Keep Those Pesky Odors Out Of Your Refrigerator
Posted on August 6th, 2013Do you open your refrigerator and a foul odor lingers around in your kitchen for a while?
Did you know you can easily eliminate those odors and never allow them to come back?
All you have to do is simply place the Odor Eliminator Bag in your refrigerator and foul odors will be eliminated. The Odor Eliminator Bags last up to 3 months.
If you have very strong odors in your refrigerator follow these steps:
- Perform a big fridge cleaning. Take everything out of your fridge. All the items that must stay cold, you can put in a cooler with some ice temporarily. Make sure to throw away any spoiled food and wipe any bottles or canisters that have food leaking out of them.
- Once you’ve taken everything out, turn off your fridge. Take out all your shelves and drawers and wash them in the sink to remove any spilled food particles. Wipe down the inside of your refrigerator with soap and water.
- Now, place one to two of our Clear the Air Odor Eliminator Bags in your fridge towards the back or wherever they won’t get in the way. Turn the refrigerator back on.
- Return the cold food items to the fridge and you are ready to enjoy your refrigerator odor free!
Do you have questions about our product? Please contact our customer service representative, Pat, and she will help answer all your questions.
Tips For Bringing Home A Cute Cuddly Kitten
Posted on August 2nd, 2013Clear The Air loves cats and we know that sometimes it can take a new kitten time to get used to their new surroundings.
Check out our tips for bringing home a new kitten:
- Give your kitten some time – Kittens are sometimes adopted at six weeks of age, but 10 to 12 weeks is better. Those extra weeks spent with his mother and siblings help a kitten learn acceptable behavior, from getting along with siblings to getting used to human contact. If a kitten has been gently handled and has gotten used to humans, he will be friendlier and better adjusted. In choosing a kitten, look for one that is inquisitive, doesn’t shy away from your touch, and is ready to play.
- Provide a comfortable home for your kitten – Away from his litter mates or mother, the kitten needs to feel secure as well as warm. Whether you provide a cardboard box lined with a blanket or a fancier bed from a pet supply store, keep your kitten’s bed in a quiet place, away from household traffic.
- Introduce your kitten to the family slowly – Although everyone will want to hold the kitten, limit handling for the first few days while your new pet adjusts. Set up his bed, litter box and food in a quiet room where he can be secured until he gets to know his new home. Introduce one family member at a time, allowing the kitten to come to you and learn your touch. Give your resident cat extra attention to ease his or her anxiety. Once the kitten feels comfortable, allow the two to meet briefly. Stay in the room while they sniff and explore each other.
- Kitten-proof your home before bringing him home – Kittens can get tangled or choked by anything swinging or hanging. Therefore, keep your new pet safe by securely anchoring drape or blind cords out of reach. To prevent chewing on electric and phone cords, bundle them with a cord manager and fasten away from kittens’ reach. In the laundry area, keep washer and dryer doors closed: A kitten may climb into a warm dryer for a nap. Remember, if something would be harmful for a toddler, it’s the same for your kitten.
Don’t Be Embarrassed By “Doggy Odor”
Posted on July 31st, 2013If you have dogs, you have probably come across that “doggy odor” here and there.
Clear The Air prides ourselves on being able to completely eliminate doggy odor from any source, big or small, seen or unseen.
If you have doggy odor in your carpet: Simply sprinkle Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the carpet and hang Earth Care Odor Remover Bags to eliminate doggy odors from the carpet. Wait for 24 hours to vacuum up the granules from the carpet.
If you have doggy odor in your dog beds: Take the dog beds outside where there is plenty of air circulation and sprinkle our Earth Care Clear The Air granules all over the beds. Allow 24 hours for the granules to stay on the dog beds. You can then shake off the granules and your odor will be eliminated. If the odor is extremely strong, you may want to wash the bed first, let it dry then apply the granules to the bed.
If you have doggy odor in your car: If your car smells like your dog’s bed, it’s time to use our product! Simply hang or place two of our Earth Care Odor Remover Bags in your car. Our product works best when there is air flow in your vehicle. We recommend rolling down the windows when your car is parked and not in use. If the odor is extremely strong, sprinkle some of our Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the floor boards of your vehicle. Leave the granules for 24 hours then you may vacuum them up.
This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.
Have questions about eliminating a pesky odor? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service agent, Pat.
Flooded? Helpful Clean Up Tips
Posted on July 29th, 2013Floods are no fun!
If you have had the unfortunate experience of a flood, you know how destructive they can be and how much effort is needed to clean up the mess.
Clear The Air eliminates musty mildew odor that is a result of a flood. It is extremely important to cleanup and disinfect everything in your home that may have been contaminated. Flood water may contain bacteria that can cause serious illness.
