How To Keep Your Pets Safe This Halloween Season
Posted on October 9th, 2013Halloween is a fun time for kids and adults, but it can also be scary for animals if you’re not careful.
Any holiday brings an increased risk of harm and health problems for animals when candy and decorations are involved, but Halloween can be especially risky for a number of reasons. We encourage everyone to have a safe and fun holiday, but please keep the safety and well-being of your pets in mind!
Here are some tips to keeping your pet safe during the Halloween season:
- Never leave your dog outside unattended – this is a generally safe rule to follow, but it is particularly important on Halloween. It is a sad truth that disturbed individuals have been known to injure and even kill pets on Halloween. No matter how safe your neighborhood may be, Halloween often brings out the pranksters and vandals, so don’t take any chances and keep your dog inside with you where you know he is safe.
- Most people will agree that there is nothing cuter than a dog in costume. However, as appealing as your dolled-up pup may be, it is important to always keep your dog’s happiness, safety and comfort in mind.
- Everyone knows the best part of Halloween is the candy, but unfortunately this is one of the main reasons that vets see an increase of sick animals around this holiday. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and will likely notice the increase of sweets in the house. Keep all types of candy away from your dog!
- If you put up Halloween decorations, be sure to keep them well out of your dog’s reach. Dogs gravitate towards things that are shiny, small and/or inedible – all of which can cause serious health problems! Candles, lights and cords are a huge safety hazard for all pets.
- Make sure your dog is in a safe, secure place when the trick-or-treaters come knocking at your door. The continuous knocking or ringing of a doorbell combined with the constant opening and closing of the door will offer plenty of opportunities for your pet to dart out and run away.
- No matter what your friends said in college, a drunk dog is NOT a happy dog. Never ever give any amount of alcohol to any animal. If you think it would be funny to see your dog intoxicated, think again. Alcohol is essentially poison to dogs and can cause symptoms including but not limited to: vomiting, disorientation, seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack and death.
Skeptical? Check Out What Others Are Saying About Clear The Air
Posted on September 23rd, 2013Earth Care’s Clear The Air loves hearing about the success our users have with our product. If you are skeptical about using our product, check out what people just like you are saying. We also encourage you to watch the video below.
Recent testimonials from other Clear the Air users:
Some rodent died in our attic and we were unable to find it. Our exterminator brought by two bags and got rid of the odor. You have a great product. ~Kathy
Had another magic moment with Earth care – it wiped out a horrible garbage smell in my brand new car. ~Nancy Szerlag, Detroit News columnist.
Nothing works better on odors from Skunk, Urine, Refrigerators or Dead Rodents than Earth Care’s Odor Remover Bags, according to Pest Control Operators:
What a great product you have! I had a horrible odor in my son’s room due to some animal that had died in the wall. I tried a few things and they didn’t work. Then I was introduced to your product by a exterminator. I really didn’t think it would help, but a mere 12 hours later and there is a remarkable difference. Thank you for making a product that actually works. ~Shelley Hansen
I wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your products. The dog urine smell in our living room is gone thanks to Earth Care. ~Greg Voisen
No More Kitty Hairballs!
Posted on September 9th, 2013Help lower the amount of hairballs your cat is bothered with.
Not only do we not like cleaning them up but they are unpleasant for your cat, causing intestinal blockage which can be a serious health problem.
Hairballs develop as a result of your cat’s fastidious grooming cycle. When your cat grooms himself he catches loose and dead hair and swallows it. If some hair stays in the stomach, a hairball is formed.
We would like to clue our readers in to learn how to help your cat reduce the amount of hairballs he gets.
- Help out your cat with his grooming, especially long haired cats. The more fur you remove from your cat the less likely he will end up with a hairball. Cats usually loved being brushed so this can be a great bonding time for you and your cat.
- Pick up some hairball formula cat food at The Country Feed Store. These high fiber foods are designed to improve the health of your cat’s coat.
- Use a hairball product or laxative. We carry hairball remedies at the Country Feed Store, most of which are very mild laxatives which help hairballs pass through the digestive tract.
Does Your Cat’s Litter Box Smell? Eliminate It!
Posted on August 7th, 2013Keep your cat’s litter box odor away.
If it’s obvious you have a cat living in your house because you can smell his litter box, you need Clear The Air! We pride ourselves on our Cat Odor product’s amazing skills to eliminate cat urine odor.
If you have a cat you know that cat urine odor is incredibly strong and can be almost impossible to get rid of. However, our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator works wonders at keeping this odor away.
Check out our helpful tips to ensuring your cat’s litter box goes unnoticed to your nose:
Scooping – The number one rule, and the only thing that will keep litter box odor at bay, is constant cleaning. That means scooping the box out at least twice a day, removing the solids and liquid clumps if you use clumping litter. If you don’t use clumping litter, you can use a large solid metal spoon to lift out the most urine-soaked areas each time you clean and add litter as needed to replace what is removed.
