• Don’t Be Embarrassed By “Doggy Odor”

    Posted on July 31st, 2013
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    If you have dogs, you have probably come across that “doggy odor” here and there.

    Clear The Air prides ourselves on being able to completely eliminate doggy odor from any source, big or small, seen or unseen.

    If you have doggy odor in your carpet: Simply sprinkle Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the carpet and hang Earth Care Odor Remover Bags to eliminate doggy odors from the carpet. Wait for 24 hours to vacuum up the granules from the carpet.

    If you have doggy odor in your dog beds: Take the dog beds outside where there is plenty of air circulation and sprinkle our Earth Care Clear The Air granules all over the beds. Allow 24 hours for the granules to stay on the dog beds. You can then shake off the granules and your odor will be eliminated. If the odor is extremely strong, you may want to wash the bed first, let it dry then apply the granules to the bed.

    If you have doggy odor in your car: If your car smells like your dog’s bed, it’s time to use our product! Simply hang or place two of our Earth Care Odor Remover Bags in your car. Our product works best when there is air flow in your vehicle. We recommend rolling down the windows when your car is parked and not in use. If the odor is extremely strong, sprinkle some of our Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the floor boards of your vehicle. Leave the granules for 24 hours then you may vacuum them up.

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.

    Have questions about eliminating a pesky odor? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service agent, Pat.

  • New Puppy 101 – 5 Tips To Socializing Your New Family Member

    Posted on July 19th, 2013
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    New puppy tips.

    Congratulations, you’ve brought home your new puppy!  Now it is time to help him learn how to live in his new world and make him comfortable around new things such as the mailman, the vacuum cleaner and the occasional guest.

    1. First of all, you want your puppy to meet new people. This means both inside your home and out and about at new places.  When your puppy engages successfully with new people reward him for demonstrating a good behavior.  Initially, it is a good idea to introduce your puppy to new people on his own turf – at home.  When new people come over, suggest they crouch down low and let the puppy approach them on his/her own time.
    2. Once your puppy enjoys new adults, introduce him to kids for a short amount of time.  Sometimes children might accidentally play too rough with your pup so make sure you supervise them constantly in the beginning.  As an alternative, if you bring your dog to a park your puppy will likely draw kids to him on his own.
    3. Next you will want to socialize your puppy around other dogs.  A great way to do this is to bring your dog to a dog park.  This way you can let your pup decide who to meet and for how long.  It is also helpful to host doggie playdates.  Invite friends to bring their dogs to your garden or backyard for a game of Frisbee or ball chase.
    4. If you have other pets, introduce them slowly to the new puppy.  By keeping the new puppy in a kennel, this allows the new pet to visit it through the safety of the bars.  Gradually extend the length of these visits until you allow them to meet face to face.
    5. Lastly, you should introduce new experiences to your puppy such as vacuums and other types of loud things around the house.  First let your puppy check out the quieted item, then place your puppy a safe distance away before turning on the object for a second or two.  After you turn it off, stand the object up and call your pup to you.  Reward him with affection.  Lastly, after the noise has been turned on try calling your pup.  After a while loud noises will not bother him.

    Putting in extra time when you first get your puppy to socialize him is a labor of love that will pay off later – for both you and your pup.

  • Why We Love Our Dogs (Sometimes More Than People!)

    Posted on July 17th, 2013
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    Dogs bring us so much joy.

    We all love our dogs and sometimes it’s a lot easier to get along with them than other people!

    Our two dogs bring us so much joy every day. From the goofy acts of our young Rhodesian Ridgeback to the tom-boy performances of our “should be proper” standard poodle, we love our dogs and they are part of our family.

    Here are some reasons why dogs are such a special part of peoples’ lives:

    • Dogs are great listeners. They look right at you with a look of concern when you tell them about your bad day and the guy that cut you off.
    • Dogs never talk back to you. Kids do. So does your husband. 😉
    • Dogs always think you look good, no matter what you wear. They never think you look fat in anything and think you look perfect even when you roll out of bed.
    • Dogs are fun. They give you something to do and will not ever allow you to be depressed or bored.
    • Dogs are always happy to see you. You can leave dogs home alone. You can’t do this with your kids. When you get home they are always happy and excited to see you no matter how you look or feel!
    • Dogs need exercise. Lots of it. You end up getting exercise too when you take your dog for a walk or run.

