New Year’s Eve Pet Safety
Posted on December 31st, 2012Keeping Your Pets Safe On New Year’s Eve
When you are welcoming in the New Year tonight, keep in mind your pets and other animals may not be so enthusiastic about the noise.
Pet’s ears tend to suffer from the noise made by firecrackers blasts, causing them to tremble, bark excessively, refuse to eat food, hide or run away and sometimes even lose bowel control. Besides the noise, fireworks also produce plumes of smoke that may harm animal’s respiratory systems.
Follow these helpful tips from PETA on how to keep pets and other animals safe during New Year festivities:
- Keep cats and dogs indoors in a room where they feel safe during fireworks displays and, if possible, stay with them.
- Act happy and calm around scared animals in order to reinforce the idea that they don’t have a reason to be afraid.
- Leave your animals at home during the celebrations – never take them with you to watch firecracker displays.
- Never leave animals tethered or chained outside.
- Close your windows and curtains. Turn on a radio that’s tuned to a classical music station, or turn on the TV to help drown out the sound of the fireworks.
- Watch for stray animals who may be distressed. If you see an animal injured by fireworks, call your local Humane Society.
Keep Your Pets Warm This Winter
Posted on December 24th, 2012Merry Christmas from Clear the Air! We would like to share some tips to keeping your pets warm this winter from the Humane Society of the United States.
Keep in mind, dogs and cats are social animals who crave human companionship. Your animal companions deserve to live indoors with you and your family.
In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness. Extra precautions during winter months will make sure your four-footed family members stay safe and warm.
Help your pets remain happy and healthy during the colder months by following these simple guidelines:
Indoors and warm – Don’t leave dogs or cats outdoors when the temperature drops. Most dogs, and all cats, are safer indoors, except when taken out for exercise. No matter what the temperature, windchill can threaten a pet’s life. Regardless of the season, shorthaired, very young, or old dogs and all cats should never be left outside without supervision. Short-coated dogs may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater during walks.
The best way to keep your pets safe (and happy) is to keep them with you.
If your dog spends a lot of time outside – A dog or cat is happiest and healthiest when kept indoors. If for some reason your dog is outdoors much of the day, he or she must be protected by a dry, draft-free shelter that is large enough to allow the dog to sit and lie down comfortably, but small enough to hold in his/her body heat. The floor should be raised a few inches off the ground and covered with cedar shavings or straw. The house should be turned to face away from the wind, and the doorway should be covered with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.
Keep the water flowing – Pets who spend a lot of time outdoors need more food in the winter because keeping warm depletes energy. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make certain the water is fresh and unfrozen. Use plastic food and water bowls rather than metal; when the temperature is low, your pet’s tongue can stick and freeze to metal.
Be careful with cars – Warm engines in parked cars attract cats and small wildlife, who may crawl up under the hood. To avoid injuring any hidden animals, bang on your car’s hood to scare them away before starting your engine.
Safety and salt – The salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate the pads of your pet’s feet. Wipe all paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and irritates his/her mouth.
Avoid antifreeze – Antifreeze is a deadly poison, but it has a sweet taste that may attract animals and children. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze (and all household chemicals) out of reach. Better yet, use antifreeze-coolant made with propylene glycol; if swallowed in small amounts, it will not hurt pets, wildlife, or your family.
The best tip of all: keep your pets with you – Probably the best prescription for winter’s woes is to keep your dog or cat inside with you and your family. The happiest dogs are those who are taken out frequently for walks and exercise, but kept inside the rest of the time.
San Diego Humane Society Featured Pet
Posted on December 19th, 2012Clear the Air would like to share a special pet from the San Diego Humane Society who needs a forever home.
Meet Bonnie! If you are looking for a new dog this Christmas season, stop in and meet Bonnie.
According to Michelle, a Dog Buddy volunteer at San Diego Humane Society‘s Gaines Campus, “Bonnie is the sweetest, most loving dog. She tries to be a lap dog and loves to give kisses.” Michelle was first drawn to Bonnie because of her affinity for Pit Bull breeds in general. “They are a misunderstood breed, so I try to give them more attention.”
As for Bonnie, the 3-year old auburn-colored pooch stole Michelle heart when she came right over and plopped down on her lap. “When laying on my lap she would lift her head up every minute or so to give me a kiss.” How sweet is that?! But her affectionate nature is only one of many impressive qualities this doggie possesses. Michelle describes some additional awesomeness, “Bonnie is great at sitting and enjoys playing fetch, too. She is so well-behaved. She also love to be scratched on the chest and behind her ears.”
If you are interested in giving Bonnie a little behind-the-ear love or introduce her to your lap, please contact our Front Desk at 619-299-7012, or stop on by our Gaines Campus to meet her!