Washing Your Litter Box – You should also get in the habit of washing the litter box at least every other week if not more. Use a mild unscented dish detergent and rinse clean. Remember to clean your scooper too. When the box is dry, sprinkle a thin layer of our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box first. Then add two to three inches of litter. Cats do not like a deep tray of litter and this allows you to add litter as you scoop.
Type of Litter – Some have perfumes and others have additives to only cover the smell. To a cat, these smells can be overwhelming and make the box unwelcoming. It is usually a good idea to get unscented litter and sprinkle our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box to eliminate the odor, not cover it up.
Type of Litter Box – Using the largest box your home can accommodate is the best idea. A good rule of thumb is to get a box that is at least twice as long as your adult cat and wide as the cat is long. Even though a covered box is nicer to look at, most cats don’t like them and they also trap odors inside making it unpleasant for your pet to enter.
Location – Lastly, location of your cats litter box is very important to keep your pet happy to relieve himself in the correct areas. The rule is one litter box per cat plus one. It is important to have the boxes in different locations. Also make sure the box is in a low traffic area, away from his or her food and in a place that your cat can easily get in and out of.
These suggestions may take a lot of effort but not only with your cat be happier but you will as well, not having to put up with cat urine odors. Remember to pick up Clear the Air’s Cat Urine Odor Eliminator available at all Petco stores or online.
Odor Crisis? Check Out What Other Clear The Air Customers Are Saying
Posted on July 24th, 2013Customer testimonials – our product WORKS!
Clear The Air knows that when you purchase a new product, nothing helps to make your decision than from other people’s opinions. We would like to share some customer testimonials on our various products we offer:
My dog was at the losing end of a confrontation with a skunk. Before I realized it, he had run thought the house rubbing on everything. The odor was stifling. After using “Clear the Air” I noticed a huge improvement the next day. You have a great product. ~Lyle
Hi Pat, when I got home the package was there, yay! I put them in my stinky bathroom last night where we think a possum or some other creature has died in between our walls.. it has been horrible the last few days and we couldn’t afford to hammer the walls down to look for it…. my son says this morning it smells a lot better and he was surprised that your product works so well.. a day or two more we’re hoping it will be back to normal.. thanks again for a great product! ~Janet
LOVE your stuff! A “bonus” is when you vacuum up the granules, they stay in the vacuum and I no longer smell the dog every time I vacuum! When dumping the filter, I NEVER dump the granules! Vacuuming is now not a “smelly” job. ~Yvonne S.
I used your Odor Removing Granules and I have to say they work great! I have tried just about everything on the market to get rid of cat urine smell and nothing has worked like your product. ~Eileen I.
As VOCs relate to cancer, I am overjoyed that this takes them out. Everyone should get a kit when they buy a new house, paint a room or stain a deck. I actually used two socks filled with granules in the guest room after I painted with a “low” VOC paint…no smell by morning…fabulous- and healthy! Thanks. ~Scottie
How Do I Know My Cat Loves Me?
Posted on July 24th, 2013Cats are funny animals in that they don’t show too much emotion when it comes to showing that they love you.
Clear The Air loves cats and we have a couple of our own. We’d like to share some cool ways that cats show they love you:
- Half Mast Eyes – If you are lying in bed or on the couch with your cat and his eyes are half shut while he looks at you, he is telling you he is comfortable with you. For cats, this is a huge compliment they are giving you.
- Rolling Around With Tummy Up – A cat laying with its belly up is showing that he thinks you are safe and won’t hurt him. He is saying he trusts you and can let his guard down.
- Kneading or “Biscuit Making” – When a cat kneads on you – moving his paws up and down on you – he is saying he loves you. Kittens do this same action to stimulate their mother’s milk production. This is a sign of contentment; your cat is reliving his happy moments as a kitten.
- Head-butt – A head-butt, also known as a head bump, is your cat letting you know how highly he thinks of you, almost like a secret handshake. Not every cat does this and this behavior is somewhat rare. If you put your hand by his head and he shoves his head into your hand, he is giving you an affectionate head-butt.
- Talking – Cats do not meow with other cats so when your cat is talking away in his meow language, he is talking to you! Usually letting you know he is hungry, wants a treat or wants to go outside. Usually if you talk back to them they’ll carry on quite a long conversation with you. 🙂
Eliminate Odors From Rugs and Carpets
Posted on July 12th, 2013Get rid of odors in your rug without having to get them professionally cleaned.
Do you have a rug you love that has a foul odor but it is too large to fit in your washer machine and you don’t want to pay the hefty price to have it professionally cleaned?
Clear the Air can eliminate any odors from your rug or carpets. It is easy to use and 100% non toxic, even if ingested by humans or pets.
Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor. This means if you have an odor that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess!
With Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the rug or carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete.
Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the carpet pad, and sub-floor. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.
Follow these directions to eliminate odors in your rugs and carpets with Clear The Air:
- Remove feces and excess urine.
- Sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Also works well on old dry urine odors.
- Leave overnight, then sweep or vacuum.
- Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor.
- Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary.
- One canister covers 100 square feet.