    Why do you love dogs? Please comment on our blog.

  • Eliminate Odors From Rugs and Carpets

    Posted on July 12th, 2013
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    Get rid of odors in your rug without having to get them professionally cleaned.

    Do you have a rug you love that has a foul odor but it is too large to fit in your washer machine and you don’t want to pay the hefty price to have it professionally cleaned?

    Clear the Air can eliminate any odors from your rug or carpets. It is easy to use and 100% non toxic, even if ingested by humans or pets.

    Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor.  This means if you have an odor that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess!

    With Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the rug or carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete.

    Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the carpet pad, and sub-floor. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Follow these directions to eliminate odors in your rugs and carpets with Clear The Air:

    • Remove feces and excess urine.
    • Sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Also works well on old dry urine odors.
    • Leave overnight, then sweep or vacuum.
    • Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor.
    • Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary.
    • One canister covers 100 square feet.
  • Don’t Let Your Pets Become Overweight!

    Posted on July 8th, 2013
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    Did you know a very large number of pets are overweight?

    You may think your cat or dog looks cute with a few extra pounds on him but this can truly affect your pet’s health and happiness.

    It is important to keep your pets healthy and avoid medical risks. One important and extremely effective way you can do this is by monitoring what your pet eats. Here are some helpful tips for maintaining your pets’ diet:

    • Provide more smaller meals for your pet rather than one or two large meals.
    • Take away the self-feeders. Having food set out for your pets all the time is just asking for your pet to overeat and gain weight. Feed your pet at appropriate meal times.
    • If your dog is begging for food, pet him instead. All your dog really wants is attention. Avoid the connection between begging and receiving food. Especially from the dinner table!
    • Get some exercise! Providing routine exercise for your dog is a great way to keep his health up and stay in shape.
    • If your dog acts hungry, provide a small snack for him. For example, instead of filling a cup of his kibbles and pouring it into his bowl, just give him 10-15 kibbles instead.
    • Provide your pet with veggies as a treat. If your dog is like ours, he’ll eat anything! Try giving him some baby carrots, broccoli, celery or asparagus.
    • Always provide fresh water for your pets. We suggest having multiple bowls and dishes of water throughout the house. If you have cats and dogs, make sure you provide your cats with small bowls on counters or high up places your dogs cannot reach.

    Do you have any tips for feeding your pets? Please comment and share with us at our blog!

  • Reptiles – How To Properly Care For Them

    Posted on June 28th, 2013
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    Cage maintenance for your reptile should receive proper attention.

    Reptiles are susceptible to bacterial infections of the skin and digestive tract so cages and housing  must be thoroughly and regularly cleaned.

    In order to a safe and healthy home for your reptile, routine cage maintenance is necessary by keeping the cage odor-free.  It is ideal to place an Odor Remover Bag in the cage to help keep away any foul odors.  Clear the Air is completely non-toxic and 100% safe around all types of animals.

    Certain precautions need to be taken during cleaning since the fecal matter of reptiles may harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella. It is most commonly transmitted to humans through oral ingestion after handling a reptile or contaminated equipment, through open cuts or sores during handling, or through contact with contaminated soil or environmental items. For this reason, your reptile’s cage, furnishings, and cleaning equipment need to be cleaned regularly and periodically disinfected. Sprinkling Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminator will eliminate any odors in your cage and will help to keep your reptile enjoying his home.

    Wear protective gloves during maintenance and wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water after handling reptiles, reptile cages and equipment, and the stool of reptiles.

    Cage Accessories – Before introducing natural items such as rocks and branches into your reptile’s home, make sure they are sterile. Rocks should be thoroughly cleaned and then boiled in water for 30 minutes. Sand can be rinsed with large amounts of water to remove any particulate matter and then heated in an oven at 200-250°F for 30 minutes. Branches should also be cleaned and heated in the same manner.

