• Happy Fourth Of July – Keep Your Pets Safe!

    Posted on July 3rd, 2014
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    Did you know the Fourth Of July is the biggest day of the year that pets get lost?

    The animals shelters receive the most lost and scared pets on the Fourth Of July than any other day of the year.

    Please keep your pets safe at home and read our blog to make sure you are doing everything for your pet’s safety:

    • Don’t leave your pets outside. Even if your pet is used to being outside, the loud noises from fireworks may make them break free from their restraint or jump the fence if they are trying to find safety from the noise.
    • Keep alcohol away from pets. Pets can become dangerously intoxicated, go into a coma or even die from respiratory failure.
    • Leave your pet at home if going to watch fireworks. The combination of too many people and loud fireworks will cause your pet to freak out and do anything they can to seek shelter. Do not lock them in the car either!
    • Microchip your pet and make sure he or she has ID tags. If your pet does manage to get loose, an ID tag with your name and phone number on it will help your dog find his way back home. You also want to make sure your pet is micro-chipped.
    • Never use fireworks around your pet. Lit fireworks will not only scare your pet but they can cause severe burns, trauma to the face or paws and even death. They also contain toxic substances even when unused.
    • Don’t feed your pet from the table. Avoid giving your pet table food while you are barbequing or enjoying a backyard party. Onions, coffee, avocado, grapes, raisins, salt and more are all hazardous to your pets.
    • Oils, citronella candles, insect coils and other insect repellant products are toxic to your pet. Inhaling these toxins can result in respiratory illness such as pneumonia and indigestion which can harm your pet’s nervous system.

    What do you do to keep your pet safe and secure on the Fourth? Comment on our blog.

  • Top Ten Tips For Flea Control

    Posted on June 26th, 2014
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    Summer is here and that means fleas!

    What type of flea treatment do you use for your pets? Here are a few tips to keep fleas at bay during the summer months:

    1. Flea treatments for your pets – There are various treatment options such as flea collars, flea dips, shampoos, spot-on treatments, or oral medications. Treatments are different for dogs and cats. Your Veterinarian can recommend which treatment is best for your pet.
    2. Rid your home of fleas – Not only are fleas jumping off your pets onto your furniture, but their eggs and larvae can be left all over your home. Thoroughly vacuuming floors and furniture and washing all bedding that your pet comes in contact with in hot water will help control or eliminate the infestation.
    3. Groom your pet daily – Use a fine-toothed metal flea comb on your pet to remove fleas and place the fleas you remove in soapy water. This should be done daily to keep the fleas under control.
    4. Use insecticides – You can do the treatments yourself or hire professionals exterminators. Non-toxic insecticides are also available. It is important to cover all food that could come into contact with the insecticide and keep you family and pets out of the house until it is safe to return.
    5. Place eucalyptus leaves around the house – The smell of eucalyptus is not appealing to fleas so the leaves help to keep them away. Place the leaves inside and outside the house in various locations. You can place them in glass jars to add decoration around the house.
    6. Create a set place for pets to sleep – It might be hard to change your pet’s habit, but having them sleep in a specific area can make regular cleaning your pet’s bedding easier. This way you only have to regularly clean one area of bedding instead of trying to find what your pet has been sleeping on.
    7. Avoid dangerous areas – When possible keeping cats indoors and taking your dogs for walks in open areas avoiding thick, long grass can reduce the fleas your pet may be exposed to. Maintaining your own yard can also cut down on the fleas that you and your pets come in contact with outside.
    8. Use natural oils – Many natural oils can keep fleas off of a pet’s fur. Lemongrass or a cut up lemon added to water can be lightly sprayed on their fur to keep the fleas away. Some natural oils that are safe for dogs can be toxic for cats, so always make sure you are using oils that are safe for your pet.
    9. Spray nematodes – For pet lovers who have gardens or spend time outside, using nematodes (worms) outside can reduce the number of flea larvae. Spray nematodes in shady spots outside and moist areas of the garden 2 to 3 times a year. This can reduce the number of fleas brought inside the house.
    10. Prevent year round – California has flea activity year round. The warmer months have a higher activity of fleas compared to the cooler months. Knowing when the activity in your area is the highest can help you to be prepared to prevent fleas. Using methods to control flea infestations year round is the best way to eliminate fleas on your pets and in your home.

