below:

    Use Clear The Air Odor Eliminating Bags

    Boats typically are filled with powerful odors such as bilge odors, mold and mildew odors, fuel odors, head and holding tank odors, galley odors, smoke odors and pet odors. Earth Care will eliminate all these odors. In the past boat owners have had to use caustic chemicals, expensive detailing, air purifiers and caustic ozone machines to rid their boat of odors. Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be hung in your boat and they will completely eliminate all these odors.

    Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Green cleaning products

    You want your boat to look and smell like it just came off the showroom floor, but it’s important to avoid toxic cleaners as often as possible (aka always). Remember that any type of cleaning product used on the boat’s exterior gets into the water. Look for eco-friendly products that are biodegradable and water-based or just search for products stamped with “Design for the Environment,” which is an EPA certification to identify environmentally-friendly cleaning agents.

    While there are many green cleaning products available specifically for boats, homemade vinegar solutions are often just as effective and less expensive. For example, a mixture of one part white vinegar and two parts warm water can be used to clean plastic, while chrome can be cleaned with apple cider vinegar and a soft cotton cloth. A fresh cloth with a bit of baby oil helps to restore its bright shine.

    Properly disposing trash

    Never throw trash overboard, including fishing line and plastics which can take hundreds of years to decompose. They are also deadly to marine life which can get tangled in it or choke on it by confusing it for food. Use onshore facilities to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal waste.

    Educating yourself as much as possible before going out on the water is one of the most important green things you can do. There is SO MUCH information available for you to become an expert on green boating practices that there is no excuse for neglecting responsible boating habits. There are also tools like boating safety practice quizzes that will help you determine whether you’re completely comfortable with the knowledge you need to stay green on the water.

    Prevent fuel spills

    Topping off fuel tanks usually leads to spillage. This can be prevented by filling the fuel tank slowly, using an absorbent pad or rag to catch any spills, and leaving the tank about 10 percent empty to allow fuel to expand as it warms.

    Green energy

    Marine solar panels are a great option for tapping into a green energy source for your boat. They’re not only useful for keeping things functioning when batteries die out, but they can also be used to charge all types of electronic devices such as a laptop, satellite phone, or smartphone.

    Replace traditional fluorescent lighting

    Standard fluorescent lighting produces mercury, but LED bulbs don’t contain toxins and are also more effective in lighting quality. They tend to have a longer life span, typically burning for 20 years or more before going out, and don’t use nearly as much energy as other alternatives. LEDs can be used for 95 percent of modern lamps, including spot lights, dome lights, recessed lights, navigation lights, emergency lights and more.

  • How To Eliminate Small Animal Cage Odors

    Posted on May 22nd, 2014
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    Small animals such as hamsters, chinchillas, guinea pigs, gerbils, rabbits, mice, rats and ferrets make wonderful pets.

    Most pet parents enjoy their time spent playing with their hamster, gerbil or mouse through interactive small animal supplies, such as run-about balls or pet cruisers. Additionally, it’s always a delight to see your pet rabbit or ferret hop from level to level in their multilevel small animal cages.

    As with any pet, it’s important to learn about the animal prior to bringing them home. For instance, of the many small animal cages available, it’s helpful to know which type would best suit your pet hamster or guinea pig. Secondly, knowing which type of food, bedding and other small animal supplies are preferred by your pet mice would help you better accommodate them. Ensure the health, vitality and playfulness of your small animals by learning more about their care and maintenance.

    Sometimes these cages can smell strongly/ regular cleaning is always recommended. If you can smell the odor, imagine how your pet feels living inside of the smelly cage. Clear The Air’s line of odor eliminators will help keep your pet happy, healthy and odor free.

    Here is how to eliminate odors and keep them away from your small animals’ cage:

    Earth Care is made from an all-natural mineral. It is non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-caustic, and biodegradable. It can safely be used around pets and children. It is safe to sprinkle in your pet’s cage; it will not hurt your pet even if eaten.

