How To Go Green At Home
Posted on May 8th, 2014Top ten tips for going green.
Clear The Air is a green product and we care for the environment. It is important to take steps to go green at your home and we would like to share some helpful ways to do that:
- Use Clear The Air – Our product is an all green product to eliminate odors all around your home. Once the granules are saturated you can dispose of them in your garden.
- Use energy efficient light bulbs – Not only do CLSs save energy but they will save you money too; both on your electric bill and they last 10 times longer.
- Unplug your TV, computer and phone charger – Basically anything that glows or is used to make something else glow uses energy even if they aren’t being used.
- Recycle – Not just in the kitchen but your electronics as well. Items such as TVs, stereos, cell phones and computers can all be recycled and you can even get money for some of the items.
- Buy your produce locally – Most food in the grocery store has traveled around 1,500 miles before coming home with you. If you buy from a local farmer you are not only getting the freshest food possible but you are saving money all the way around.
- Check for leaks – Your home may have leaks in the toilet, sink, shower and more. A dripping faucet can waste up to 74 gallons a day. A leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day.
- Don’t mow your lawn as often – More length on your grass creates more surface area to absorb sunlight which will create a thicker turf and deeper roots.
- Buy energy efficient appliances – Look for the “Energy Star” logo on your appliances. They will use much less energy when you run them at home.
- Wash full loads – This goes for your dishwasher and washing machine. Most energy consumed by washers goes to heating the water.
- Use critters in your yard – Birds eat many insects. Just create a water source and trees and shrubs for cover and nesting. Ladybugs are great for your garden as they eat aphids. Visit The National Garden Association to find out other critters that are beneficial for your yard.
But, Is It Safe?
Posted on September 25th, 2013Earth Care’s Clear The Air is a naturally green product and 100% safe to use around pets and children.
We pride ourselves on not only the amazing things it can do, but also on the safety of Clear The Air. Check out why it is safe:
Earth Care is made from an all natural mineral. It is non toxic, non hazardous, non-caustic, and biodegradable. It can safely be used around pets and children. It is safe to sprinkle in your pet’s cage; it will not hurt your pet even if eaten. It can be applied directly to you pets fur; this is excellent if your pet has encountered a skunk, or to get rid of the “doggie” smell.
Many of the odor and pollution control products on the market today act merely as masking agents. This means they add chemicals to the air to cover up odors and actually increase the level of indoor pollutants in the process. Earth Care, on the other hand, truly eliminates odors and cleans the air by adsorbing and neutralizing odors. Earth Care Products are especially beneficial to those that suffer from chemical sensitivity which can be aggravated by fragrances.
Earth Care is safe for Planet Earth. To dispose of Earth Care simply add to your soil, it is an excellent nitrogen soil amendment.