    How Often Should You Clean The frequency and degree of routine cage cleaning will vary from species to species depending on the size and habits of your reptile. Always read and learn as much as possible regarding the needs and preferences of your reptile, and tailor your cleaning schedule around the needs of your particular pet. For example, cages of large iguanas require more work than those of a snake. As you become more familiar with the needs of your pet, you may have to alter your cleaning schedule as needed. However, in general, you will need to:

    • Perform daily cleaning to remove spills, uneaten food, shed skin, and other waste materials. Clean and disinfect food and water dishes daily when providing fresh food and water.
    • Clean and disinfect the entire cage, substrate, and decorations weekly.

    Do you have any tips of keeping your reptile happy and healthy? Please comment on our blog!

  • Diet Tricks For Your Pet’s Health

    Posted on June 13th, 2013
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    Just like a large percent of American humans, American’s pets are overweight or obese.

    While a cat or dog might look cute with some extra pounds on him, it is not healthy for him.

    Clear The Air knows it is important to keep your pets healthy and avoid and medical risks. One major way you can do this is by monitoring what your pet eats. Here are some helpful tips for maintaining your pets’ diet:

    • Provide more smaller meals for your pet rather than one or two large meals.
    • Take away the self-feeders. Having food set out for your pets all the time is just asking for your pet to overeat and gain weight. Feed your pet at appropriate meal times.
    • If your dog is begging for food, pet him instead. All your dog really wants is attention. Avoid the connection between begging and receiving food. Especially from the dinner table!
    • Get some exercise! Providing routine exercise for your dog is a great way to keep his health up and stay in shape.
    • If your dog acts hungry, provide a small snack for him. For example, instead of filling a cup of his kibbles and pouring it into his bowl, just give him 10-15 kibbles instead.
    • Provide your pet with veggies as a treat. If your dog is like ours, he’ll eat anything! Try giving him some baby carrots, broccoli, celery or asparagus.
    • Always provide fresh water for your pets. We suggest having multiple bowls and dishes of water throughout the house. If you have cats and dogs, make sure you provide your cats with small bowls on counters or high up places your dogs cannot reach.

    Do you have any tips for feeding your pets? Please comment and share with us at our blog!

  • The Pros And Cons Of Five Odor Removal Methods

    Posted on May 31st, 2013
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    This is a summary of the most common odor eliminators. I saved the best until last!

    Masking Agents: These are typically fragrance cakes, candles, plug-ins and sprays.

    Pros:Acts immediately, who does not love the yummy smell of a good candle.

    Cons:Often is so strong that it is worse than the offending odor. Not great for people with allergies or sensitivities, not long lasting.

    Contact Odor Control: Enzyme based products, also called live bacteria or biodegeneration. These come in liquid and sprays.

    Pros:They work quickly on airborne odors when sprayed.

    Cons:They must come into contact with the odor source to work. So if there is urine on carpet, you must pull up the carpet, padding, and soak the floorboard, padding and carpet for the product to work. May take a few hours to get rid of the surface odors. Since they are liquid they are often messy to work with.May be harmful to pets or children if touched or eaten.May stain the material one uses it on.

    Ozone Machines: These machines are often used in hotel rooms.

    Pros:Because of safety issue we will only mention cons.

    Cons:Poor performer unless used at very high levels where they are extreme health hazards, especially for people with breathing issues and around pets.We suggest you investigate the safety of these machines before using them at The California Air Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency.

    Time: Most odors will eventually go away with time.If odor is from a dead rat carcass it can take two weeks to over two months to dissipate.


    Cons:Who can stand the odor for any amount of time?

    Anions: These work by a natural affinity of attraction between the odor molecules and the anion. The odors are pulled into the anions like a powerful magnet and then the odors are neutralized. Earth Care Products are an example of this type of odor eliminator.

    Cons:Takes 2-24 hours to work. Some are hazardous to ones health if swallowed depending on the manufacturer.(however Earth Care is safe, even if swallowed.)