    Click here to find out the flea activity in your area.

  • Success Story for Mutt Monday

    Posted on June 16th, 2014
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    Meet Charlee Boots…a sweet little pit bull adopted from the San Diego Humane Society!

    It is Mutt Monday and we love hearing success stories about dogs who have found their forever home! Check out Charlee Boots story and how happy she is with Julia and Adam who gave her a forever home:

    Charlee Boots (a.k.a. Peanut)

    Charlie_Boots“My husband and I adopted a blue pitbull from the San Diego Humane Society in January 2013. Her name was Peanut, but has since changed post adoption to Charlee Boots (she has all white paws).  We just wanted to give you an update. November 1st was her 1st birthday and she couldn’t be more perfect ! She is the most friendly and lovable pup a family could ever dream of. Everyone that comes across her falls in love with her and her goofy personality. She isn’t the most coordinated pooch, but she manages to chase the ball and wrestle with her older sister Emma Rose. Charlie_Boots2

    We celebrated her 1st birthday with homemade dog biscuits and having a puppy party for her 🙂 I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s a little Bichon mix like her sister since she lays on top of you to cuddle any chance she gets. My favorite thing about her is when she sings. I have NEVER heard her bark. She does this howling thing as she tries to talk back to you when you ask her a question. My husband and I would like to thank you for saving Charboots, and allowing us the opportunity to make her a part of our family. We are truly blessed and absolutely love having her in our family. We appreciate everything you do for animals, and are thankful you gave Charlee a second chance.

    Thank you, Julia & Adam”

  • Happy Adoption Story From The San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on May 20th, 2014
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    Do you have a happy success story about a pet you adopted? Comment on our blog!

    The San Diego Humane Society recently posted a success story about a recent adoption. Check out Chloe and her story:

    Chloe (aka Loki)

    About a week after we had to put down our sweet 12-year old lab (thatChloe we had adopted from the Gaines Street shelter 4 years ago) we all had broken hearts and decided to start looking for a new dog.  We live in the Clairemont area and went back to the Gaines St campus, although we didn’t seem to connect with any of the animals currently there.

    We checked the website every day, and when we saw Loki’s picture we couldn’t wait to meet her.  We drove up to Oceanside and then stood in front of her kennel until we were called.   She had some behavioral issues and severe dog reactivity, and the counselor actually suggested we choose a different dog.  We still insisted that we wanted to see her. After interacting we fell in love, but had to wait until the trainer could meet with us, which was THREE DAYS AWAY. With sad hearts we went home and counted the minutes until we could go back to get her.

    Chloe.jpgIt’s now almost 2 months later…we have renamed her Chloe and she has settled right into our home and our hearts. We have had major breakthroughs with the dog reactivity and she now ENJOYS the dog park!  She loves to swim and we couldn’t imagine our lives without her. She has been a perfect pet in every way!  Thank you to the Oceanside staff for taking such good care of her until her forever family could find her.

    Melissa T.

  • How To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

    Posted on May 16th, 2014
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    Routine nail clipping is important for your dog.

    If your dog’s nails get too long, they could splinter or snap. This is uncomfortable for the dog and can lead to infection. You should make nail clipping part of your dog’s regular grooming process.

    If your dog isn’t used to getting his nails trimmed, the last thing you want to do is frighten and overwhelm him by rushing the process. Take a little extra time to slowly introduce the nail clippers, as well as the sensations involved in trimming. The first time you use the clippers, don’t plan on giving your dog a full pedicure. Instead, just clip one or two nails, and remember to give your dog treats or play a game right after trimming.

