Marty Roberts Tells It Like It Is, With EarthCare Odor Eliminator
Posted on August 15th, 2011It was dark, about 6:00 AM, 2 years ago when a North Carolina Canine Trooper let his dog go relieve himself just before heading off to work. When his canine did not return immediately the trooper called for his dog and obediently his trusty companion returned, brushing up against his leg upon his return and jumped into the back of the troopers car.
Immediately the trooper was overwhelmed with the horrible stench of the skunk odor his comrade had left on his pant leg. The senses in his nose burned. He vomited convulsively and after his stomach was emptied, he continued to dry heave. This North Carolina trooper said this was the worst thing that has ever happened to him, even worse than when he had been shot in the line of duty.
As for his faithful working canine companion, the trooper not yet certain how to handle his hurting partner, decided to kennel him. While kenneled, the distressed dog kept trying to get rid of the stench from the furry striped critter by rubbing his paws over his nose which only made things worse.
After hearing this story I thought about the trooper and the job he must continue to perform. I couldn’t imagine being pulled over by a “skunk smelling trooper with the dry heaves”. I can see him now stepping up to a car just after the suspect rolled down his window, trooper saying, “Do you know why I pulled you over?”, and then dry heaves on the suspects’ car and the suspect nearly passing out from the stench. Obviously this trooper would be ineffective in attempting to pull over any violator of the law. Coincidently, Pest Control Professional Marty Roberts called his Canine Trooper friend and asked what he was doing. That’s when the trooper explained that he was trying to clean up the mess from his canine partner.
You can listen to this 69 second video from Marty Roberts of Rid-A-Bug Exterminating in Hamptonville, NC to see what he did to aid his desperate friend.
Trying To Sell Or Rent Your House??
Posted on August 9th, 2011Property management companies and Real Estate Brokers and Agents deal with odor issues on a routine basis. Cigarette, pet, musty/mildew, dead rodent, and cooking odors are most common.
Real Estate is often slow selling/renting or discounted due to odor issues. It has been reported that approximately 5-10% of all listing have odor issues that may impact the sale. Clear The Air Odor Eliminators are an easy, inexpensive way to solve the problem and get your property sold or rented. Click here to be directed to our site for Realtors and Property Management Companies: http://www.cleartheair.com/english/property_management_realtors.html
Removing the Smell of Cigarettes From Your Car.
Posted on February 23rd, 2011Selling a car can be a difficult thing, sometimes you get lucky and find a buyer quickly, and other times patience is needed. It is dependent on the many factors surrounding the condition of your vehicle. If you have taken great care of the vehicle with routine check-ups and maintenance, that will add to the value of it. There is one thing that lowers the value of a car dramatically, guess what it is? The smell of cigarette smoke that won’t go away. To any non-smoking buyer the smell is a huge turn off, and even to smokers who don’t smoke in their vehicle it can be turn off as well. If the vehicle has visible damage from ashes, you have a more detailed process to clean it up, but getting rid of the smell is quite easy with Clear The Air Odor Remover bags. It will eliminate the tobacco smell along with all the other odors in the car by absorbing them and neutralizing them for good. Lets not kid ourselves the pine tree air freshener you hung on the rearview mirror will not fool anyone, you can’t mask cigarette odors for long with those tactics. If you head over to the Car Odors page of our website you can read more about our simple, effective solution to eliminate cigarette odors in your car, and raise its value.
The Big Game.
Posted on February 6th, 2011By big game I of course mean the SuperBowl, which is going to be watched by millions worldwide today. As I was thinking about the big game, I started thinking about the person that has to take care of all the equipment after the games. It wasn’t the loveliest thought because I am sure the locker room becomes quite a smelly place to be. That got me thinking how much the stadium staff who run the locker rooms would benefit from using our Clear The Air bags. It isn’t just a benefit that they are extremely easy to use because you simply hang them in the areas that need serious odor removal, but they also are extremely effective. The unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral used in the bags does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. We help people to not have to deal with foul odors such as locker rooms; I bet the players get use to the smell, themselves, though. The poor staff that have to deal with it are the ones that would love this product and experience is powerful use. If you need the same great results to eliminate odors from a gym, locker room, or even a kids room that plays sports, you will find no better product than ours.