• How To Eliminate Urine Odor In Artificial Grass

    Posted on September 6th, 2013
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    Do you have artificial grass in your yard?

    A lot of times people add artificial grass to their yard to provide a place for their dog to use the restroom.

    Unfortunately, there is no soil for the urine to soak into, thus creating an unpleasant odor that can usually be quite strong especially during the summer heat.

    Clear The Air’s Lawn/Yard Odor Eliminator works wonders to eliminate urine and feces odors from artificial grass.

    Simply sprinkle our Lawn/Yard Odor Eliminator over your artificial grass and the odor will be eliminated in 24 hours. If the odor is extremely strong you may need to do two applications. There is no need to vacuum up or sweep the granules away. Our products are 100 non-toxic and safe even if ingested.

    Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the artificial grass even if it has soaked all the way through . Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

  • What Every Dog Owner Should Know

    Posted on August 27th, 2013
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    Helpful tips for dog owners.

    Whether you have had a dog all your life or you are new to dog ownership, here are some tips for every dog owner:

    1. Dogs are not deliberately naughty – A dog will misbehave or disobey if he doesn’t understand what you want, he is suffering from stress or fear or he doesn’t consider you his leader.
    2. A dog is simply, a dog – They do not communicate like humans do. To effectively train your dog, put yourself in his shoes and understand his instinctual pack behavior.
    3. Aggression happens in any breed – No matter how small or big or how bad of a reputation that breed has, aggression is caused by fear of the unknown. When a dog becomes frightened he will either fight or take flight. Reinforce leadership with your dog so you can avoid any unacceptable or uncontrollable aggression.
    4. Teach your dog tricks – Old dogs really can learn new tricks. They are continuous learners and have exceptional memories. Show your dog what you consider good and bad to behavior to help change his behavior for the better.
    5. Dogs think of survival – As a dog owner you should model a leader’s characteristics so you can be accepted as the leader and your dog will learn to respect and obey you. Your leadership will help your dog feel safe and eliminate any behavior problems.
  • Don’t Be Embarrassed By “Doggy Odor”

    Posted on July 31st, 2013
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    If you have dogs, you have probably come across that “doggy odor” here and there.

    Clear The Air prides ourselves on being able to completely eliminate doggy odor from any source, big or small, seen or unseen.

    If you have doggy odor in your carpet: Simply sprinkle Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the carpet and hang Earth Care Odor Remover Bags to eliminate doggy odors from the carpet. Wait for 24 hours to vacuum up the granules from the carpet.

    If you have doggy odor in your dog beds: Take the dog beds outside where there is plenty of air circulation and sprinkle our Earth Care Clear The Air granules all over the beds. Allow 24 hours for the granules to stay on the dog beds. You can then shake off the granules and your odor will be eliminated. If the odor is extremely strong, you may want to wash the bed first, let it dry then apply the granules to the bed.

    If you have doggy odor in your car: If your car smells like your dog’s bed, it’s time to use our product! Simply hang or place two of our Earth Care Odor Remover Bags in your car. Our product works best when there is air flow in your vehicle. We recommend rolling down the windows when your car is parked and not in use. If the odor is extremely strong, sprinkle some of our Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the floor boards of your vehicle. Leave the granules for 24 hours then you may vacuum them up.

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.

    Have questions about eliminating a pesky odor? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service agent, Pat.

  • Odor Crisis? Check Out What Other Clear The Air Customers Are Saying

    Posted on July 24th, 2013
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    Customer testimonials – our product WORKS!

    Clear The Air knows that when you purchase a new product, nothing helps to make your decision than from other people’s opinions. We would like to share some customer testimonials on our various products we offer:

    My dog was at the losing end of a confrontation with a skunk. Before I realized it, he had run thought the house rubbing on everything. The odor was stifling. After using “Clear the Air” I noticed a huge improvement the next day. You have a great product. ~Lyle

    Hi Pat, when I got home the package was there, yay! I put them in my stinky bathroom last night where we think a possum or some other creature has died in between our walls.. it has been horrible the last few days and we couldn’t afford to hammer the walls down to look for it…. my son says this morning it smells a lot better and he was surprised that your product works so well.. a day or two more we’re hoping it will be back to normal.. thanks again for a great product! ~Janet

    LOVE your stuff! A “bonus” is when you vacuum up the granules, they stay in the vacuum and I no longer smell the dog every time I vacuum! When dumping the filter, I NEVER dump the granules! Vacuuming is now not a “smelly” job. ~Yvonne S.

    I used your Odor Removing Granules and I have to say they work great! I have tried just about everything on the market to get rid of cat urine smell and nothing has worked like your product. ~Eileen I.