    Here’s an informational guide to help you trim your dog’s nails:

    1. Choose a time your dog is mellow and relaxed. Most dogs do not enjoy having their nails trimmed so finding a time he is calm will be to your best advantage. Position your dog so you have a good view of the paw you need to clip.
    2. Hold your dog’s paw firmly in one hand and the clippers in the other.
    3. Find the vein inside your dog’s nail, also known as the “quick”, before you start clipping. For dogs with lighter nails it is easy to see. If your dog has darker nails, you may not be able to detect it.
    4. Clip off a small end of the nail and gradually work towards the quick making sure you do not cut too close. If you do cut into the quick hold a piece of tissue on the nail for a few minutes. You can also use a powder that will stop the bleeding that you can find at your local pet store.
    5. File any rough ends of the nail if necessary. Praise your dog for letting him or her cut their nails so if feels like they have done a good job for sitting still for you.
  • Why Does My Dog Bark So Much?

    Posted on May 5th, 2014
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    Dog barking can turn into a problem if it continues incessantly.

    Clear The Air would like to share some information from the Animals Friends of the Valleys about the various reasons your dog barks and what you can do to stop incessant barking.

    The first thing you need to do in order to quiet a chronic barker is to figure out why he’s barking in the first place. Is he lonely or bored? Do you spend enough time with him? Remember that dogs are pack animals and prefer the company of other animals and/or humans.

    Most dogs will not be happy sitting by themselves in the backyard with nothing to do (except bark!) Make sure your dog has plenty of toys to occupy his mind and his need to chew. And make sure you spend quality time with him. Take him for walks and bring him inside the house every day for some “family” time. Dogs really love being with their people!

    If your dog barks at night, bring him inside the house or garage. Most dogs prefer sleeping inside anyway (remember, dogs are not solitary creatures by nature.)  Relocating your dog away from immediate neighbors to another area of your yard might eliminate barking. Another good solution is to adopt another animal so your dog will have a companion.

    Bark collars are a wonderful tool in training your dog not to bark. They can be purchased at pet stores or can be ordered online for a lower price. These new age collars do not hurt your dog in any way, they simply reprimand the bark. This may startle your dog at first but after a few times they associate the reprimand with the bark and learn to do their everyday activities without barking.

    In extreme cases, you might consider having your dog “de-barked.” De-barking is a procedure in which the vocal cords are surgically removed. In most cases, the dog will come home the day of the procedure. The barking sound will still be audible but will be more like a whisper. Consult your veterinarian for more information about de-barking.

    Barking is the number one cause of neighbor disputes. Remember, it is unlawful to allow your dog to become a public nuisance. Chronic barking is a serious problem but there are many possible solutions. Investing some time, money, and energy to solving the problem will be well worth the effort, for you and your dog

    For more information visit Animal Friends of the Valleys website.

  • Does Your Trash Smell?

    Posted on April 30th, 2014
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    If your trash can smells or you live in an area with a dumpster that smells, Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminating Bags can help!

    Dumpster rooms are frequently located in close proximity to stores and the foul odors can filter into the store or business.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags are used by Pest Control Professionals to remove dumpster room odors. Earth Care Odor Remover Bags are easy to use, just hang them in the dumpster room and they will completely eliminate the odors.

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Dumpster Room:

    • Hang 2 bags for each dumpster. Odors will be eliminated in 24 hours.
    • Bags will continue to eliminate odors. Change bags once per month.
    • For particularly strong odors sprinkle Earth Care Clear The Air Granules in dumpster. Sprinkle 2 cups over top of trash in dumpster. Odors will be completely eliminated in 24 hours. Add more as needed.
  • What A Happy Story About A Senior Dog Named Buddy!

    Posted on April 28th, 2014
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    Henry (formerly known as Buddy) found his forever home!

    Clear The Air loves reading about success stories from the San Diego Humane Society. Check out one of the Humane Society’s success story about Buddy:

    Sweet senior finds his new family!

    Buddy - success story!“Buddy” seems to be the kind of name that is a reflection of an owner’s feelings of friendship toward his dog. Unfortunately, when we found Buddy, a senior English Coonhound, he seemed to have been abandoned by any such friends. The only indication that he had ever been cared for was in the form of a baggy attached to a string around his neck, containing 3 bottles of medication for “Buddy the Canine.”