Pew! Eliminate Litter Box Odors
Posted on June 27th, 2013No matter how much you love your cat, your cat’s litter box can sometimes be unpleasant.
Clear the Air loves cats and we take special care in making sure our cats’ litter boxes are properly cared for and odor free.
While our product works absolute wonders on the litter box to eliminate and keep odors down, there are other measures you can take to ensure your cat’s litter box is odor free to you and your cat’s noses.
- Use Clear The Air a few times a week to sprinkle over your cat’s litter. Is company about to arrive and your cat leaves a present for you in his litter box? Sprinkle our granules over the “present” and the odor will vanish, we guarantee it!
- Scoop your box at least daily, sometimes even more. The longer urine and feces sit there the more likely the smell will invade the rest of your home.
- Replace litter twice a month depending on how many cats use the litter box. Empty out your entire litter box and wash the box with soap and water. Dry the litter box, sprinkle a thin layer of Clear The Air Cat Urine Odor Eliminator and add then add sand.
- As time goes on, you will want to replace your actual litter box. Your cat’s claws and scooper can make small grooves in the bottom and sides or your litter box. These small grooves are hard to sterilize and hold onto odor.
- Make sure your litter box is in a well-ventilated area. You also want to make sure your cat has plenty of room to get around his litter box. If the box is in a tiny, dark hidden space the odor may be unpleasant and your cat may be more likely to find another unwanted place to use the restroom.
13 Crazy Cat Facts
Posted on June 19th, 2013Clear The Air loves cats! Check out these crazy cat facts for all you cat lovers out there:
- One litter of kittens can be produced by more than one father.
- A cat’s heart beats up to 140 times per minute, or about twice as fast as a human’s.
- Many people think that cats are colorblind, but it’s a myth. Now we know that cats can see blues, reds and greens. Also, many cats don’t have eyelashes.
- Cats will spend about a third of the day grooming. The process is helped along by the backwards-facing spikes on their tongues. Now you know why it feels like being rubbed with sandpaper when they lick you. They will also spend about 16 hours a day sleeping.
- Puss, a cat from England, lived to be 36 in human years: the oldest cat on record.
- Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows in mourning when their cats died. And if someone killed a cat, he or she could get the death penalty.
- Cats weigh an average of 12 pounds. The heaviest cat on record weighed nearly 47 pounds. The lightest was one pound, eight ounces.
- When kittens are born, their eyes are blue – but they often change color as the babies grow. The will also start dreaming when they’re about one week old.
- Cats can be trained to use the toilet as their litter box. Some can even be taught to flush when they’re done.
- Researchers have tried mouse-flavored cat food. The cats who were introduced to it refused to eat it.
- You might think it’s disgusting when your cat brings you dead prey (like a bird or mouse), but you should thank her anyway. She thinks that she’s bringing you a present.
- Cats rarely meow at other cats. Often a cat meows to his human when you come home or even to greet you when you see each other in the house or yard.
- And our favorite – our cats don’t think of themselves as small humans. Rather, they think of us as large cats.
How To Sell Your Home Faster
Posted on June 17th, 2013Clear The Air’s line of products can be used for pretty much any odor you come across.
We have helped many home owners and realtors sell homes much faster by eliminating pesky pet and cigarette smoke odors in homes.
We would like to share some tips to selling your home faster. Remember to use Clear The Air’s line of products to clear out any odors lingering in your home.
- Empty out your closets when selling. You can never have too much storage. Take half your stuff out of your closets and neatly organize what is left. Buyers will snoop so make sure all your closets and cabinets are clean and tidy.
- Maximize lighting in your home when selling. Take down the drapes, wash the windows and change the lampshades all to create more light in your home. Making your home more bright and cheery will increases the chances of it selling.
- Find a great real estate agent when selling. Having an agent who knows what properties are going on the market and knows the comps in your neighborhood will be key to making sure your home gets sold fast.
- Keep your pets away while showing your home. Not everyone is an animal lover and they don’t want to walk in your home smelling the kitty litter box or seeing pet fur on everything. This gives buyers the impression your home is not clean. If planning an open house, make arrangements to keep your pets somewhere else. Make sure to use Clear The Air on your litter box!
- Make quick fixes before selling, not major upgrades. If you do a huge improvement project before your put your home on the market, you may not get your money back. Small things like new door handles and clean grout are good to do before listing your home.
- De-personalize your home when selling. The more personal stuff in your home the less likely a potential buyer can imagine themselves living there. You may want to hire a home stager to maximize the full potential of your home.
- Sell your kitchen. Fixing up your kitchen will help increase your value tremendously. Anything from new cabinet hardware to new counter tops will make your potential buyer’s eyes light up.
- Be available to show any time when selling. Make sure your home is show ready at all times. You never know when a buyer will walk through the door. Keep dishes in the dishwasher, bathrooms sparkling and eliminate your dust bunnies.
- Make a good first impression when selling. Make a few improvements to your home’s exterior with shrubs and brightly colored flowers. Make the entryway clean and enticing. Stand in front of your house and ask yourself what could be improved so a first time visitor falls in love with the way your house looks.