  • Happy Adoption Story From The San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on May 20th, 2014
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    Do you have a happy success story about a pet you adopted? Comment on our blog!

    The San Diego Humane Society recently posted a success story about a recent adoption. Check out Chloe and her story:

    Chloe (aka Loki)

    About a week after we had to put down our sweet 12-year old lab (thatChloe we had adopted from the Gaines Street shelter 4 years ago) we all had broken hearts and decided to start looking for a new dog.  We live in the Clairemont area and went back to the Gaines St campus, although we didn’t seem to connect with any of the animals currently there.

    We checked the website every day, and when we saw Loki’s picture we couldn’t wait to meet her.  We drove up to Oceanside and then stood in front of her kennel until we were called.   She had some behavioral issues and severe dog reactivity, and the counselor actually suggested we choose a different dog.  We still insisted that we wanted to see her. After interacting we fell in love, but had to wait until the trainer could meet with us, which was THREE DAYS AWAY. With sad hearts we went home and counted the minutes until we could go back to get her.

    Chloe.jpgIt’s now almost 2 months later…we have renamed her Chloe and she has settled right into our home and our hearts. We have had major breakthroughs with the dog reactivity and she now ENJOYS the dog park!  She loves to swim and we couldn’t imagine our lives without her. She has been a perfect pet in every way!  Thank you to the Oceanside staff for taking such good care of her until her forever family could find her.

    Melissa T.

  • How To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

    Posted on May 16th, 2014
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    Routine nail clipping is important for your dog.

    If your dog’s nails get too long, they could splinter or snap. This is uncomfortable for the dog and can lead to infection. You should make nail clipping part of your dog’s regular grooming process.

    If your dog isn’t used to getting his nails trimmed, the last thing you want to do is frighten and overwhelm him by rushing the process. Take a little extra time to slowly introduce the nail clippers, as well as the sensations involved in trimming. The first time you use the clippers, don’t plan on giving your dog a full pedicure. Instead, just clip one or two nails, and remember to give your dog treats or play a game right after trimming.

    Here’s an informational guide to help you trim your dog’s nails:

    1. Choose a time your dog is mellow and relaxed. Most dogs do not enjoy having their nails trimmed so finding a time he is calm will be to your best advantage. Position your dog so you have a good view of the paw you need to clip.
    2. Hold your dog’s paw firmly in one hand and the clippers in the other.
    3. Find the vein inside your dog’s nail, also known as the “quick”, before you start clipping. For dogs with lighter nails it is easy to see. If your dog has darker nails, you may not be able to detect it.
    4. Clip off a small end of the nail and gradually work towards the quick making sure you do not cut too close. If you do cut into the quick hold a piece of tissue on the nail for a few minutes. You can also use a powder that will stop the bleeding that you can find at your local pet store.
    5. File any rough ends of the nail if necessary. Praise your dog for letting him or her cut their nails so if feels like they have done a good job for sitting still for you.
  • A Perfect Pair In Need Of A Forever Home

    Posted on May 12th, 2014
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    Juliet & Gellman – the Purrrrfect Pair!

    Check out Juliet and Gellman from the San Diego Humane Society:

    Theirs is a story of friendship, and the special healing that it can bring. You see, both 6-month old Juliet and 1-year old Gellman were painfully fearful when they first came into our care. Each was transferred to us from different local shelters who needed our help in caring for them. Although they came in separately and at different times, their primary caregiver, Shannon, thought they might do well together. Her hope was that they might help each other come out of their shells a little.

    Her idea worked wonderfully – and the two cats took to one another like peanut butter and jelly!

    While both are still a bit nervous at first when being pet, it only takes seconds before they’re leaning into you – eager for more affection. Juliet, in particular, is very playful once she has warmed up and will solicit attention from those she’s closest to, sometimes even bestowing upon them the high honor of giving her cute tummy a rub! She also is very cat-friendly and seems to enjoy the company of a variety of other cats. Oh, and give this girl a special treat (baby food happens to be a favorite) and her heart will be yours!