Winter Exercise Plans For Your Dog
Posted on December 18th, 2012Winter is here and it isn’t always easy to make sure your dog gets exercise when you may have to be confined indoors.
At Clear the Air we truly believe in the importance of keeping your dog happy and healthy and this is achieved through exercise. Check out the ASPCA’s tips for winter exercise for your dog:
Getting pets who dislike the cold to go outside in winter can be a challenge, but chilly weather or not, pets need fresh air and exercise. ASPCA experts assure us that while short-haired and smaller breeds may require cozy apparel to protect them from winter’s bite, others simply need a little training to learn how to enjoy a cold-weather romp.
1. Entice your pooch with off-leash exercise sessions, playing tug or fetch, or romping with canine buddies—the more aerobic the activity, the warmer the dog will be.
2. If your dog’s playing off-leash, you can use treats to reward her for fetching toys—even if you usually don’t have to. The extra incentive might further spark her interest in the great (and chilly!) outdoors.
3. Offer your pet special treats during outdoor excursions. While on a brisk walk, pop something delicious into her mouth every now and then—or feed her breakfast by hand while outdoors.
4. Winter is a great time to enroll in indoor training classes. Sports like agility and flyball are often taught in heated facilities and are excellent exercise for the canine body and mind—and you’ll enjoy them, too!
5. Walk your pet in wooded areas during the winter months. The forest not only provides protection from wind, but the rich smells, sights and sounds can be infinitely interesting for dogs to investigate, distracting them from chilly temperatures.
6. Many dogs dislike going outside during winter because snow, salt and chemical de-icers hurt their paws. Canine booties can protect paws, while keeping them warm—and disposable latex boots are available for dogs who don’t like the feel of thicker boots.
7. Musher’s Secret, a waxy substance that you can apply to your dog’s paws, can be an effective alternative to booties for protecting toes and paw pads in snow and ice.
8. Getting your dog to play outside may simply be a matter of keeping her warm:
- Dress puppies—who don’t have as much body fat as adults—in a coat or sweater.
- Get waterproof gear for wet days.
- Invest in a well-fitting coat that covers your dog’s back and underside. (Fleece is nice!)
- Staying warm during winter takes more energy, so increased food intake may be necessary. Good body condition means you can feel, but not see, your dog’s bones. If you can see his spine, hips and ribs, then he’s too thin and you should talk to your veterinarian about increasing his food intake.
9. If you’ve tried everything and your dog still seems miserable when you take her outside, provide extra exercise indoors by playing games that involve physical exertion, like tug-of-war.
10. Help your dog expend mental energy by feeding her meals in food-puzzle toys, giving her plenty of things to chew, teaching her new tricks and playing interactive games like hide-and-seek.
Make sure your dog has access to shelter and water at all times. And please remember, if you’re cold, your dog probably is, too, and it’s time to come home.
Article can be found at: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-care-tips/winter-exercise-guidelines
Why Do Dogs Chew?
Posted on November 28th, 2012Do you have a dog who loves to chew at home? Read our blog article:
We can’t believe it has been over a year now since we acquired our youngest addition to the family, Zimba. While it has been so much fun watching him grow into his over-sized body and bumble around, he sure has caused some minor destruction with his need to chew.
Bill’s nook has been chewed so it no longer can be turned off, shoes have been chewed, furniture, etc. But, of course we still love the big guy.
We are sharing an article on Why Dogs Chew from the ASPCA. If you are looking to get a puppy or even adult dog for someone this Christmas, these tips on why dogs chew will definitely be useful reading material.
Do you have a chewer at home? Please share with us by commenting on our blog.
It’s perfectly normal for puppies and dogs to chew on objects as they explore the world. For young dogs, it’s a way to relieve pain that might be caused by incoming teeth. For older dogs, it’s a way to keep jaws strong and teeth clean.
But sometimes natural chewing can become destructive for dogs seeking to combat boredom or relieve mild anxiety or frustration. Dogs who chew to relieve the stress of separation anxiety usually only chew when left alone or chew most intensely when left alone.
So what can you do if your best friend’s chewing turns destructive? Puppies and adult dogs should have a variety of appropriate and attractive chew toys. However, just providing the right things to chew isn’t enough to prevent inappropriate chewing. Dogs need to learn what is okay to chew and what is not.
What to Do If Your Dog Is a Destructive Chewer
- “Dog-proof” your house. Put valuable objects away until you’re confident that your dog’s chewing behavior is restricted to appropriate items. Keep shoes and clothing in a closed closest, dirty laundry in a hamper and books on shelves. Make it easy for your dog to succeed.
- Provide your dog with plenty of his own toys and inedible and edible chew bones. Introduce something new or rotate your dog’s chew toys every couple of days so he doesn’t get bored with the same old toys.
- Discourage chewing inappropriate items by spraying them with chewing deterrents.
