• Smelly Refrigerator?

    Posted on January 22nd, 2014
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    Refrigerators can get pretty smelly.

    If you open up your fridge and it leaves a bad odor in the rest of your kitchen, one of our Clear The Air Odor Eliminator Bags will help!

    All you have to do is simply place the Odor Eliminator Bag in your refrigerator and foul odors will be eliminated. The Odor Eliminator Bags last up to 3 months.

    If you have very strong odors in your refrigerator follow these steps:

    • Perform a big fridge cleaning. Take everything out of your fridge. All the items that must stay cold, you can put in a cooler with some ice temporarily. Make sure to throw away any spoiled food and wipe any bottles or canisters that have food leaking out of them.
    • Once you’ve taken everything out, turn off your fridge. Take out all your shelves and drawers and wash them in the sink to remove any spilled food particles. Wipe down the inside of your refrigerator with soap and water.
    • Now, place one to two of our Clear the Air Odor Eliminator Bags in your fridge towards the back or wherever they won’t get in the way. Turn the refrigerator back on.
    • Return the cold food items to the fridge and you are ready to enjoy your refrigerator odor free!

    Do you have questions about our product? Please contact our customer service representative, Pat, and she will help answer all your questions.

  • Meet Tuffy, An Available Dog At The SD Humane Society

    Posted on January 20th, 2014
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    Tuffy is one of the Employee Picks at the San Diego Humane Society.

    Clear The Air loves featuring pets from the San Diego Humane Society who are in need of a home.

    Here is who we chose today and why the employees at the SD Humane Society things she’s a gem!

    Amie, one of the certified teachers on at the San Diego Humane Society‘s staff who does educational outreach, simply adores the sweet senior doggie named Tuffy. Here’s Amie’s explanation for the bond she feels with this special gal:

    “The first time I saw Tuffy, I was drawn in by her big beautiful eyes and sorrowful expression. This girl wears her heart on her sleeve! From the minute you meet this sweet girl you know she is longing for a forever-family of Tuffy & Amie share a smile!her own. She takes her time when she meets a new person, but once you gain her trust (and having some peanut butter doesn’t hurt!) she blossoms into a love-bug. Tuffy embodies what I love most about the animals I see come through SDHS, an amazing resilience and capacity to love and trust no matter what circumstances that brought them in our door.”

    Come to our Central Campus to meet sweet-souled Tuffy today!

  • How To Eliminate RV Odors

    Posted on January 16th, 2014
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    Eliminating foul odors in your RV or travel trailer.

    If you haven’t been in your RV for a while, you may experience some foul odors lurking in your RV when you go to get it ready for a trip.

    Tobacco smoke, kitchen, road kill, skunk, gasoline, smog, “doggie”, urine, mold/mildew, bathroom, and holding tank odors are common odors that stink up our RVs. Air fresheners just mask the odors and often smell worse than the offensive odor. RV detailing is expensive, and shampooing often just spreads the smell around.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be hung in your RV and they will completely eliminate all these odors. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Clear the Air is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Your RV:

    • Hang or place one bag in bathroom, and one in kitchen area, each bag covers approximately 100 square feet.
    • Leave windows open for air circulation.
    • Do not set bag in direct sun.
    • If there are strong odors in your RV you may also want to sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpets and Furniture on all upholstery and carpet. Leave down overnight and vacuum. All odors will be completely eliminated.
    • The bags will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. Each bag will cover approximately 100 square feet, some air circulation is best.
  • How To Move With Pets

    Posted on January 15th, 2014
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    Moving with your pets?

    Whether you are buying a new home or moving into a new rental, if you have pets it is important to make sure the move is as uneventful as possible.

    If you plan to move in the near future, check out our helpful tips to make sure your pets stay as calm as possible during the move:

    • Stick to your routine – If you have certain times you feed, play and walk your pet, stick to them even during the move. On the day of your move, feed in the morning as you usually would and take your dog out on a walk before your move.
    • Bring your pets’ toys – Bring along your dog and cat’s favorite bed, toys, treats and food and water dishes. When arranging their items in your new home, place them in places similar to where they were in your old home.
    • Keep things calm – If you feel your pet will benefit being near you during the move, plan on that. If your cat would rather be away from all the hustle and bustle, keep him in a crate away from the madness until it is safe to let him or her out in your new home.
    • Keep your pets confined – During the move and while you are packing and unpacking, it may be likely doors and windows will be left open. Avoid having your pet hide or run away and keep him confined to one room you know will not be bothered. It is also a very good idea to keep your pet’s identification and your contact info on your pet. Keep vet records with you as well.
    • Be patient and provide plenty of love and reinforcement – It may take a while for your pet to get used to their new surroundings. Let your dog and cat explore and come out when they’re ready. Make sure your cat’s litter box is easily accessible and in the same room you let him out in. Give them lots of attention, more than usual. Change is difficult for your pets; let them know everything will be alright by paying extra attention to them!
  • How To Eliminate Cat Litter Odor

    Posted on January 14th, 2014
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    Does your cat’s litter box smell?

