Foods That Should Not Be Given To Your Dog
Posted on October 26th, 2012It is important to educate yourself on proper health for your pet and most of the time any type of human food scraps are not suitable for your pet.
Some foods which are edible for humans, and even other species of animals, can pose hazards for dogs because of their different metabolism. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness, and even death. The following is just a small list of common food items that should not be fed (intentionally or unintentionally) to dogs:
– Moldy or spoiled food, garbage – can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs.
– Chocolate, coffee, tea, and caffeinated drinks – They contain caffeine which could be toxic and impact the heart and nervous systems.
– Mushrooms – Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death. Wild mushrooms can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma, or death.
– Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.
– Avocado – Can cause difficulty breathing; fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart; or pancreatitis
– Onions & garlic – (raw, cooked, or powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
– Nutmeg – Can cause tremors, seizures and death.
– Fruit pips, seeds Apple seeds, cherry pits, and peach pits, pear pips, plums pits, peaches, and apricot pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous.
– Grapes/raisins – can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill him. If the dog doesn’t eat enough at one time to be fatal, he can be severely damaged by eating just a few grapes or raisins regularly.
– Tomatoes – can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias. Tomato plants and the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves are also unsafe. (All parts of the plant except the tomato itself are also poisonous to humans.)
– Walnuts – walnuts are poisonous to dogs.
– Alcohol – can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
– Cleaning products. You can use many cleaning products in your home safely around your pets, but you have to make sure to read the labels and use them properly. Cleaners containing bleach can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or severe burns if swallowed, so keep your pets away from any areas you’ve cleaned until they are dry.
– Medications. Human medication can make dogs and cats very sick. Always keep medicine bottles tightly closed and stored in a secure cabinet away from your pets.
– Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Prescription drugs, Diet pills
If your pet is not showing symptoms, but ingested something potentially toxic, call the ASPCA hotline at (888) 426-4435. Have the following information available: the species, breed, age, sex, weight, and information about the product exposure. It is best to have the package of the product available for reference.
Facts, Pet Safety, Product Use dog, dog care, dog poison, dog run, dogs, health, human foods, odor, odor eliminator, odor remover, pets, poisonous foods for dogs, San Diego Humane Society, small animals, toxic foods