• Is Your Cat Overweight?

    Posted on July 26th, 2011
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    Here are some tips to help Big Old Murphy kick his fuzzy booty in shape:

    – Feed a restricted-calorie reducing diet. Current studies suggest that a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet works best. A high-protein diet is closer to the cat’s natural diet, too.
    – Feed regular, measured meals two or three times a day rather than free-feeding.
    – Don’t feed your cat table scraps or treats. Set aside a few bits of your cat’s regular ration for treats during the day.
    – Monitor your cat to make sure she’s not sneaking food from other places or eating at neighbors’ houses.
    – Chart your cat’s weight weekly. A digital baby scale is very helpful for this purpose. The cat should lose about 1 percent of her body weight each week.
    – Provide daily exercise and human companionship. Toys, games, and even making your cat work for her food (by putting it into interactive toys or moving her dishes) will reduce boredom and increase the amount of calories she burns.
    – Once your cat is down to a healthy weight, feed her a high-quality balanced food, in the proper amount, to maintain her new weight.

    You can also feel free to encourage a little workout routine….Click the following link for this cute video: Kitty Treadmill

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