    Clear The Air’s Cat Odor Eliminating Products are specially formulated to eliminate cat urine odor.

    If you have a cat you know that cat urine odor is incredibly strong and can be almost impossible to get rid of. However, our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator works wonders at keeping this odor away.

    Check out our helpful tips to ensuring your cat’s litter box goes unnoticed to your nose:

    Scooping – The number one rule, and the only thing that will keep litter box odor at bay, is constant cleaning. That means scooping the box out at least twice a day, removing the solids and liquid clumps if you use clumping litter.  If you don’t use clumping litter, you can use a large solid metal spoon to lift out the most urine-soaked areas each time you clean and add litter as needed to replace what is removed.

    Washing Your Litter Box – You should also get in the habit of washing the litter box at least every other week if not more.  Use a mild unscented dish detergent and rinse clean.  Remember to clean your scooper too.  When the box is dry, sprinkle a thin layer of our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box first.  Then add two to three inches of litter.  Cats do not like a deep tray of litter and this allows you to add litter as you scoop.

    Type of Litter – Some have perfumes and others have additives to only cover the smell.  To a cat, these smells can be overwhelming and make the box unwelcoming.  It is usually a good idea to get unscented litter and sprinkle our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box to eliminate the odor, not cover it up.

    Type of Litter Box – Using the largest box your home can accommodate is the best idea.  A good rule of thumb is to get a box that is at least twice as long as your adult cat and wide as the cat is long.  Even though a covered box is nicer to look at, most cats don’t like them and they also trap odors inside making it unpleasant for your pet to enter.

    Location – Lastly, location of your cats litter box is very important to keep your pet happy to relieve himself in the correct areas.  The rule is one litter box per cat plus one.  It is important to have the boxes in different locations.  Also make sure the box is in a low traffic area, away from his or her food and in a place that your cat can easily get in and out of.

    These suggestions may take a lot of effort but not only with your cat be happier but you will as well, not having to put up with cat urine odors.    Remember to pick up Clear the Air’s Cat Urine Odor Eliminator available at all Petco stores or online.

  • How To Rent Or Sell Your Home Faster

    Posted on January 9th, 2014
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    Preparing to sell your home?

    Clear The Air has helped many Real Estate Agents sell and rent homes faster with our product. If a home has any type of odor, chances are it will deter potential buyers or tenants.

    Sell or rent your home faster with these helpful tips:

    • Avoid strong smells in your home. Make sure to take out the trash, clean out then fridge then use Clear The Air to neutralize any odors. Sprinkle Clear The Air on the litter box if you have a cat and on any furniture that you can smell odor. We also recommend hanging our Odor Eliminator Bags throughout the home 48 hours before you go to show the home to eliminate any odors that may bother potential buyers or renters.
    • Enhance your home’s curb appeal. Spruce up the look of the yard by performing regular yard maintenance. Mow the yard, edge the lawn and add some colorful flowers and plants.
    • De-clutter your home so a potential tenant can picture themselves living there. We recommend removing personal items like toys, papers, magazines, makeup products, family photos and any knick-knacks.
    • Repaint if you have colorful walls. Make everything look cleaner and fresher with whites and light tans. Lighter colors also make a room look better and brighter.
    • Make sure your floors are clean. If you have carpet, you will want to get them professionally cleaned. For tile and hardwood, use a floor shiner. If your flooring shows a lot of wear and tear, you might want to consider new flooring for your property.

  • Musty Basement Odor Elimination

    Posted on January 8th, 2014
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    Does your basement smell funny?

    With the extreme cold weather the Midwest is experiencing from the polar vortex, basement odor can become extremely strong.

    Once the ice melts and warmer temperatures set in, basements commonly flood and can cause damage along with terribly foul odors. Clear The Air can thankfully eliminate basement odors safely and effectively.

    Simple and cost effective to use Earth Care is the answer to your basements musty mildew odors. This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.

    Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.  It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Here’s how to eliminate musty mildew odors from your basement:

    Please stay safe out there and keep warm!

  • How To Care For Pets In The Cold Weather

    Posted on January 6th, 2014
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    Cold weather tips all pet owners need to know.

    The east coast of the nation is experiencing extreme cold weather conditions. During these conditions it is vital to make sure your pets are inside and warm.