We would like to share some helpful tips to help with cleaning up from a flood:
- Act quickly to avoid mildew and odor by removing all loose dirt and debris. Use a disinfecting solution to wash walls, floors or other surfaces which have been touched by flood waters.
- Hang 1-2 bags of Clear The Air in each room with odors. One bag will cover up to 100 square feet. The bag will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. In addition to the bags sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet and Furniture granules on the floor and furniture, leave down for 24 hours, then sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
- Clean and disinfect all interior walls, counters and floors. You will also want to clean and disinfect all kitchen items such as dishes, glassware and utensils.
- Wash clothing with chlorine bleach to remove mildew and germs. Make sure the clothing labels mention they are machine washable and colorfast.
- Always remember to wear gloves and protective clothing and avoid touching your face or eyes. Make sure to be thorough and wash and dry everything well.
Odor Crisis? Check Out What Other Clear The Air Customers Are Saying
Posted on July 24th, 2013Customer testimonials – our product WORKS!
Clear The Air knows that when you purchase a new product, nothing helps to make your decision than from other people’s opinions. We would like to share some customer testimonials on our various products we offer:
My dog was at the losing end of a confrontation with a skunk. Before I realized it, he had run thought the house rubbing on everything. The odor was stifling. After using “Clear the Air” I noticed a huge improvement the next day. You have a great product. ~Lyle
Hi Pat, when I got home the package was there, yay! I put them in my stinky bathroom last night where we think a possum or some other creature has died in between our walls.. it has been horrible the last few days and we couldn’t afford to hammer the walls down to look for it…. my son says this morning it smells a lot better and he was surprised that your product works so well.. a day or two more we’re hoping it will be back to normal.. thanks again for a great product! ~Janet
LOVE your stuff! A “bonus” is when you vacuum up the granules, they stay in the vacuum and I no longer smell the dog every time I vacuum! When dumping the filter, I NEVER dump the granules! Vacuuming is now not a “smelly” job. ~Yvonne S.
I used your Odor Removing Granules and I have to say they work great! I have tried just about everything on the market to get rid of cat urine smell and nothing has worked like your product. ~Eileen I.
As VOCs relate to cancer, I am overjoyed that this takes them out. Everyone should get a kit when they buy a new house, paint a room or stain a deck. I actually used two socks filled with granules in the guest room after I painted with a “low” VOC paint…no smell by morning…fabulous- and healthy! Thanks. ~Scottie
How Do I Know My Cat Loves Me?
Posted on July 24th, 2013Cats are funny animals in that they don’t show too much emotion when it comes to showing that they love you.
Clear The Air loves cats and we have a couple of our own. We’d like to share some cool ways that cats show they love you:
- Half Mast Eyes – If you are lying in bed or on the couch with your cat and his eyes are half shut while he looks at you, he is telling you he is comfortable with you. For cats, this is a huge compliment they are giving you.
- Rolling Around With Tummy Up – A cat laying with its belly up is showing that he thinks you are safe and won’t hurt him. He is saying he trusts you and can let his guard down.
- Kneading or “Biscuit Making” – When a cat kneads on you – moving his paws up and down on you – he is saying he loves you. Kittens do this same action to stimulate their mother’s milk production. This is a sign of contentment; your cat is reliving his happy moments as a kitten.
- Head-butt – A head-butt, also known as a head bump, is your cat letting you know how highly he thinks of you, almost like a secret handshake. Not every cat does this and this behavior is somewhat rare. If you put your hand by his head and he shoves his head into your hand, he is giving you an affectionate head-butt.
- Talking – Cats do not meow with other cats so when your cat is talking away in his meow language, he is talking to you! Usually letting you know he is hungry, wants a treat or wants to go outside. Usually if you talk back to them they’ll carry on quite a long conversation with you. 🙂
Boating – 7 Tips To Keep You Alive On The Water
Posted on July 22nd, 2013Clear The Air is boat friendly and a boat owners dream!
If you’ve ever been on a boat you have probably experienced a few odors that linger on boats. Whether it is from the bilge or galley, boats usually like to hold on to their odors.
Clear the Air can eliminate boat odors and make your boating experience a great one.
Check out our tips for boating safely and remember to keep a few extra Odor Eliminator Bags on board for your boat!
- Weather – Always check the weather before departing on your boat. TV and radio forecasts are usually a good source of information. If you start to notice dark clouds and rough changing winds, get off the water.
- Prepared – Prepare for any possibility on the water. Fire safety, fueling tips, and more should all be included on your pre-departure checklist.
