• Prepare Your Dog for a New Baby

    Posted on April 24th, 2013
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    Tips to get your dog ready for a new baby.

    Bringing home a new baby can be stressful on your pets, especially if you have always treated them like your “babies”! Check out Adopt A Pet’s helpful tips on bringing home a new baby and how to prepare your dog for the new family addition.

    What does your dog expect when you’re expecting? We’ve heard stories of dogs curling around pregnant bellies, stealing baby toys, and many other silly and wonderful stories from our pregnant friends and family about their dogs behavior when a human baby is on the way!  Our friends over at Bark Busters —the world’s largest dog training company—offers tips to help families ensure a smooth transition for their dog when bringing home a new baby.

    If you are expecting a baby and you have a dog, take time now to prepare your dog for the day you bring home your new child. “Dogs can feel rejected and become confused or stressed when parents suddenly shift their attention from dog to baby,” said Liam Crowe, CEO and master dog behavioral therapist of Bark Busters USA. “A dog doesn’t understand why a baby is being elevated above the dog in the pack. In trying to regain his pack position, the dog may seek attention through behaviors such as barking at the baby’s cries, jumping up, or chewing on baby’s things.”

    Head on over to the BarkBuster’s Tips to Help Prepare Your Dog for the Arrival of a New Baby for help reducing bad behavior, easing everyone’s stress, and help to keep baby safe.
