• Don’t You Love A Story With A Happy Ending?

    Posted on March 12th, 2014
    admin No comments

    Here at Clear The Air, when it comes to animals, we love a happy story!

    The San Diego Humane Society does a wonderful job of finding pets’ forever homes and we love to share success stories from them.

    Charlie & Diego – Bonded Pair Provide Love and Warmth

    Charlie & Diego

    Charlie and Diego are brothers.  When my husband and I saw them at the Central shelter we noticed they were VERY bonded.  We had never had two cats at the same time but we didn’t feel we could separate them.

    That was two years this past Sept.  They have continued to express love for each other while maintaining decidedly different  personalities…this makes them even more fun to observe.

    Charlie & Diego

    I could talk for hours about what a wonderful experience this has been for us, but what would Charlie and Diego say?  See Picture… caption’s would be: “We are so glad we were adopted by a quilter mom who lets us lay on every new quilt she finishes and sleep in a box of scraps in the sewing room, and a dad who built a cat condo and potty box area adjacent to a Charlie & Diegowindow so we can sit outdoors and be safe and NO potty smell in the house. We also enjoy nap time with him!”


    One response to “Don’t You Love A Story With A Happy Ending?”

    1. Love this story,