No More Kitty Hairballs!
Posted on September 9th, 2013Help lower the amount of hairballs your cat is bothered with.
Not only do we not like cleaning them up but they are unpleasant for your cat, causing intestinal blockage which can be a serious health problem.
Hairballs develop as a result of your cat’s fastidious grooming cycle. When your cat grooms himself he catches loose and dead hair and swallows it. If some hair stays in the stomach, a hairball is formed.
We would like to clue our readers in to learn how to help your cat reduce the amount of hairballs he gets.
- Help out your cat with his grooming, especially long haired cats. The more fur you remove from your cat the less likely he will end up with a hairball. Cats usually loved being brushed so this can be a great bonding time for you and your cat.
- Pick up some hairball formula cat food at The Country Feed Store. These high fiber foods are designed to improve the health of your cat’s coat.
- Use a hairball product or laxative. We carry hairball remedies at the Country Feed Store, most of which are very mild laxatives which help hairballs pass through the digestive tract.
Should You Free-Feed Your Cat?
Posted on April 19th, 2013Feeding tips for your cat.
Do you wonder how much your cat should eat? Is your cat overweight? Check out some helpful tips below to find out what type of feeding schedule your cat should be on:
Age: Of course age makes a huge difference in how often your cat should eat. Kittens require more food per pound of body weight to support growth than adult cats do. Kittens should be fed more often throughout the day. Kittens up to six months of age may require three meals a day. Once an adult, a cat can get fed once or twice a day. Senior cats age seven and above, should maintain the same feeding schedule.
Health: If your cat suffers from a health problem like diabetes, you may need to feed him depending on when his insulin he is administered. It is best to check with your veterinarian. If your cat has hyperthyroidism, he may want to eat all the time. When a cat ages, his teeth may go bad or may develop gum disease making it difficult to chew dry food. If this is the case, offering wet food is usually best. Or you can mash up dry food in the wet food to make it easier for your cat to chew his food.
Dry vs. Wet Food: Feeding only dry food is fine as long as it is complete and balanced. Cats that only eat dry food must be provided with lots of fresh water, especially if they are prone to developing urinary tract issues. It is usually a good idea to provide both dry and wet food to your cat.
Schedule: Pick a time that is easiest for you to prepare your cats meal. If mornings work best, make that a time you can give him his wet food. Once you start doing that for a couple days, your cat will already know his schedule and expect his food in the morning.
Do you have questions about feeding your cat? Please comment on our blog!
Cat Owner Tips
Posted on September 12th, 2012Tips for cat owners.
If you have a cat as a pet, check out these helpful tips provided by Clear the Air to ensure your cat is properly taken care of.
Collars: All collars on cats are dangerous unless the collar has an elastic insert or is the “breakaway” style. Cats can strangle if the collar gets caught on something, or injure themselves trying to get the collar off. If you put a collar on a kitten, please be sure to check that it does not become too tight as the kitten grows! If your cat goes outside, prevent the cat from killing birds by adding a small bell to the collar.
Feeding: Do not feed your cat food made for dogs or use any dog care products on cats. Dog food and “human” table food lack essential vitamins and minerals cats need such as taurine – an essential amino acid for cats. Lack of taurine in the diet causes blindness, serious heart problems (dilated cardiomyopathy), and may promote urinary tract problems as well. Feed only well-balanced cat food, appropriate to the age and activity level of your cat. Avoid dairy products! Dog flea preparations often kill cats. Likewise, medications, shampoos and other products made for dogs (or humans) can be toxic to cats. Never give aspirin to a cat!
Surgical Claw Removal or Declawing: This is an extreme measure in which the entire last part of the ten front toes are amputated. A graphic comparison in human terms would be cutting off a person’s finger at the last joint. General anesthesia is used for this surgery, which always has a risk of disability or death associated with it. Because declawing provides no medical benefit to cats, even slight risk can be considered unacceptable. In addition, the recovery from declawing can be painful and lengthy and may involve postoperative complications such as infections, hemorrhage, and nail regrowth. The latter may subject the cat to additional surgery. Declawing not only robs a cat of an integral means of movement and defense, but it can also cause cats to undergo a profound personality change, in which they may become extremely timid or unusually aggressive. Other options include the use of scratching posts, adhesive plastic nail caps, regularly trimming the cat’s nails, and discouragement of unwanted behavior. Methods of discouragement include placing a sheet over the target furniture or using aluminum foil or double-sided tape on the object. It is also possible to discourage scratching by using a scent which cats generally do not like, such as the fresh smell of citrus.