    As VOCs relate to cancer, I am overjoyed that this takes them out. Everyone should get a kit when they buy a new house, paint a room or stain a deck. I actually used two socks filled with granules in the guest room after I painted with a “low” VOC paint…no smell by morning…fabulous- and healthy! Thanks. ~Scottie

  • New Puppy 101 – 5 Tips To Socializing Your New Family Member

    Posted on July 19th, 2013
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    New puppy tips.

    Congratulations, you’ve brought home your new puppy!  Now it is time to help him learn how to live in his new world and make him comfortable around new things such as the mailman, the vacuum cleaner and the occasional guest.

    1. First of all, you want your puppy to meet new people. This means both inside your home and out and about at new places.  When your puppy engages successfully with new people reward him for demonstrating a good behavior.  Initially, it is a good idea to introduce your puppy to new people on his own turf – at home.  When new people come over, suggest they crouch down low and let the puppy approach them on his/her own time.
    2. Once your puppy enjoys new adults, introduce him to kids for a short amount of time.  Sometimes children might accidentally play too rough with your pup so make sure you supervise them constantly in the beginning.  As an alternative, if you bring your dog to a park your puppy will likely draw kids to him on his own.
    3. Next you will want to socialize your puppy around other dogs.  A great way to do this is to bring your dog to a dog park.  This way you can let your pup decide who to meet and for how long.  It is also helpful to host doggie playdates.  Invite friends to bring their dogs to your garden or backyard for a game of Frisbee or ball chase.
    4. If you have other pets, introduce them slowly to the new puppy.  By keeping the new puppy in a kennel, this allows the new pet to visit it through the safety of the bars.  Gradually extend the length of these visits until you allow them to meet face to face.
    5. Lastly, you should introduce new experiences to your puppy such as vacuums and other types of loud things around the house.  First let your puppy check out the quieted item, then place your puppy a safe distance away before turning on the object for a second or two.  After you turn it off, stand the object up and call your pup to you.  Reward him with affection.  Lastly, after the noise has been turned on try calling your pup.  After a while loud noises will not bother him.

    Putting in extra time when you first get your puppy to socialize him is a labor of love that will pay off later – for both you and your pup.

  • Eliminate Odors From Rugs and Carpets

    Posted on July 12th, 2013
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    Get rid of odors in your rug without having to get them professionally cleaned.

    Do you have a rug you love that has a foul odor but it is too large to fit in your washer machine and you don’t want to pay the hefty price to have it professionally cleaned?

    Clear the Air can eliminate any odors from your rug or carpets. It is easy to use and 100% non toxic, even if ingested by humans or pets.

    Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor.  This means if you have an odor that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess!

    With Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the rug or carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete.

    Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the carpet pad, and sub-floor. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Follow these directions to eliminate odors in your rugs and carpets with Clear The Air:

    • Remove feces and excess urine.
    • Sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Also works well on old dry urine odors.
    • Leave overnight, then sweep or vacuum.
    • Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor.
    • Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary.
    • One canister covers 100 square feet.
  • Summer Vacation – Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

    Posted on July 11th, 2013
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    Traveling with your dog.

    Dogs are a part of our everyday life.  When we go on vacation, it is nice to be able to bring our faithful companion on our travels with us.

    However, there are some things to keep in mind when traveling with your dog to make sure he/she is safe and has an enjoyable trip.

    It is important to make sure to bring your dog to the vet’s for a checkup before going on an extended trip. Make sure all his vaccinations are up to date and his shot records are with you. To keep your dog healthy as you travel, bring along a supply of his regular food and some local, or bottled, water. Also be sure to bring any medications he needs.

    If you are traveling by car, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

    • Get your dog used to the car by letting him sit in it with you without leaving the driveway, and then going for short rides.
    • Avoid car sickness by letting your dog travel on an empty stomach. However, make sure he has plenty of water at all times.
    • Keep the car well-ventilated. If the dog is in a crate, make sure that fresh air can flow into the crate.
    • Do not let your dog ride with his head sticking out of an open window. This can lead to eye injuries.
    • Never let your dog ride in the back of an open truck! This is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe injuries or death.
    • Stop frequently for exercise and potty breaks. Be sure to clean up after your dog.
    • Car rides are boring for everyone, so instruct your children not to tease or annoy the dog in the car.
    • Never, ever leave your dog unattended in a closed vehicle, particularly in the summer. If you must leave the car, designate a member of the family to stay with the dog.
  • How To Sell Your Home Faster

    Posted on June 17th, 2013
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    Clear The Air’s line of products can be used for pretty much any odor you come across.

