How Safe Is Your Pet From Fleas?
Posted on April 26th, 2013Summer is around the corner and that means flea season.
Clear the Air wants to protect your pets from harmful pests such as fleas.
Is your pet safe from fleas? Follow these helpful steps below to make sure your pets aren’t overtaken by flea infestation this summer:
- Clean your home thoroughly. For any level of flea infestation, you will need to do a thorough house cleaning. Vacuum every corner of your home, wash all your dog’s bedding and toys, and vacuum your car too. Even if you don’t take your dog in the car, fleas can travel on yourself and stay in your car when you leave the home.
- Use a spot on medication such as Advantage or Frontline. Although only applied to one spot on your pet, spot on medicine is extremely effective at covering your pet’s entire body. The medicine is not affected by bathing, swimming or rain and will kill and repel fleas for several weeks before application. Make sure to purchase one that is appropriate for your dog’s age and size.
- If your flea infestation is serious, oral medications when combined with spot on medications will work to disrupt the life cycle of fleas. Try hiding the medicine in your dog’s food or smashing it into a powder and mixing it in your cat’s wet food.
- Bathe your dog with special medicated shampoo that kills fleas on contact. This process usually needs to be repeated every two weeks as the effective ingredients in these shampoos don’t last as long as spot-on or oral medications.
- Keep your yard trimmed back to help reduce the population of fleas. You can try using various yard sprays or granular treatments available at your veterinarian or garden center.
Eliminate Smelly Shoe Odor
Posted on April 25th, 2013Do your shoes smell? Are you embarrassed to take them off? We can help!
Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to eliminating shoe odor and avoiding embarrassment when it comes to removing your shoes.
- Run your shoes through the wash or hand wash them if they are delicate. Use plenty of soap and water to ensure you get your shoes fully clean.
- Place them outside in a well ventilated area. Sprinkle a liberal amount of our Clear The Air Odor Eliminator in your shoes and leave outside.
- After 24 hours, grab your shoes and shake out the Clear The Air Granules.
- Put your shoes on and you are ready to go!
If your shoes still have a hint of odor lingering, you may want to do a second application. It is important to remember to leave your shoes in a well ventilated area when sprinkled with Clear the Air.
Our product also works wonders on gym bags and lockers. Place our odor eliminator bag in your gym bag and within 24 hours odors will be eliminated. You can also hang our Odor Eliminator Bag in your gym locker to eliminate odors.
Prepare Your Dog for a New Baby
Posted on April 24th, 2013Tips to get your dog ready for a new baby.
Bringing home a new baby can be stressful on your pets, especially if you have always treated them like your “babies”! Check out Adopt A Pet’s helpful tips on bringing home a new baby and how to prepare your dog for the new family addition.
What does your dog expect when you’re expecting? We’ve heard stories of dogs curling around pregnant bellies, stealing baby toys, and many other silly and wonderful stories from our pregnant friends and family about their dogs behavior when a human baby is on the way! Our friends over at Bark Busters —the world’s largest dog training company—offers tips to help families ensure a smooth transition for their dog when bringing home a new baby.
If you are expecting a baby and you have a dog, take time now to prepare your dog for the day you bring home your new child. “Dogs can feel rejected and become confused or stressed when parents suddenly shift their attention from dog to baby,” said Liam Crowe, CEO and master dog behavioral therapist of Bark Busters USA. “A dog doesn’t understand why a baby is being elevated above the dog in the pack. In trying to regain his pack position, the dog may seek attention through behaviors such as barking at the baby’s cries, jumping up, or chewing on baby’s things.”
Head on over to the BarkBuster’s Tips to Help Prepare Your Dog for the Arrival of a New Baby for help reducing bad behavior, easing everyone’s stress, and help to keep baby safe.
Should You Free-Feed Your Cat?
Posted on April 19th, 2013Feeding tips for your cat.
Do you wonder how much your cat should eat? Is your cat overweight? Check out some helpful tips below to find out what type of feeding schedule your cat should be on:
Age: Of course age makes a huge difference in how often your cat should eat. Kittens require more food per pound of body weight to support growth than adult cats do. Kittens should be fed more often throughout the day. Kittens up to six months of age may require three meals a day. Once an adult, a cat can get fed once or twice a day. Senior cats age seven and above, should maintain the same feeding schedule.
Health: If your cat suffers from a health problem like diabetes, you may need to feed him depending on when his insulin he is administered. It is best to check with your veterinarian. If your cat has hyperthyroidism, he may want to eat all the time. When a cat ages, his teeth may go bad or may develop gum disease making it difficult to chew dry food. If this is the case, offering wet food is usually best. Or you can mash up dry food in the wet food to make it easier for your cat to chew his food.
