• Do You Have Backyard Chickens

    Posted on June 20th, 2014
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    Backyard chickens have started to become quite popular in many homes.

    Do you have backyard chickens? Sometimes they can get pretty smelly and if you are like most, living close to your neighbors, you may want to keep chicken odor at bay.

    Clear The Air is safe to use around your chickens and it won’t hurt them even if they eat it. We suggest sprinkling Clear The Air in their nesting box under the shavings you use as well as any area of their coop that you smell strong odors.

    The following are some great tips for backyard chicken owners:

    Chicken Housing: The first thing you want to do is to make sure that you have enough space for your chicken coop. If you don’t, this may be the time to re-arrange your yard to give you the space needed. A coop must have at least two square feet for every chicken you will have in it.

    Chicken Care: Make sure that you are always available to lock the chickens back into their chicken houses at night and let them out again in the morning hours. Fresh clean water is also needed on a daily basis along with proper feedings. It is important to make sure that the chickens are getting a well balanced diet of whole grains. On top of what you give the chickens they will eat a wide variety of bugs and worms to complete their diet.

    Chicken Eggs: Fertile eggs will require a lot of your attention so make sure that you are doing everything you can to make sure that they have the best shot possible. You have to make sure that you are also turning those eggs daily. The best way to keep track is to mark one end of the egg with an X and the other end with an O.

    Letting Your Chickens Have Free Range Of Your Yard: Many people love the idea of simply having free range chickens instead of keeping their chickens locked up in chicken houses. While this is probably the best way for the chickens to live and they certainly enjoy it, you must know that your land situation may not be the best for it. If you live close to a road that is full of traffic then free range chickens are not the way to go.

  • Do People Think You Are A Crazy Cat Lady?

    Posted on June 19th, 2014
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    Do other people know you have cats the minute they walk in your door?

    Cat litter boxes can be offensive to the nose and  can make your home smell like a giant kitty box! If you don’t want to smell like the crazy cat lady, continue reading for a safe and effective way to eliminate cat litter odor.

    It is important for the litter box area to be safe, quiet and away form the hustle and bustle at home. Here are some tips for creating a pleasant environment for your kitty’s sandbox:

    • Keep the litter box in a safe and quiet location. Make sure it is not in a corner with no escape – like the end of the laundry room with one entry/exit.
    • Keep litter box clean…no one likes a dirty outhouse!
    • Keep litter box and the cat’s feeding area in separate places.
    • Don’t place litter box on carpet…often the feel of carpet is more attractive than the litter thus causing accidents.
    • Don’t move the box around and if you have to change the location of it, do it gradually (a few inches a day)
    • The bigger the box, the better.
    • Add Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator to the box every time you scoop the litter box, clean it or you smell it and just don’t have time right then to clean it out.

    If your kitty misses the sandbox or has an accident somewhere else he/she isn’t supposed to, clean up the spot and sprinkle Earth Care on the soiled area. Cat urine is a very strong odor and unfortunately it stays in the carpet if you do not have the proper way to get rid of it. That is why Earth Care works great for cat urine odor. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed and neutralized.

    Plus, our products are 100% safe to use around pets and children, even if ingested!

  • Success Story for Mutt Monday

    Posted on June 16th, 2014
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    Meet Charlee Boots…a sweet little pit bull adopted from the San Diego Humane Society!

    It is Mutt Monday and we love hearing success stories about dogs who have found their forever home! Check out Charlee Boots story and how happy she is with Julia and Adam who gave her a forever home:

    Charlee Boots (a.k.a. Peanut)

    Charlie_Boots“My husband and I adopted a blue pitbull from the San Diego Humane Society in January 2013. Her name was Peanut, but has since changed post adoption to Charlee Boots (she has all white paws).  We just wanted to give you an update. November 1st was her 1st birthday and she couldn’t be more perfect ! She is the most friendly and lovable pup a family could ever dream of. Everyone that comes across her falls in love with her and her goofy personality. She isn’t the most coordinated pooch, but she manages to chase the ball and wrestle with her older sister Emma Rose. Charlie_Boots2

    We celebrated her 1st birthday with homemade dog biscuits and having a puppy party for her 🙂 I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s a little Bichon mix like her sister since she lays on top of you to cuddle any chance she gets. My favorite thing about her is when she sings. I have NEVER heard her bark. She does this howling thing as she tries to talk back to you when you ask her a question. My husband and I would like to thank you for saving Charboots, and allowing us the opportunity to make her a part of our family. We are truly blessed and absolutely love having her in our family. We appreciate everything you do for animals, and are thankful you gave Charlee a second chance.

    Thank you, Julia & Adam”

  • Nursing Homes – How To Eliminate Foul Odors

    Posted on June 13th, 2014
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    As people age, odors increase, but they don’t have to be tolerated.