    Gellman is more the quiet, observant-type. Mellow and sweet, he remains comfortable and relaxed in the presence of people but is a little more hesitant to approach, always glad to have Juliet to “check in with” when he’s feeling a little uncertain. However, if the mood should strike, he’s been known to be quite playful and silly when approached with a wand toy!

    Of course, regardless of their individual personalities, it’s together that these two felines really shine brightest. Many a heart has melted at the sight of the two of them snuggled up together (sometimes squeezing into rather tight quarters just to do so!) or grooming one another sweetly. They have a unique bond, and it has fostered tremendous growth in each of them and helped them share the adorable personalities they always had just hidden beneath the surface. It’s because of this bond that the two BFFs will need to be adopted together into the same loving home. And what wonderful companions they are certain to make! Once they bond to you and feel comfortable in their surroundings, you will quickly see their sweet and incredibly lovable personalities and we’re certain you’ll find yourself wondering how you ever managed without them!

    These phenomenal felines are not currently in public view so if you are interested in meeting the breathtakingly beautiful Juliet and the heartbreakingly handsome Gellman, please contact our San Diego Campus at (619) 299-7012 for more information or to arrange an introduction!

    Help spread the word about me & help me find a home! Click here to print my Furry Flyer and post it around the community!

    Animal IDs 138034 & 139857

  • How To Go Green At Home

    Posted on May 8th, 2014
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    Top ten tips for going green.

    Clear The Air is a green product and we care for the environment. It is important to take steps to go green at your home and we would like to share some helpful ways to do that:

    1. Use Clear The Air – Our product is an all green product to eliminate odors all around your home. Once the granules are saturated you can dispose of them in your garden.
    2. Use energy efficient light bulbs – Not only do CLSs save energy but they will save you money too; both on your electric bill and they last 10 times longer.
    3. Unplug your TV, computer and phone charger – Basically anything that glows or is used to make something else glow uses energy even if they aren’t being used.
    4. Recycle – Not just in the kitchen but your electronics as well. Items such as TVs, stereos, cell phones and computers can all be recycled and you can even get money for some of the items.
    5. Buy your produce locally – Most food in the grocery store has traveled around 1,500 miles before coming home with you. If you buy from a local farmer you are not only getting the freshest food possible but you are saving money all the way around.
    6. Check for leaks – Your home may have leaks in the toilet, sink, shower and more. A dripping faucet can waste up to 74 gallons a day. A leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day.
    7. Don’t mow your lawn as often – More length on your grass creates more surface area to absorb sunlight which will create a thicker turf and deeper roots.
    8. Buy energy efficient appliances – Look for the “Energy Star” logo on your appliances. They will use much less energy when you run them at home.
    9. Wash full loads – This goes for your dishwasher and washing machine. Most energy consumed by washers goes to heating the water.
    10. Use critters in your yard – Birds eat many insects. Just create a water source and trees and shrubs for cover and nesting. Ladybugs are great for your garden as they eat aphids. Visit The National Garden Association to find out other critters that are beneficial for your yard.
  • How To Keep Pests Out Of Your Home

    Posted on May 7th, 2014
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    No one likes pests in their home.

    Unfortunately sometimes when we get rid of pests, such as mice and rodents, their odor can linger.

    Clear The Air Odor Eliminators will eliminate those odors easily and safely. Earth Care Bags do not have to come into contact with dead rodent or odor causing agent. Simply hang the bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone. Earth Care acts like a magnet by attracting and neutralizing smells. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets, even if eaten. Earth Care adsorbs odors rather than masking them with a fragrance.