Dry vs. Wet Food: Feeding only dry food is fine as long as it is complete and balanced. Cats that only eat dry food must be provided with lots of fresh water, especially if they are prone to developing urinary tract issues. It is usually a good idea to provide both dry and wet food to your cat.
Schedule: Pick a time that is easiest for you to prepare your cats meal. If mornings work best, make that a time you can give him his wet food. Once you start doing that for a couple days, your cat will already know his schedule and expect his food in the morning.
Do you have questions about feeding your cat? Please comment on our blog!
How To Eliminate Odors From Your Furniture
Posted on April 18th, 2013Furniture shouldn’t have to be replaced if it has a strong odor.
Instead of paying an arm and a leg to have your furniture professionally cleaned if it has a strong odor, use Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture.
When you have furniture professionally cleaned, you still are not guaranteed to have the odor 100% eliminated.We guarantee our product to work or you money back.
Whether you have an odor on your couch, chairs, rugs or lazy boy recliner, simply sprinkle our Carpet/Furniture Odor Eliminator on or near the odor and leave on for 24 hours. After 24 hours you can vacuum up the granules and the odor will be eliminated. For very strong odors, a second application may be necessary.
Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. It works well for old soaked in urine odors. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances.
Clear the air does not cover up odors; it literally pulls the odors from carpets and furniture leaving the air fresh and clean.
Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.
“I used the Pet Odor Eliminator on outdoor carpet for dog urine, it took the odor out, it was easy to use, natural and not messy like a wet product. I recommend the Concrete product for people with an odor problem on concrete or landscape rocks.” – B. LunaHave questions about removing a stubborn odor? Contact us and we’d be happy to help!
Why Does My Cat Have Whiskers?
Posted on April 15th, 2013What does a cat use its whiskers for?
Whiskers are a very important part of your cat’s body. Whiskers, like hair and nails, fall out and are replaced.
Whiskers are different from your cat’s body hair. They are two to three times thicker than your cat’s hair and are rooted very keep in your cat’s face into an area which is rich in nerves and blood vessels.
Cats have whiskers on their checks as well as shorter ones above their eyebrows, on their chin and on the back of their front legs. A cat’s facial whiskers are good for navigation, mood indication, and measuring an opening.
Whiskers help a cat feel his way around and are so sensitive they can detect the slightest directional change in a breeze. This helps a cat at night slink away through a room and not bump into anything. When a cat is angry or feels defensive, his whiskers will be pulled back. If the cat is happy, curios or content, his whiskers are more relaxed and can even be pushed forward.
Whiskers on a cat are primarily used to help a cat judge whether or not he’ll fit through an opening. A cat’s whiskers are roughly as wide as his body – being used as sort of a natural ruler. Whisker tips are sensitive to pressure. You’ll most likely see a cat stick his head in and out of an opening before he puts his body in it. By doing this, he judges the width of the opening to see if he can fit.
What other facts do you know about a cat’s whiskers? Please comment on our blog to share with us!
Can A Dog Tell When You’re Sad?
Posted on April 12th, 2013Dogs are much more perceptive than we think. You may not be able to talk with him about your bad day at work but when he lies next to you with his nose on your lap, you can tell he just gets it.
Did you know a dog’s mind is roughly equivalent to that of a human two-year old’s and they have the social consciousness of a teenager? The following are emotions dogs can sense you are feeling:
Sadness: When you are down in the dumps, your dog will probably act extra-tame. Why do you think they use dogs for therapy for sick and elderly people? Scientists are still a few steps away from saying dogs have true empathy for humans but they are optimistic. In a study published in the journal Animal Cognition dogs would lick all around sad people’s hands or faces and some sweetly brought over toys.
Unfairness – Your dog may notice if you play favorites with other pets. In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that when dogs saw other dogs getting treats for a trick they’d been performing unrewarded, the uncompensated dogs became visible distressed. In the study, as long as both dogs received a treat, one with a piece of sausage, the other with a piece of bread, both dogs were happy.
Priorities – When a baby comes home from the hospital and your pet is not longer the focus of your attention, he’ll pick that up pretty quickly. In some cases it can even lead to depression. Make sure you show love to your dog as well as your baby. A good suggestion is to bring an extra swaddling blanket to the hospital, wrap the baby in it, then bring it home and put it where your dog sleeps. This way your dog gets used to the scent from the very beginning and associates it with something he likes.
Annoyed or mad – If you’re angry with your dog, he’ll act submissive. That’s where the puppy dog look comes in. Interestingly enough, dog owners who scolded their pets whether or not they acted up, found the guilty look didn’t necessarily correspond to the dogs that actually had been naughty.
Fear – If something is menacing in your home, say a rat or intruder, as soon as you give off scared vibes, your dog will pick up on them. Unless you have a breed of dog that acts more as a guardian, your dog will most likely be just as scared as you are in that frightening situation. Your dog will usually mimic your emotion you put out. For example if you act cautiously and shy away, your dog probably will too.