    Pros:Eliminates odor does not mask odor. No perfume smell, great for people with allergies or sensitivities. Does not have to come into contact with the odor producer, so if there is urine on the carpet, simply sprinkle on top of carpet wait 48 hours and vacuum up.Earth Care is safe to use around children and pets, even if eaten. Earth Care is all natural and safe for planet earth.

  • 7 Ways To Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

    Posted on May 17th, 2013
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    The dog days of summer – what you can do to ensure your pet is safe from the heat.

    We all love spending the long, sunny days of summer outdoors with our furry companions, but the ASPCA warns being overeager in hot weather can spell danger.

    Take these simple precautions, provided by ASPCA experts, to help prevent your pet from overheating. And if you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get help from your veterinarian immediately.

    1. Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it’s hot outdoors. Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful to not over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it’s extremely hot.
    2. Symptoms of  overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees. Animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. These pets, along with the elderly, the overweight, and those with heart or lung diseases, should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.
    3. Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. “On a hot day, a parked car can become a furnace in no time-even with the windows open-which could lead to fatal heat stroke,” says Dr. Louise Murray, Vice President of ASPCA Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital. Also, leaving pets unattended in cars in extreme weather is illegal in several states.
    4. Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool-not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats. Rinse your dog off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from his fur, and try to keep your dog from drinking pool water, which contains chlorine and other chemicals that could cause stomach upset.
    5. “During warmer months, the ASPCA sees an increase in injured animals as a result of High-Rise Syndrome, which occurs when pets-mostly cats-fall out of windows or doors and are seriously or fatally injured,” says Dr. Murray. “Pet owners need to know that this is completely preventable if they take simple precautions.” Keep all unscreened windows or doors in your home closed and make sure adjustable screens are tightly secured.
    6. Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but never shave your dog: The layers of dogs’ coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. Brushing cats more often than usual can prevent problems caused by excessive heat. And be sure that any sunscreen or insect repellent product you use on your pets is labeled specifically for use on animals.
    7. When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Being so close the ground, your pooch’s body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn. Keep walks during these times to a minimum.
  • Amazing Dog Stories

    Posted on May 8th, 2013
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    Dogs who deserved an award!

    Clear The Air loves hearing about stories of heroic animals and the risks they’ve taken to save someone.

    We found some amazing dog stories from webvet.com we would like to share:

    Eve – Many of us enjoy watching those movie scenes that have us sitting on the edge of our seats as someone escapes a burning pit just before it explodes, but in real life these situations are anything but enjoyable. In 1992, Kathi Vaughn, a paralyzed paraplegic, learned first-hand how horrifying this type of setting can be.

    Kathi was driving along an interstate when her truck caught on fire. She pushed her rotweiller, Eve, out of the vehicle so she would be safe. However, the dog came back. Pulling her owner by the ankles, Eve managed to get Kathi out of the burning vehicle, dragging her to a nearby ditch just moments before the truck exploded.

    Eve received the Stillman Award (for people and animals who risks their lives to save others), presented by the American Humane Association.

    Honey – Michael Bosch and his English cocker spaniel, Honey, headed out early one October morning in 2005, with the sunshine beaming down brightly over California. Because of that brightness, Bosch’s sight was limited, causing him to misjudge the road. The SUV rolled 30 feet down a ravine, landing upside down. Bosch was trapped, and his leg was crushed between the steering wheel, roof and dashboard.

    Living in a remote area, Bosch knew the chances of anyone having witnessed the accident were slim. He realized that Honey was his only hope. For seven long hours, it was just man and his dog. Finally, he managed to get his 5-month-old pet out of her kennel, which was in the back of the vehicle. Oh, how he hoped she would somehow find help!

    Sure enough, Honey returned with a neighbor who lived about a half a mile away. The neighbor confirmed that Honey had directed her to the scene, where she paced back and forth gazing at the wreckage below. Rescuers acknowledged that, indeed, Bosch did owe his life to Honey, the pet he had adopted only two weeks earlier.

    This heroic deed earned Honey the National Dog Day Foundation’s 2005 Dog of the Year Award.

    Click the link to read more great stories at Webvet.com: http://www.webvet.com/main/2012/04/03/5-amazing-stories-hero-dogs