    At 11 years old, the big-eared, big-eyed canine was found wandering near the side of the freeway and brought to our campus. From that moment on, we did everything in our power to assure him that he had finally found a friend in us, and that we would not give up on him. Not surprisingly, senior animals can have a much harder time getting adopted. Despite his mellow demeanor, sweet Buddy & his brother - success story!personality and adorable face, Buddy spent several months at our Central campus, overlooked by potential adopters. That is, until Kristen S. and her husband came in. Kristen had seen Buddy on our website and quickly fell in love. Once they met him they decided this was one Buddy that they couldn’t live without.

    Today, Buddy has been renamed Henry, and is doing wonderfully in his new home. He has a Labrador retriever as a brother, and two pet parents who couldn’t be happier with their new companion. “He brings a smile to our face every day,” Kristen tells us; and it finally appears that Henry has found some lifetime buddies, but more importantly, a forever family.

    Kristen S. & Family

  • Proper Brushing Tips For Dogs

    Posted on April 24th, 2014
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    Do you groom your dog?

    Clear The Air would like to share some helpful grooming tips from the ASPCA. Does your dog love being brushed?

    Article taken from the ASPCA

    Regular grooming with a brush or comb will help keep your pet’s hair in good condition by removing dirt, spreading natural oils throughout her coat, preventing tangles and keeping her skin clean and irritant-free. And grooming time’s a great time to check for fleas and flea dirt–those little black specks that indicate your pet is playing host to a flea family.

    If your dog has a smooth, short coat (like that of a Chihuahua, boxer or basset hound), you only need to brush once a week:

    • First, use a rubber brush to loosen dead skin and dirt.
    • Next, use a bristle brush to remove dead hair.
    • Now, polish your low-maintenance pooch with a chamois cloth and she’s ready to shine!

    If your dog has short, dense fur that’s prone to matting, like that of a retriever, here’s your weekly routine:

    • Use a slicker brush to remove tangles.
    • Next, catch dead hair with a bristle brush.
    • Don’t forget to comb her tail.

    If your dog has a long, luxurious coat, such as that of a Yorkshire terrier, she’ll need daily attention:

    • Every day you’ll need to remove tangles with a slicker brush.
    • Gently tease mats out with a slicker brush.
    • Next, brush her coat with a bristle brush.
    • If you have a long-haired dog with a coat like a collie’s or an Afghan hound’s, follow the steps above, and also be sure to comb through the fur and trim the hair around the hocks and feet.
  • Meet Hercules At The San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on March 24th, 2014
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    Hercules…a Dog of Mythical Proportions!!

    We love sharing stories about animals looking for their forever homes. Today we would like to share a story for Mutt Monday about Hercules. Do you have it in your heart to give him a forever loving home?

    For most, the name “Hercules” brings to mind images of a certain Greek god.

    …Well, around here, the name “Hercules” instead brings to mind images of a certainly Great dog!

    Yes, my friends, it’s true. Be it the mythical or canine Hercules to whom you are referring, either way – the subject is indisputably divine! And, like his namesake, the 1 & 1/2-year old American Pit Bull Terrier is a pillar of strength and has a most adventurous spirit!

    Always at the ready should he hear the cry of a damsel in distress, Hercules is eager for action! His enthusiasm knows no bounds!

    His playfulness? Contagious!

    His spirit? Courageous!

    His athleticism? Outrageous!

    It’s true, this energetic doggie is full of the kind of personality, handsomeness, and charm that myths are made of!! All who encounter this canine king are quick to see that they are indeed in the presence of greatness.

    Are you looking for a strapping young dog with whom you can pursue outdoor adventures?? Well, look no further!!

    Are you ready for a pooch who is full of life and, I daresay, gusto?? Ummm…look to the photos on the right and just try to tell me that Hercules doesn’t fit the bill!!

    He’s handsome, he’s energetic, he’s just so darn lovable, …he’s Hercules! And he is ready to become the hero of YOUR story!

    To meet this awesome guy, give us a call at (619) 299-7012 to arrange an introduction!