Indoor cat: It is important to consider making your cat a strictly indoor pet. The list of risks to outdoor cats include poison (like antifreeze), injury (falls, cars, attacks by other animals or humans, or broken glass), parasites (fleas, ticks, or worms), disease (feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline infectious peritonitis, upper respiratory viruses, etc.), and theft. Believe it or not, pets are regularly stolen by unscrupulous individuals for sale to the animal research industry, for cult use, or as food for snakes. Keep your cat indoors, and you will have a healthier, more socialized, and content family companion.
Keep your pet entertained: Provide your indoor cat with toys and a tall, sturdy scratching post made of a rough material such as sisal (hemp-like rope) or a strong woven material (carpeting is rarely a good material for a post), regular claw-clipping (we do not recommend de-clawing!!!), nutritious food, fresh water, and lots of love and companionship. You will both enjoy it!
Keep Your Cat Happy With These Tips
Posted on May 30th, 2012Since Clear the Air has dedicated May to “Cat Month”, we would like to share some easy helpful tips to make sure your indoor cat has all she needs.
It doesn’t take much to make your furry feline a happy camper but it is important to make sure you are providing her with all she needs to make her, and you, happy!
Remember our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator is now available at PETCO. Also, send in your Cutest Cat Photo to win 2 FREE CANISTERS of our Odor Eliminator. You can email them to YourCommunityPathway@gmail.com or you can post them on Facebook. In order to make your cat’s home an enjoyable and comfortable one, make sure you have the following:
Personal Space – Like all cat lovers know, cats are very independent animals. They enjoy hiding under, on top, and/or inside of many locations in the home. They are very curious creatures. A great way to give your cat the space it needs is by getting him or her a perch. A perch will allow them to elevate themselves from the ground level and observe from above. They will feel safe and secure while enjoying their surroundings. Perches are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, and you can even attach them to a windowsill so your cat can get a better view of the outside.
A Bed – Cats are most vulnerable when they are sleeping, so it’s important to provide them with a quiet and secure resting place. For those who prefer that their cat stay off beds and other furniture, providing your cat with a comfortable resting place in a quiet part of the house is the best alternative. This area, however, must be in a place where necessities like food, water, and litter box, are still accessible. Cat beds can be purchased, or a snug blanket or towel will work just fine. Remember, just like you, cats don’t like being disturbed while they sleep.
Scratching/Climbing Post – Cats scratch as a way to stretch their muscles, shed old cuticle, sharpen their claws, and leave scent marks. Providing your cat with something to scratch will not only keep them happy, but it will save your furniture. When figuring out where to place a scratching post it’s important to keep in mind where your cat typically likes to scratch. You can place the post near this area in order to keep your cat from scratching that particular object. Keep the scratching post in close proximity to daily necessities and try not to move the post. If you do move it, try to move it as gradually as possible. Lastly, trim the sharp tips of your cat’s nails or purchase nail caps to reduce damage from scratching.
Litter Box – Cats use elimination as a way to mark their territory. So, in order to keep them from eliminating all over your house, it’s important to provide them an attractive litter box. First, cats appreciate a clean litter box. So, if you do not regularly clean out their litter box, they will most likely find a cleaner spot which may end up being somewhere in your house. Second, cats prefer a large uncovered litter box. This gives them a large space to move around and stand up straight. Third, most cats prefer fine-grained, unscented litter. Most cats are turned off by a scented litter. Lastly, the litter box should be placed in a quiet, secure and accessible place. This ensures the cat privacy, and eliminates other animals or people sneaking up on it. The “golden rule” is one litter box per cat, plus one. So for those with multiple cats, and/or multiple levels in your house, it is important to have multiple boxes on each level. Remember to also always add Clear the Air Cat Odor Eliminator to the litter box to reduce odors.
Toys – Although indoor cats don’t have to hunt for their food, they still have the urge to pounce. Toys are extremely important to the health and happiness of your cat. Something as simple as a ball to roll around or a stick with a string and a toy attached can amuse an indoor cat for hours. Taking a more realistic approach, you can give your cat a fake mouse that moves or makes noise.
It isn’t difficult to keep you indoor cat healthy and happy. All it takes is providing your cat with privacy, a comfortable place to sleep, something to scratch, an appropriate litter box, and most importantly, toys! Keeping your cat happy and healthy will not only increase their happiness, but yours as well.