    Nursing homes can inhibit a foul odor that can be quite distracting and at times post health issues if not taken care of properly.

    Instead of using chemicals and putting off a fragrance to simply cover up the odor, Clear The Air works like a magnet and can actually absorb the foul odors you find in a nursing home.

    Clear The Air Odor Eliminators are an easy, inexpensive way to solve odor problems in a nursing home. Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the carpet pad, and sub-floor.

    Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is nontoxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Directions to Eliminate Odors from Nursing Homes

    • Hang 1 or 2 bags in each room that has odor. Some air circulation is best. One bag covers approximately 100 square feet. Bags will last approximately 3 months.
    • You can also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminating Granules on the carpets and furniture. Leave on for 24 hours then vacuum up.
  • Skunked!! Now What?

    Posted on June 11th, 2014
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    Your dog barks frantically, or maybe zooms off in another direction. Then you smell it. Skunk! Some escape with just a spritz, other dogs come back dripping in skunk juice. Not good.

    Skunks are nocturnal, or more accurately, crepuscular; active mainly at twilight, dawn and full moon (dimly light) nights. Skunks have a strong sense of smell and hear well, but do not see very well. They do, however, have very good aim with their offensive scent.

    The scent glands are similar to dog and cat anal glands. They are located on either side of the anus and produce an oily secretion. The secretion contains sulfur compounds (what produces the rotten egg smell).

    Skunks are adept as using their scent glands as a weapon against predators. Spraying is not the skunk’s first line of defense. They engage in a series of displays to ward off potential attacks before spraying. If a skunk feels threatened, they will hiss, stamp their feet and raise their tail as warning signs. A mother skunk with babies may spray offensively.

    Once they decide to spray, the tail goes up, and the offensive secretion is sent off to its target.

    Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Skunk Odors will completely eliminate the smell from your dog, the furniture, carpets, lawn/shrubs, and you!!

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral can be sprinkled directly on your pet, as well as inside and outside to eliminate skunk odors. Clear The Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally ”clears the air“ leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is safe around children and pets even if eaten. Granules are totally safe for all lawns and vegetation. No need to remove granules from your lawn or vegetation, as they provide an excellent time-released nitrogen fertilizer.

  • Cotton Is Looking For His Furrrrrever Home!

    Posted on June 9th, 2014
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    Cotton – the Purrrrfect Choice!

    Cotton is a “Hidden Gem” at the San Diego Humane Society. Check out his story…he is looking for a forever home. If you or someone you know is looking to adopt a kitty, please consider Cotton from the San Diego Humane Society:

    Look up the word “sweet” in the dictionary and it’s altogether possible that the definition you find will simply read: “Cotton the cat.” Of course, the same can easily be said for any similar such words, e.g. “Lovable,” “Affectionate,” “Loving,” etc. And you could rest assured that you were being given completely accurate information (from a crazy awesome type of dictionary no less).

    You see, this 7-year old Himalayan/Domestic Longhair mix is the epitome of all such words and sentiments. Truly. Like seriously, you have no idea. Cotton has managed to take all of our collective hearts, steal them, and also melt them simultaneously. All he wants is to nuzzle, purr, and affectionately knead his way into your arms.

    Want to hold him like a baby?
    Guess what? He wants you to, too!

    Looking for a feline who isn’t afraid to express his sweeter, softer side?
    Well, you’re in luck because he just so happens to be looking for you, too!!

    Now, it is perhaps worth mentioning that the aforementioned feline is the sweetest and most loving and adoringly adorable kitty you have ever met… just so long as you are a human being. Or at least not another male cat. He seems okay with the ladies. Might even do well with a doggie. He just ain’t too keen on other male kitties so much. But boy-oh-boy with this boy, and the abundance of love he has to share, you will never find yourself lacking in the love department with him by your side!!

    Cotton is also FIV positive. What does that mean? Sound scary?? It really isn’t, it just means that it’s harder for him to fight infection. Many FIV+ cats live long and happy lives! They can live as an only cat or with other FIV+ cats.

    Cotton is currently available for adoption at our San Diego campus but is residing behind-the-scenes, so you will need to be sure to ask for an introduction! His adoption fee of only $65 is such a small price for the ginormous amount of love that he will introduce into your life! It also includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, and a license if residing in Oceanside or Vista! For more information about this lovable gem of a kitty, or if you’d like to meet him, please contact Customer Service at (619) 299-7012 or stop by our Gaines Campus. Animal ID 140626

  • New Carpet – Did You Know The Odor Can Be Toxic?

    Posted on June 6th, 2014
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    New carpet is wonderful because it gives you a fresh, new, clean feeling.

    Did you know, however, that a caustic chemical may lurk in your new carpet?

