Day #8 of Helpful Tips For You And Your Pet – Learning Dogs Body Language
Posted on February 10th, 2012Learning a dogs body language will not only help you learn more about your own dog but will also help with any interactions with new dogs you meet.
Day #8: Learning Your Dog’s Body Language
This is especially helpful if you are new to dogs and something helpful to teach your children so they know when a dog is comfortable to have you around and when he is not. Always make sure to use common sense when dealing with dogs and remember this is only a guide.
I Feel Relaxed and Mellow – A dog’s posture will be calm and relaxed, just sort of standing around. However, you should always ask the dog’s owner if it is OK to pet their dog.
I’m Scared – A dog’s tail will most likely be tucked between his legs and his hackles will be raised too. Keep away from a dog with posture like this. He may bite, even if all you are doing is trying to help him.
Play With Me! – A playful dog’s tail will be wagging and his forequarters will be on the ground but with their rear end in the air.
I’m A Little Timid – A shy dog will probably roll over on his back to show he is submissive. It is important if you see someone else’s dog doing this to ask if it is OK to pet him as the dog might be a little frightened too.
I’m Protective and Aggressive – When a dog is protecting, his hackles will be raised, his teeth will be showing and his tail may be all fluffed up. Do not run away from the dog, stand still, be calm and don’t make eye contact.