    Check out our tips to keep pests out of your home:

    Rodents and raccoons:

    • Raw bacon or peanut butter makes good bait for a mousetrap. Make sure a mouse will have to tug the trap to remove the bait. If you’re using peanut butter, dab some on the triggering device and let it harden before setting the trap. If bacon is your bait, tie it around the triggering device.
    • If a raccoon sets up housekeeping in your attic or chimney, chemical repellants such as oil of mustard, are temporarily effective. (The smell may bother you as much as it does the raccoon.) Your best bet is to let the animal leave, and then cover its entrance hole with wire mesh so that it cannot return.
    • To keep rodents out of your house, seal every opening they could squeeze through. Some need less than 1/4 inch of space. Put poison in deep cracks or holes, and stuff them with steel wool or scouring pads pushed in with a screwdriver. Close the spaces with spackling compound mixed with steel wool fragments.


    • If your home becomes infested with fleas, vacuum rugs thoroughly before spraying, and throw the dust bag out at once.
    • Keep ants away from your home with a concoction of borax and sugar. Mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup borax in a quart jar. Punch holes in the jar’s lid, and sprinkle the mixture outdoors around the foundation of your home and around the baseboards inside your house. The ants are attracted by the sugar and poisoned by the borax.
    • If you have cockroaches, sprinkle borax powder in the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Avoid sprinkling where children and pets could be affected.
  • Why Does My Dog Bark So Much?

    Posted on May 5th, 2014
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    Dog barking can turn into a problem if it continues incessantly.

    Clear The Air would like to share some information from the Animals Friends of the Valleys about the various reasons your dog barks and what you can do to stop incessant barking.

    The first thing you need to do in order to quiet a chronic barker is to figure out why he’s barking in the first place. Is he lonely or bored? Do you spend enough time with him? Remember that dogs are pack animals and prefer the company of other animals and/or humans.

    Most dogs will not be happy sitting by themselves in the backyard with nothing to do (except bark!) Make sure your dog has plenty of toys to occupy his mind and his need to chew. And make sure you spend quality time with him. Take him for walks and bring him inside the house every day for some “family” time. Dogs really love being with their people!

    If your dog barks at night, bring him inside the house or garage. Most dogs prefer sleeping inside anyway (remember, dogs are not solitary creatures by nature.)  Relocating your dog away from immediate neighbors to another area of your yard might eliminate barking. Another good solution is to adopt another animal so your dog will have a companion.

    Bark collars are a wonderful tool in training your dog not to bark. They can be purchased at pet stores or can be ordered online for a lower price. These new age collars do not hurt your dog in any way, they simply reprimand the bark. This may startle your dog at first but after a few times they associate the reprimand with the bark and learn to do their everyday activities without barking.

    In extreme cases, you might consider having your dog “de-barked.” De-barking is a procedure in which the vocal cords are surgically removed. In most cases, the dog will come home the day of the procedure. The barking sound will still be audible but will be more like a whisper. Consult your veterinarian for more information about de-barking.

    Barking is the number one cause of neighbor disputes. Remember, it is unlawful to allow your dog to become a public nuisance. Chronic barking is a serious problem but there are many possible solutions. Investing some time, money, and energy to solving the problem will be well worth the effort, for you and your dog

    For more information visit Animal Friends of the Valleys website.

  • Does Your Trash Smell?

    Posted on April 30th, 2014
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    If your trash can smells or you live in an area with a dumpster that smells, Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminating Bags can help!

    Dumpster rooms are frequently located in close proximity to stores and the foul odors can filter into the store or business.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags are used by Pest Control Professionals to remove dumpster room odors. Earth Care Odor Remover Bags are easy to use, just hang them in the dumpster room and they will completely eliminate the odors.

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Dumpster Room:

    • Hang 2 bags for each dumpster. Odors will be eliminated in 24 hours.
    • Bags will continue to eliminate odors. Change bags once per month.
    • For particularly strong odors sprinkle Earth Care Clear The Air Granules in dumpster. Sprinkle 2 cups over top of trash in dumpster. Odors will be completely eliminated in 24 hours. Add more as needed.