- Do your best to supervise your dog during all waking hours until you feel confident that his chewing behavior is under control.
- Provide your dog with plenty of physical exercise (playtime with you and with other dogs) and mental stimulation. If you have to leave your dog alone for more than a short period of time, make sure he gets out for a good play session.
Full article can be viewed at: http://blog.aspca.org/content/why-does-my-dog-chew
San Diego Humane Society’s Hidden Gem Spotlight
Posted on November 26th, 2012This week we are promoting Benji! He is looking for his forever home…do you have room in your heart for Benji?
Watch Benji’s video and see his goofiness & enthusiasm come to life!
Benji is a sweet, one-year old Pit Bull/Lab Retriever mix who is as lovable as he is cute! Still an exuberant pup, Benji approaches life with enthusiasm and plenty of curiosity. Although he had a tough start in life that has left him a bit shy, he is becoming more and more social daily, and Benji’s current foster mom reports that he is doing very well, having fun, and wagging that tail of his more than ever!
This sweet guy will need some extra time and patience from the lucky family who adopts him. The world around him can seem very new and scary, so Benji appreciates slow introductions and lots of love to help him overcome some of his fears. In addition to playing with tennis balls and being his energetic and goofy self, Benji also knows how to relax with the best of ’em and enjoys spending plenty of quality time snuggling on the couch.
Benji’s adoption fee of $75 includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, a bag of food from Hill’s Science Diet and a license if residing in Oceanside or Vista! This very special hidden gem of ours is currently in foster care. If you are interested in meeting him or getting more information, please contact Customer Service at (619) 299-7012.
Animal ID 94566
Adopt A Senior Pet Month is NOW!
Posted on November 23rd, 2012Adopt a senior pet this month for a reduced adoption fee.
The month of November is dedicated to “adopt a senior pet”. When you adopt a senior pet, you are adopting a homeless pet that is already house trained, doesn’t chew up furniture, and as already settled into its personality so there are no surprises as time goes on.
Many people might think that a senior pet is an old pet with no life left, but quite the opposite is true. Most senior pets end up in shelters and rescue groups because they were once in a home and something happened in the family that prevents them from keeping the pet.
For example, the death of a pet owner is the most common reason for pets to become homeless. Divorce often leads to split families and turmoil and the pets can get “forgotten” in the midst of human emotional turmoil. No matter the reason, senior pets are not to blame for becoming “homeless”, they are simply the victims that get left behind. Anyone who has adopted a senior pet can tell you that it’s the best adoption you can ever choose.
At animal shelters and rescue groups everywhere, there are loving, healthy senior pets looking for that one special home to cherish them for the rest of their life, and they don’t ask for much: just a warm place to sleep, good meals and plenty of love.
During the month of November, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA is honoring its ‘Sensational Senior’ animals with reduced adoption fees! senior pets in need of homes are looking for that one special family that will cherish and love them in their golden years, and they don’t require much more than a warm place to rest and plenty of love.
From now until November 30, the adoption fee for all senior animals (over age 7) will be reduced to $25. If a second ‘animal buddy’ is adopted, the fee will be waived entirely! Special discounts are also available to adopters over age 55 who choose to adopt a senior animal. These fees include microchipping, spay/neuter, vaccinations and veterinary exam. Don’t delay—curl up with a sensational senior animal today!
Thanksgiving Safety For Your Pets
Posted on November 21st, 2012The ASPCA has shared some helpful Thanksgiving tips for the Turkey Season!
Happy Thanksgiving from Clear the Air! Check out the following tips from ASPCA experts for a fulfilling Thanksgiving that your pets can enjoy, too.
Talkin’ Turkey – If you decide to feed your pet a little nibble of turkey, make sure it’s boneless and well-cooked. Don’t offer her raw or undercooked turkey, which may contain salmonella bacteria.
Sage Advice – Sage can make your Thanksgiving stuffing taste delish, but it and many other herbs contain essential oils and resins that can cause gastrointestinal upset and central nervous system depression to pets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especially sensitive to the effects of certain essential oils.
No Bread Dough – Don’t spoil your pet’s holiday by giving him raw bread dough. According to ASPCA experts, when raw bread dough is ingested, an animal’s body heat causes the dough to rise in his stomach. As it expands, the pet may experience vomiting, severe abdominal pain and bloating, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring surgery.
Don’t Let Them Eat Cake – If you’re baking up Thanksgiving cakes, be sure your pets keep their noses out of the batter, especially if it includes raw eggs—they could contain salmonella bacteria that may lead to food poisoning.
Too Much of a Good Thing – A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, a taste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkin pie shouldn’t pose a problem. However, don’t allow your pets to overindulge, as they could wind up with a case of stomach upset, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. In fact, it’s best keep pets on their regular diets during the holidays.