    Clear The Air would like to share some cold weather tips from the Humane Society:

    • Keep pets indoors and warm – Don’t leave dogs or cats outdoors when the temperature drops. Regardless of the season, short-haired, very young, or old dogs and all cats should never be left outside without supervision. Dogs and cats are safer indoors, except when taken out for exercise. During walks, short-haired dogs may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater.
    • Help neighborhood outdoor cats – If there are outdoor cats, either owned pets or community cats (ferals, who are scared of people, and strays, who are lost or abandoned pets) in your area, remember that they need protection from the elements as well as food and water. It’s easy to give them a hand.
    • Give your pets plenty of water – Pets who spend a lot of time outdoors need more food in the winter because keeping warm depletes energy. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make certain the water is fresh and unfrozen.
    • Protect paws from salt – The salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate the pads of your pet’s feet. Wipe all paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and irritates his/her mouth.
    • Avoid antifreeze poisoning – Antifreeze is a deadly poison, but it has a sweet taste that may attract animals and children. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze (and all household chemicals) out of reach.
    • The best tip of all: keep your pets with you – Probably the best prescription for winter’s woes is to keep your dog or cat inside with you and your family. The happiest dogs are those who are taken out frequently for walks and exercise, but kept inside the rest of the time.

    Read entire article at the Humane Society’s website.

  • How To Eliminate Cigarette Smoke Odor

    Posted on January 1st, 2014
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    Need to get rid of that pesky cigarette odor? Read on!

    If you have bought or rented a new home and the previous dweller was a smoker, you are probably fed up with trying to get that sultry cigarette odor out of the house.

    Did you know Clear the Air will remove cigarette odor from ANYWHERE? Cars, homes, carpets, rugs, clothes, offices and anywhere else cigarette odor has crept in to.

    Unfortunately, cigarette odor has a way of creeping into the walls making it almost impossible to remove the odor completely.  Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator will pull these odors out of your house, 100% guaranteed!  Our product doesn’t even need to come in contact with the odor and it will remove the odors out of carpets, drapes, furniture, clothing and bedding.

    Clear the Air is simple to use and is an inexpensive solution to odor elimination.  Here are the directions to removing cigarette smoke odor out of your home:

    • Hang 1-2 Earth Care Odor Eliminator Bags in each room that smells like cigarette smoke. One bag will cover 50-100 square feet. Odor will be eliminated in 24 hours.
    • A Bag will last 1-2 months, if room is heavily permeated with smoke odor the bag may need to be changed more often at first.
    • If odors are particularly strong or room has been smoked in for years sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture granules on carpets and furniture. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
    • One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture covers 100 square feet; one bucket covers 900 square feet.
    • Granules can also be placed in ashtrays and cigarette butt receptacles.

    Of course, if you have any questions on removing cigarette smoke odor, please do not hesitate to call our helpful Customer Service Agent, Pat, at (800) 611-1611 or (760) 941-5302 or via email: pmolina@cleartheair.com

  • Meet Nelson From SD Humane Society

    Posted on December 30th, 2013
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    Meet Nelson, available for adoption!

    Check out why he is an employee pick at the San Diego Humane Society:

    Yes, it’s true. Nelson has MANY admirers around here. And one person on whom he has left a most indellible paw print is Adoptions Counselor, Rebecca. (Sharing a smooch with the special pooch, to the right.)

    She picked Nelson to be the Adoption SUPERSTAR because he shines brighter and brighter each day! Just like Jerry, above, this means Nelson has a special adoption fee of only $25! What a steal!

    What a handsome boy!

    Here’s a list of some of the things Rebecca loves about Nelson:

    * Very well-behaved young man!
    * FANTASTIC listener.
    * 3 words that best describe him: Intelligent, Handsome & Obedient!
    * Smartypants! Knows so many tricks & is always eager to learn more!

    What’s more, Rebecca loves this guy’s personality. He’s always up for playfully running around in the sunshine, and then can turn around and offer some exceptional cuddle-time! Here’s some additional info that Rebecca provided to give us an in-depth look into the mind of this lovable guy:

    Nelson’s Role Model: Why, Willie Nelson, of course!
    The One Celebrity Nelson Would Most Like to Meet:  Clint Eastwood (he think’s he’s pretty cool).
    Nelson’s Snack of Choice:  Carne Asada!
    Nelson’s Favorite Quote:  “No one can take the place of a friend, no one.” – Maya Angelou

    Well, what more can we say? Handsome, playful, sweet, intelligent… Nelson has all of the ingredients necessary for a simply amazing companion!

    If you’re interested in meeting this SUPERSTAR of doggie, please come on by our Central Campus on Gaines Street or give us call at (619) 299-7012 for more info!