- Safety – Operate at a safe speed and use common sense. Be alert; steer clear of larger vessels and watercraft that have a harder time turning than you do.
- Float Plan – Let others on land know where you plan to go and how long you plan to be gone.
- Life Jackets – The majority of drowning victims from boating accidents were found not to be wearing life jackets. Your family and friends aboard the boat must all be assigned to and fitted with a life jacket prior to departure.
- Alcohol – Save the alcohol for later. The likelihood of being involved in a boating accident doubles when alcohol is involved.
- Learn To Swim – If you are around and in the water, you should know how to swim safely. Check for local classes in your area so you can learn how to swim.
New Puppy 101 – 5 Tips To Socializing Your New Family Member
Posted on July 19th, 2013New puppy tips.
Congratulations, you’ve brought home your new puppy! Now it is time to help him learn how to live in his new world and make him comfortable around new things such as the mailman, the vacuum cleaner and the occasional guest.
- First of all, you want your puppy to meet new people. This means both inside your home and out and about at new places. When your puppy engages successfully with new people reward him for demonstrating a good behavior. Initially, it is a good idea to introduce your puppy to new people on his own turf – at home. When new people come over, suggest they crouch down low and let the puppy approach them on his/her own time.
- Once your puppy enjoys new adults, introduce him to kids for a short amount of time. Sometimes children might accidentally play too rough with your pup so make sure you supervise them constantly in the beginning. As an alternative, if you bring your dog to a park your puppy will likely draw kids to him on his own.
- Next you will want to socialize your puppy around other dogs. A great way to do this is to bring your dog to a dog park. This way you can let your pup decide who to meet and for how long. It is also helpful to host doggie playdates. Invite friends to bring their dogs to your garden or backyard for a game of Frisbee or ball chase.
- If you have other pets, introduce them slowly to the new puppy. By keeping the new puppy in a kennel, this allows the new pet to visit it through the safety of the bars. Gradually extend the length of these visits until you allow them to meet face to face.
- Lastly, you should introduce new experiences to your puppy such as vacuums and other types of loud things around the house. First let your puppy check out the quieted item, then place your puppy a safe distance away before turning on the object for a second or two. After you turn it off, stand the object up and call your pup to you. Reward him with affection. Lastly, after the noise has been turned on try calling your pup. After a while loud noises will not bother him.
Putting in extra time when you first get your puppy to socialize him is a labor of love that will pay off later – for both you and your pup.
Eliminate Boat Odors
Posted on July 18th, 2013Time to get the boat out for summer! If you experience foul odors coming from your boat, read this article to find out how to eliminate boat odors. We guarantee it will eliminate your boat odors.
Boats typically are filled with powerful odors such as bilge odors, mold and mildew odors, fuel odors, head and holding tank odors, galley odors, smoke odors and pet odors. Earth Care will eliminate all these odors.
In the past boat owners have had to use caustic chemicals, expensive detailing, air purifiers and caustic ozone machines to rid their boat of odors. Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be hung in your boat and they will completely eliminate all these odors.
Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.
Directions To Eliminate Odors From Your Boat or Yacht:
- Hang one bag in each bilge compartment, the head, the galley, the forward cabin and aft cabins. Some air circulation such as an open hatch is needed. Do not put bag directly in standing water.
- All odors are typically eliminated in 24 hours. The bags will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. Each bag will cover approximately 100 square feet.
- Do not set bag in direct sun.
- If there are strong odors in your boat you may also want to sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpets and Furniture on all upholstery and carpet. Leave down overnight and vacuum. All odors will be completely eliminated.
Why We Love Our Dogs (Sometimes More Than People!)
Posted on July 17th, 2013Dogs bring us so much joy.
We all love our dogs and sometimes it’s a lot easier to get along with them than other people!
Our two dogs bring us so much joy every day. From the goofy acts of our young Rhodesian Ridgeback to the tom-boy performances of our “should be proper” standard poodle, we love our dogs and they are part of our family.
Here are some reasons why dogs are such a special part of peoples’ lives:
- Dogs are great listeners. They look right at you with a look of concern when you tell them about your bad day and the guy that cut you off.
- Dogs never talk back to you. Kids do. So does your husband. 😉
- Dogs always think you look good, no matter what you wear. They never think you look fat in anything and think you look perfect even when you roll out of bed.
- Dogs are fun. They give you something to do and will not ever allow you to be depressed or bored.
- Dogs are always happy to see you. You can leave dogs home alone. You can’t do this with your kids. When you get home they are always happy and excited to see you no matter how you look or feel!
- Dogs need exercise. Lots of it. You end up getting exercise too when you take your dog for a walk or run.
Why do you love dogs? Please comment on our blog.