    We have helped many home owners and realtors sell homes much faster by eliminating pesky pet and cigarette smoke odors in homes.

    We would like to share some tips to selling your home faster. Remember to use Clear The Air’s line of products to clear out any odors lingering in your home.

    • Empty out your closets when selling. You can never have too much storage. Take half your stuff out of your closets and neatly organize what is left. Buyers will snoop so make sure all your closets and cabinets are clean and tidy.
    • Maximize lighting in your home when selling. Take down the drapes, wash the windows and change the lampshades all to create more light in your home. Making your home more bright and cheery will increases the chances of it selling.
    • Find a great real estate agent when selling. Having an agent who knows what properties are going on the market and knows the comps in your neighborhood will be key to making sure your home gets sold fast.
    • Keep your pets away while showing your home. Not everyone is an animal lover and they don’t want to walk in your home smelling the kitty litter box or seeing pet fur on everything. This gives buyers the impression your home is not clean. If planning an open house, make arrangements to keep your pets somewhere else. Make sure to use Clear The Air on your litter box!
    • Make quick fixes before selling, not major upgrades. If you do a huge improvement project before your put your home on the market, you may not get your money back. Small things like new door handles and clean grout are good to do before listing your home.
    • De-personalize your home when selling. The more personal stuff in your home the less likely a potential buyer can imagine themselves living there. You may want to hire a home stager to maximize the full potential of your home.
    • Sell your kitchen. Fixing up your kitchen will help increase your value tremendously. Anything from new cabinet hardware to new counter tops will make your potential buyer’s eyes light up.
    • Be available to show any time when selling. Make sure your home is show ready at all times. You never know when a buyer will walk through the door. Keep dishes in the dishwasher, bathrooms sparkling and eliminate your dust bunnies.
    • Make a good first impression when selling. Make a few improvements to your home’s exterior with shrubs and brightly colored flowers. Make the entryway clean and enticing. Stand in front of your house and ask yourself what could be improved so a first time visitor falls in love with the way your house looks.
  • Avoid Doggy Destruction – 5 Ways To Keep Your Dog Happy While You’re Away

    Posted on June 10th, 2013
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    We all have to work and sometimes our dogs have to get left at home while we are away.

    Check out these great ways to keep your dog entertained while you are away and he is home alone from Clear the Air:

    1. Lots of walks – It is a great idea to take your dog for a walk before you go off to work. Not only will he be able to go potty to reduce the chance of an accident but you two will get to spend some quality time together. You might want to throw the ball and include some playtime in your walk to tire him out so he can relax while you are at work.
    2. Toys – Introducing a new toy while you he is home alone can add some excitement to your dog’s life. A chew toy that your dog has to work out while you’re gone is the best. Try hiding toys for a few days and reintroducing it to him as well. Toys such as a Kong or food cube will encourage your dog to stay active while trying to work at getting the treat out of the toy. Even the laziest of dogs may not be able to resist a toy that gives them yummy treats when they play with it.
    3. Water – Making sure your dog has enough water while you are gone is extremely important. A dog fountain provides a constant supply of clean fresh water and many dogs love the diversion that a fountain can create.
    4. Sound – When you are out, leave on a CD or tune the radio to a clear station and let it play while you are out. This will not only feel like he isn’t alone but the noise will keep him company as well.
    5. Comfortable Bed – Create a comfortable place for your dog to relax. He will most likely want to snooze while you are away and making his spot inviting and comfortable will help keep him a good boy while he’s along.
  • Does Your Dog Bed Smell?

    Posted on May 1st, 2013
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    How to eliminate doggy bed odors.

    A lot of times our dog beds will acquire that good old “doggy smell” and although our dogs may think it smells heavenly, sometimes it’s nice to eliminate the odor so you can’t smell it laying in your bed!

    What we recommend is taking apart your dog bed (should you have a cover on it) and throw it in the wash along with any blankets your dog may use in his bed.

    After you wash and dry your dog’s bedding, we recommend sprinkling our Clear the Air Furniture Odor Eliminator on the padding before zipping up the cover around the dog’s bedding. Your dog’s bed should smell fresh and with Clear the Air in your dog’s bed, the doggy odor will stay away for longer.

    If your dog bed cover can not be unzipped and separated from the padding within the bed, place your dog’s bed outside in a well ventilated area and sprinkle Clear the Air Furniture Odor Eliminator all over the bedding. Leave on the bed for 24 hours and when done, shake out the granules and vacuum any leftover granules.

    It is also a good idea to hang our Clear the Air Odor Eliminator Bags above your dog’s bed to absorb any “doggy” odors your dog may leave behind.

    Do you have any questions about eliminating odors? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service agent!