• 7 Fire Prevention Tips For Your Home

    Posted on August 16th, 2013
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    How to avoid a home fire.

    Clear The Air knows the dangers of a home fire and the horrible aftermath it leaves behind.

    Our product works wonders for eliminating any smoke odor from your home. Please contact us if you need help eliminating smoke odors from your home.

    Make sure your home is prepared to not only warn you in the event of a fire but to prevent a fire all together. Below are tips to preventing fire in your home:

    1. Smoke Alarms – Install them if you have none, and check the ones you do have. Press the test button once a month and change batteries every year. Smoke alarms older than 10 years are more likely to fail.
    2. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms – Equally as important as smoke alarms is having a unit that will alert you of high levels of carbon monoxide in the home. Check the unit’s packaging and also with your local fire department to learn more about what constitutes a hazardous CO reading.
    3. Heating Equipment – Heating equipment is a leading factor in home fires during winter months. Be sure to have furnaces serviced by a reputable inspector, cleaned and maintained each fall before cold weather sets in. When operating portable or fixed space heaters, be conscious to keep them away from items that could ignite, including drapes and articles of clothing.
    4. Personal Habits – Be conscious of where you are when you do the things you do. Smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths, sending bedding, trash and furniture up in flames. More fires start in the kitchen than any other place in the home, so keep a watchful eye on what you’re cooking.
    5. Flammables – Ensure that flammables, such as gasoline, kerosene and paints, are kept in proper containers, tightly sealed and stored away from heat and flame. Never store any of those items near a furnace or hot water heater, and be sure to follow manufacturer instructions on storing these types of products.
    6. Extinguishers – Many small home fires can be taken care of using a fire extinguisher before they get out of hand. One thing to remember, though, is that extinguishers do not last forever – plan on replacing the unit about every three years.
    7. Candles – Blow out your candles when you leave a room and never leave them burning if you leave the house.
  • 5 Tips To Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

    Posted on August 14th, 2013
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    Fall is just around the corner and soon it will be time to start that fire in the fireplace and decorate for the holidays.

    Clear The Air would like to share some great tips to make sure your home is ready for the Fall and Winter months to come.

    Here are 5 home maintenance tips to prepare for the fall months. Remember to keep our Clear The Air products on hand for any odor you may experience in your home. Clear The Air works great for any last minute odors that creep up right before company arrives.

    1. Check for leaks – Cold air can get in around doors and windows. Use a flashlight to check for door and window drafts. If you notice a leak you should add weather stripping to doors and use caulking on windows. This is also a good idea to do during the summer to keep cooling costs down.
    2. Check smoke detectors – Replace your batteries every time fall and spring come around. So many fires are caused by Christmas trees so it is extremely important to check your smoke detectors to make sure they are working properly and can warn you in the event of an emergency.
    3. Check your heating system – Just as you want to do before summer starts for your AC unit, check your heater to make sure it is working before the colder months of the winter set in.
    4. Check your watering schedule – As temperatures begin to cool, plants need less water. Adjust your watering schedule for lawns, borders, and containers. Pay close attention to containers as they tend to become waterlogged.
    5. Check to make sure your fireplace is ready for use – Make sure your fireplace is free of ashes and your chimney is cleaned out before having your first fire. You may also want to ensure your flu is open before lighting a fire if you closed it up over the warmer months. Nothing says Fall like a cozy fire in the fireplace. If your house smells like a fire after you have a fire in the fireplace, we recommend hanging a couple Odor Eliminator Bags around your fireplace to eliminate any smoke odors.