Generosity – Did you know dogs watch and listen to your social interactions with other humans? In a study done out of the University of Milan, researchers had dogs observe two actors: one who kindly shared his cereal and sausage bits with a beggar, and another who shooed off the beggar harshly. Scientists found that, more often than not, dogs approached the more generous person when prompted—and it seems that a friendlier tone of voice made a difference. So beware: Your dog may judge your personality while you yell at your husband or kids.
Sickness – Believe it or not, it is not an urban legend that dogs can sniff out sickness. A fascinating research shows that many diseases, like lung cancer and prostate cancer, cause the body to give off odors that dogs are able to detect. In certain situations, a dog’s nose is between 1,000 and 10,000 times better than a human being’s. Dogs may not necessarily know if something is wrong, but they can tell something is definitely different.
Attention – Your pet is most likely sneakier than you think. In a study, researchers put treats on the floor in front several dogs, forbidding them to eat the food. The dogs behaved as long as the person watching them stayed in the room. When the person left, the dogs ate the treats within 5 seconds.
How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Home And Yard
Posted on April 11th, 2013Don’t let rats invade your home.
Both rats and mice can cause major destruction to your home. Clear the Air would like to share some tips to avoid a rat infestation in your home.
First you need to check to see if you have rats. Look to see if you see mouse or rat droppings. In your yard, you can check weedy places, under boards and dog houses or near garbage cans to see if a rat has made a burrow or nest. Also any holes or edges around your home and yard with chewed edges are sure signs of a rat or mouse.
Rats and mice breed fast. A mouse can have several young when she’s two months old. Then, two months later, her young will breed. In the meantime, the mother will produce another litter. So you must keep working to get rid of them. Here are some tips to keeping them out of your property:
- Keep garbage in tightly covered cans. Feed dogs and cats in a dish, then take up the food they don’t eat. Don’t leave it out for rats and mice.
- Remove trash, old boards, weeds and junk cars. Rats and mice like to hide in such places. Don’t pile wood against the house. Store wood and other materials at least a foot off the ground.
- Keep doors closed. Cover windows with screens. One-fourth inch or smaller mesh will keep rats and mice out. Keep floor drains tightly sealed. Cement or caulk around pipes and cables where they pass through walls. Mice can get through any hole that will admit the tip of your little finger.
- If you use poison or a trap to kill your rats, chances are the rat will die in the wall of your home. This can cause a horrendous odor and thankfully Clear the Air has an easy solution to rid your home of that dead rat odor. Click here to learn more about eliminating dead rodent odor.
- Birdhouses and seed should be on poles and in trays rats can’t get.
- Roof rats get into your house from tree branches that hang over the roof. Keep trees cut back and cover any openings in the eves.
The Dangers Of Mold In Your Home
Posted on April 10th, 2013Mold and mildew can be found many places in your home.
Mold loves any type of warm or humid environment and can live off any organic matter. This means anything from a peach to an old newspaper or bathroom wall can have mold growing on it.
Mildew, a form of mold or fugus, can penetrate a living area or workspace if there is a high level of moisture in the air. You have probably experience that musty mildew odor when you go down into your basement. Mildew can come through walls, windows, doors carpets or under the refrigerator.
Mold should not be breathed in over long periods of time. Unfortunately our homes and offices are usually infested with toxic mold and mildew. Since it hides in cracks in the walls along with other invisible places, we are usually unaware we are breathing in these harmful effects.
Clear the Air can eliminate that musty mildew odor from your home. Especially if you have had a flood, our product works great to take away that smell of moisture in the air. Basements are another perfect place to use our product. Mold growth in homes and offices are a dangerous issue. if you recognize the symptoms of mold in your home, make an effort to protect your family and yourself.
Here are some tips to eliminate musty mildew odors:
- Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet.
- Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months.
- If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
- One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.
How To Eliminate Skunk Spray Odor
Posted on April 8th, 2013Have you or your pet been sprayed by a skunk?
If you have been sprayed by a skunk, you know that odor is incredibly difficult to eliminate. Clear the Air has helped thousands of people eliminate skunk odor from their pets, furniture and clothing.
You hear a noise outside and open the door and in runs your dog that has been sprayed by a skunk, before you know it he has rubbed all over your furniture, rugs and you! Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Skunk Odors will completely eliminate the smell from your dog, the furniture, carpets, lawn/shrubs, and you.
This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral can be sprinkled directly on your pet, as well as inside and out side to eliminate skunk odors. Clear The Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up skunk odors; it literally ”clears the air“ leaving the air fresh and clean.
Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is safe around children and pets even if eaten. Granules are totally safe for all lawns and vegetation. No need to remove granules from your lawn or vegetation, as they provide an excellent time-released nitrogen fertilizer.