    Some carpets are made with a chemical called VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, and are a substance that contains carbon and that evaporates or “off-gases” at room temperature.

    A number of building and household materials may be sources of VOCs. New carpeting, backing, and adhesives; draperies; wood products that use certain glues, finishes, and waxes in the manufacturing process; and vinyl type flooring and wall coverings may all release VOCs into the air.

    Studies of animals have shown that breathing some types of VOCs over a long period of time can increase the risk of getting cancer.

    These odors can easily be removed with Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminators. Simply sprinkling Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the carpet and hanging Earth Care Odor Remover Bags will eliminate the new carpet odors. This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.

    Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Are you planning any type of home improvement project? Make sure to keep our Clear The Air on hand to eliminate harmful chemicals such as VOCs that lurk in paint, glues and carpets.

  • Potty Training Tips For Your Dog

    Posted on June 4th, 2014
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    Need help potty training your puppy?

    Clear The Air knows all about potty training. We had to go through it with our youngest dog, “Z”!

    If you experience any accidents in the house, make sure to use Clear The Air Pet Odor Eliminator. Click on the link to learn how to eliminate accidents from your puppy.

    Here are some helpful potty training tips:

    • Restrict your dog’s access to the house. Making his environment smaller makes him less apt to have an accident. This same process can also be used for crate training.
    • Keep your dog with you, or keep an eye on him. Dogs usually like to sneak off to have accidents, if you can’t see him, he might be getting into something he shouldn’t be.
    • Go outside with him when teaching your dog to potty train. If you don’t see him urinating and defecating outside he might just be playing and not taking care of business. Plus going out with him teaches you about his routine.
    • Quietly praise your dog for going potty outside. Don’t reprimand him for making a mistake, just distract him and get him outside as soon as you can.
    • If you have a dog that likes one particular area specifically, you can put his food near that area and he will not urinate or defecate where he eats. But be careful, this sometimes doesn’t address the problem and the dog finds a new spot.
    • Utilize a crate, or a baby gate, or an exercise pen when you are not home. If you are diligent about keeping your dog with you when you are home, but he pees or poops as soon as you leave it is defeating your hard work. Crates are a wonderful tool for potty training.
    • Do not use puppy pads or indoor aids when potty training if you want your dog to potty outside. Encouraging potty indoor sometimes, but then wanting them to go outside is confusing. Choose one or the other and stick with it.
  • Adopt A Bunny!

    Posted on June 2nd, 2014
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    Did you know bunny rabbits usually end up without a home often throughout their life?

    Unfortunately people get a rabbit thinking it will be a pet they don’t have to worry about or maintain like you would a dog. Please think twice before getting a rabbit and make sure you have the time and care available for him or her that is needed.

    The San Diego Humane Society shared a success story from a bunny rabbit adoption they did. If you are looking for a new bunny, please adopt! There are many that need homes!

    Howard – Sweet as sweet can be

    Well, HELLO!
    Howard the bunny - success story!Thanks so much for checking in on us!!! Howard is fabulous and settling in rather swimmingly. He has become the apple of all our eyes!! He is a free roaming bun here in the Lilien casa – however he does have his little nook in my office. We’ve ordered him all kinds of gear that should be arriving any day so that his area is a bit more bunny official. In the meantime he chills with me in my office which will probably be his favorite spot of all.

    He is truly sweet as sweet can be. He loves his long, indulgent petting sessions – he’s taken to bunny purring!!! He’s been so amazing with and for our kids and just loves their company and their pets. We’ve taken him outside in his play pen and sat in the middle with him and he loves that! All in all I think everyone is pretty darn happy!!

    Thank you all again for all of your help and support!!

    The Lilien Family

  • How To Cool Down Your Home During The Summer

    Posted on May 29th, 2014
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    Summer is almost here but it is already pretty warm out.

    How do you cool down your home during the summer without running your air conditioning constantly? Check out our tips to keeping your home cool without costing too much money:

    • Cool down your home at night – Open windows and doors with screens and run any house fans you have. This will keep your home cool at night and a majority of the day. Just make sure to close them back up in the morning when it starts to warm up.
    • Make sure there are no lamps or TVs near your air conditioning thermostat. The heat from those appliances will cause your air conditioner to run longer.
    • Install white window shades or blinds to reflect heat away from the home. You can also install blackout curtains to make sure any heat from the outside is blocked from coming into your home.
    • Plant trees and/or shrubs to shade the air conditioning units but not block the airflow.
    • Replace your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents. They produce the same light but use 1/5th of the energy and heat.
    • Unplug your home electronics like TVs and stereos when not in use. You should also turn off your computer when not in use.
    • Go around your home’s windows and doors and apply any caulking and weather-stripping that is missing or eroded away. This will help keep heat out of your home.
    • Make sure your fireplace damper is closed to prevent hot air from coming into your home.