5 Helpful Bird Care Tips
Posted on February 27th, 2014Are you a bird owner?
Pet birds can be a lot of fun and provide much entertainment for your entire family. The Clear The Air family loves all animals and we would like to share some care tips for pet birds.
Remember to use Clear The Air at the bottom of your bird’s cage to eliminate any and all odors. Remember, it is 100% non-toxic even if ingested!
- Before bringing your bird home, you will want to make sure you purchase a large well-constructed cage. No matter the species, it is important for your bird to have enough room to stretch his wings and fly short distances. Horizontal bars and perches need to also be installed in your cage at varying heights.
- Line the bottom of the cage with plain paper or paper bags that are cut to size and make sure it is changed daily. We recommend sprinkling Clear The Air at the bottom of your bird cage to keep odors away. Place your bird’s cage in a warm, bright part of the house off the floor that is close to where the action is but away from drafts and direct sunlight. Make sure your bird is not close to the kitchen as they are extremely sensitive to fumes from ovens, cookware and such.
- When it comes to feeding your bird, pelleted food is the way to go. While seed mixes provide variety, they do not always provide the best nutrition. Fresh veggies and fruits should be given to your bird every day. Dark, leafy greens are packed with vitamins and many birds also enjoy carrots and broccoli. Fresh cold water should also be available at all times and changed at least once a day.
- A trained and tamed bird will need at least an hour of exercise out of the cage in a safe and enclosed room every day. He may simply want to just sit on your shoulder or explore the room. For birds that do not take to handling, providing a selection of toys like ladders, swings and mirrors with bells are a great way to keep your bird entertained.
- Providing a shallow dish at the bottom of the cage is a great way to provide a bath for your bird and keeping his plumage looking perfect. It is probably a good idea to schedule a bath right before you plan to clean out the cage.
7 Must Know Tips For Bird Owners
Posted on September 13th, 2013Are you a first time bird owner?
Even if you’ve had birds all your life, the following tips are helpful to all bird owners:
- Before bringing your bird home, you will want to make sure you purchase a large well-constructed cage. No matter the species, it is important for your bird to have enough room to stretch his wings and fly short distances. Horizontal bars and perches need to also be installed in your cage at varying heights.
- Line the bottom of the cage with plain paper or paper bags that are cut to size and make sure it is changed daily. We recommend sprinkling Clear The Air at the bottom of your bird cage to keep odors away. Place your bird’s cage in a warm, bright part of the house off the floor that is close to where the action is but away from drafts and direct sunlight. Make sure your bird is not close to the kitchen as they are extremely sensitive to fumes from ovens, cookware and such.
- When it comes to feeding your bird, pelleted food is the way to go. While seed mixes provide variety, they do not always provide the best nutrition. Fresh veggies and fruits should be given to your bird every day. Dark, leafy greens are packed with vitamins and many birds also enjoy carrots and broccoli. Fresh cold water should also be available at all times and changed at least once a day.
- A trained and tamed bird will need at least an hour of exercise out of the cage in a safe and enclosed room every day. He may simply want to just sit on your shoulder or explore the room. For birds that do not take to handling, providing a selection of toys like ladders, swings and mirrors with bells are a great way to keep your bird entertained.
- Providing a shallow dish at the bottom of the cage is a great way to provide a bath for your bird and keeping his plumage looking perfect. It is probably a good idea to schedule a bath right before you plan to clean out the cage.
Do you have any bird tips you’d like to share? Please comment on our blog.
A Healthy Bird Is A Happy Bird!
Posted on May 24th, 2013How to keep your pet bird happy and healthy.
The crew at Clear The Air loves all animals and we know birds are a popular pet amongst Americans. We would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your bird happy and healthy.
Remember to use Clear The Air’s Pet Odor Eliminator to sprinkle at the bottom of your bird‘s cage to eliminate any odors. Our products are 100% non toxic and completely safe around animals and children even if consumed.
- Your Bird’s Home: Make sure to keep your bird indoors inside a cage or small aviary and that your bird is able to find a cool area when the heat rises in the warmer months of the year. If you are moving your bird, make sure to make the adjustment of temperature a gradual one. Birds do not like sudden changes in temperature. Keep your bird in an area with circulating air.
- Your Bird’s Feed: Purchase high quality bird seed or pellets. Birds also like lettuce and fruit for variety. Make sure not to feed your bird apple seeds and onions. You want to also make sure you have a container for fresh water and another for bath water.
- Your Bird’s Temperature: Birds can regulate their body temperature through water evaporation like panting, throat vibrations as well as through their feed and the surface of their skin. If you place your bird’s cage in front of a window, make sure the sun’s rays are not overheating your bird.
- Your Bird’s Health: If your bird has stopped grooming itself, loses his appetite and does not sit on top of his perch, he may be ill. Make sure you take your bird to the veterinarian immediately. Birds, just like dogs and cats, need regular veterinary care.
- Your Bird’s Friends: It is important to spend time with your bird and let him get to know your voice and face. Birds usually like having another bird for company. In most cases a male and female bird in the same cage will work.
- Your Bird’s Wings: Your bird’s wings need to be clipped so it will not fly away. If you have your bird’s wings clipped you can take him outside with you. Use caution as your bird will probably try to fly because he is in open air.
- Your Bird’s Exercise: Exercise your bird by holding them on a stick and moving it carefully up and down so your bird opens his wings for balance. You can also place a treat a short distance from your bird so he has to walk to get it. Also make sure you have fun toys in his cage that will intrigue him and keep him entertained mentally and physically.