A Feast Fit for a Kong – While the humans are chowing down, give your cat and dog their own little feast. Offer them Nylabones or made-for-pet chew bones. Or stuff their usual dinner—perhaps with a few added tidbits of turkey, vegetables (try sweet potato or green beans) and dribbles of gravy—inside a Kong toy. They’ll be happily occupied for awhile, working hard to extract their dinner from the toy.
Two Pets Find A Home During Hurricane Sandy
Posted on November 16th, 2012The ASPCA recently reported a great story about two lucky pets who found homes during the torrential torment of Hurricane Sandy.
Clear the Air is happy to report this great story:
As Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the Tri-State region, ASPCA employees worked tirelessly around the clock to provide critical care to animals in need, including the animals in our Adoption Center in Manhattan.
We are thrilled to report that two lucky animals found loving forever homes in the midst of the chaos caused by this historic storm.
First, a very special Chihuahua named Bentley—later changed to “Sandy” in honor of the occasion of his adoption—went home with Katherine N. on Monday to join his new family.
This sweet dog has come a long way. When he first arrived at the ASPCA in July, Sandy suffered from severe pneumonia and a broken leg. His pneumonia prevented him from undergoing immediate surgery and as a result, he lost his leg. Sandy took this in stride, happily moving around on three legs.
Katherine was drawn to Sandy while volunteering as a dog walker at the Adoption Center—his sweet personality and love for sitting in laps was irresistible. She has re-named him “Tito,” and calls him a “hurricane miracle.” He is safe and sound in Katherine’s home, making friends with her other dog, Nina, whom she rescued from the ASPCA in 2005.
On Tuesday, a sweet 12-week-old kitten named Nelly also received his happy ending. With a day off from work due to Hurricane Sandy, Christie H. and Mark G. visited our Adoption Center and adopted Nelly to join their cat, an ASPCA rescue named Ted, in their New York City home. Now Nelly is “Ned,” and Ned and Ted are getting along great.
We couldn’t be happier that these two shelter pets found loving families, who were willing to welcome shelter pets into their homes during an unsettling time.
Story can be found at: http://blog.aspca.org/content/two-lucky-pets-find-homes-during-hurricane-sandy
Why Do Pit Bulls Have A Bad Rap?
Posted on November 14th, 2012Clear the Air is always saddened to see so many Pit Bull breeds in the local shelters. Unfortunately people have a misconception about the breed and we would like to share part of an article from the ASPCA about why Pit Bulls have a bad rap.
Sadly, the pit bull has acquired a reputation as an unpredictable and dangerous menace. His intimidating appearance has made him attractive to people looking for a macho status symbol, and this popularity has encouraged unscrupulous breeders to produce puppies without maintaining the pit bull’s typical good nature with people. To make matters worse, irresponsible owners interested in presenting a tough image often encourage their pit bulls to behave aggressively.
If a pit bull does bite, he’s far more likely to inflict serious injuries than most other breeds, simply because of his size and strength. A pit bull bite is also far more likely to draw media attention. Many dogs of other breeds bite people, but these incidents almost always go unreported. They’re just not exciting enough fodder for television and print.
Despite this bad rap, a well-bred, well-socialized and well-trained pit bull is one of the most delightful, intelligent and gentle dogs imaginable. It is truly a shame that the media continues to portray such a warped image of this beautiful, loyal and affectionate breed. Pit bulls once enjoyed a wonderful reputation. Some of the most famous dogs in American history were pit bulls. A pit bull named Stubby, a decorated hero during World War One, earned several medals and was even honored at the White House. During duty, he warned soldiers of gas attacks, found wounded men in need of help and listened for oncoming artillery rounds.
Pit bulls have been featured in well-known advertising campaigns for companies such as Levis, Buster Brown Shoes and Wells Fargo. The image of a pit bull, which was considered a symbol of unflagging bravery and reliability, represented the United States on recruiting and propaganda posters during World War One. Many famous figures, including Helen Keller, President Theodore Roosevelt, General George Patton, President Woodrow Wilson, Fred Astaire and Humphrey Bogart, shared their lives and homes with pit bulls.
Modern pit bulls can still be ambassadors for their breed. Some are registered therapy dogs and spend time visiting hospitals and nursing homes. Some work in search-and-rescue. Tahoe, Cheyenne and Dakota, three search-and-rescue pit bulls from Sacramento, California, worked tirelessly at the World Trade Center during the aftermath of 9/11.
Others, like Popsicle, an accomplished U.S. customs dog, work in narcotics and explosives detection. Still others serve as protection or sentry dogs for the police. The majority are cherished family members. Pit bulls become very attached to their people, and most love nothing better than cuddling on the couch or sleeping in bed with their pet parents (preferably under the covers)!
Read more about pit bulls at: http://www.aspca.org/Pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/dog-articles/the-truth-about-pit-bulls