• Day #7 of Helpful Tips For You And Your Pet – First Aid For Your Pet

    Posted on February 8th, 2012
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    Day #7 of Helpful Tips For You And Your Pet – First Aid For Your Pet

    At least once in your pet’s life, he or she is going to become ill, or have a run in with something dangerous.  We’d like to provide some helpful First Aid Tips for your pet.  This might be helpful to print out and post on your refrigerator or inside a kitchen cabinet to have for reference.

    Day #7: First Aid For Your Pet

    Before we share these tips with you, you should always consult your veterinarian should anything harmful happen to your pet!  He or she knows what is the absolute best for your pet and no shortcuts should be taken for your furry friend’s health.

    However, we do have some suggestions and tips that can help calm your pet before your need to take him to the vet should he run into any of these scenarios.

    Cuts, bites, puncture wounds, etc. should be gently cleaned with warm water.

    -If you think your pet may be experiencing heat stroke, move your pet to a cool and quiet area offering plenty of water.  Symptoms include uncontrollable panting, collapse, blank stare and sometimes unconsciousness.  Remember to never leave your pet in a parked car when it is warm out!!!

    -If your pet experiences a car accident, he or she will probably be in shock.  Keep him quiet, warm and stop any bleeding that may happen.  Immediately take your pet to the vet using a blanket or board to get him there.

    -Pets can often get stung by a bee or wasp.  If you see the stinger, take it out.  Then wrap the affected area with a cool damp cloth.  Usually your pet will recover somewhat quickly from a bee/wasp sting but if he doesn’t, call your vet immediately.

    -If your pet has been burned, apply cold water to the affected area and call your vet.

    -If you think your pet may be been poisoned, CALL YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY!  Your vet will be able to coach you over the phone while you get your pet ready to visit the vet.  Try to find out what poison your pet ingested, how much was ingested, when it was ingested and so forth.  The ASPCA has a 24 hour Animal Poison Control line you can call at (888) 426-4435.

    If your pet seems to be experiencing eye problems, consult your vet.  There may be something lodged deep into your pets eye that needs to be removed by a veterinarian.  The sooner you visit the vet the better – eyes are extremely delicate in animals too and you don’t want your pet losing his eye or going blind.

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