• Clear The Air Can Eliminate Marijuana Odors

    Posted on March 13th, 2014
    admin No comments

    Our product works for any odor!

    If you or someone you know uses marijuana for medicinal purposes, Clear The Air can eliminate the strong odor.

    Clear The Air works great to eliminate pretty much any odor! If you own a dispensary or use medical marijuana at home, if the odor is overwhelming, our product can help.

    The following are steps to use our products to eliminate marijuana odor:

    • Hang 3 Earth Care Odor Eliminator Bags in the room you smell the marijuana odor the most. It is best to have some air circulation – leave windows cracked or doors open. One bag will cover 100 square feet and the odor will be eliminated in 24 hours.
    • The bag will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months.
    • If odors have soaked into any areas, use Clear The Air Odor Eliminator granules to sprinkle on the flooring, furniture, etc. Once again, it is best to have some air circulation. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum or sweep out. Odors will be completely eliminated.

    Tell us where Clear The Air Odor Eliminators have worked for you!