• Dead Rodent Odor

    Posted on March 21st, 2012
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    If you have had the unfortunate experience of finding rodents dwelling in the walls of your home, you may have taken some steps to eliminate these rodents.  Unfortunately, when poison is placed in the walls for these rodents, the smelly odor of the dead rodent carcass usually follows soon after.  While you no longer have the problem of a rat infestation, you are now faced with an unavoidable odor that is very obvious to your senses until the rat’s body completely decomposes.

    Instead of tearing down the walls in  your house to retrieve the dead carcass and get rid of the odor, you can use a much simpler and cost effective solution – Clear the Air Odor Remover Bags.  Clear the Air Bags do not have to come in contact with the dead rodent or odor causing agent.  Simply hang a bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone, 100% guaranteed.  Clear the Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable – all safe for Planet Earth!

    If you have a strong odor in your house and can not get to the source to remove it, Clear the Air Odor Remover Bags are what you need.  Click Here to order bags and learn how to use them.  We guarantee our product 100% and if you have any questions or concerns, click here to call or email us.

  • Choosing The Correct Leash For Your Dog

    Posted on March 19th, 2012
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    Choosing the correct leash for your dog is important.

    Clear the Air would like to share some important information to help find the right leash for your dog.

    Just as with collars, size is important for leashes as well.  The size of the leash must be appropriate for not only the size of the dog but the type of collar as well.  A thin lightweight leash is more appropriate for a smaller dog like a Yorkshire Terrier than a larger Golden Retriever.  The metal clip on the end of a smaller/thinner leash may break from the pressure of a larger stronger dog pulling on it, allowing your dog to get away from you.

    A Basic Leash is versatile and not only can you use it in an emergency to take your dog out, you can also make a muzzle out of it if need be.

    Retractable Leashes includes a thin cord wound onto a spring-loaded device inside a plastic handle.  This allows your dog to have a bit more free range than a basic leash and when he walks back towards you, the leash retracts.  While these leashes are nice to provide more freedom for your dog to explore his environment on a walk, there are some drawbacks and they can be potentially dangerous. Even if you are paying close attention to your dog, he has the ability to run into traffic, jump on people or get in a fight with another dog.  The cord can also break should the dog be large and strong.  Opposed to a basic leash, the handle of a retractable leash is bulky and can easily be pulled out or your hands.

    A Long Line, like it says, is simply a very long leash and is typically used for training your dog.  Make sure to use this type of leash in a safe area like a field, completely away from any traffic or other potential danger.  A long line is helpful to teach your dog the “come” command out in the open.

    Slip Leads look like a regular basic leash but instead of a clip on the end is a metal ring to loop the leash through.  This allows you to walk your dog when he doesn’t have a collar on – simply putting the loop over your dogs head.  Pulling on the handle of the leash will automatically tighten the loop around your dogs’ neck.  Only use these when a regular collar and leash aren’t available.  Since you cannot control the tightness of a slip lead you can risk damaging your dog’s neck or even strangling him.

    Please keep Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminator’s in mind when picking up after your pup.  Whether your dog repeatedly urinates in your dog run and the concrete has become smelly or your dog has accidents in the house, Clear the Air is guaranteed to eliminate the odor.

  • Eliminating Odors in your Car

    Posted on March 16th, 2012
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    Car, truck and van odors can be eliminated with Clear the Air.

    Tobacco smoke, spilled food, road kill, skunk odor, gasoline, smog, “doggie” smell, urine and mildew odors are common odors that stink up our cars. Air fresheners just mask the odors and often smell worst than the offensive odor, car details are expensive, and shampooing often just spreads the smell around. Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be placed in your car and they will completely eliminate all these odors.

    Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet.  The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all  natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.  It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with the odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors, it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean!

    If you experience any type of odor in your car, truck or van, use Clear the Air.  We guarantee it to completely eliminate any odor.

    Earth Care Car Odor Eliminator

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Your Car

    • Hang or place one or two bags in car.
    • Leave windows open for air circulation.
    • Do not set bag in direct sun, can be placed under the car seat.
    • If there are strong odors in your car you may also want to sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpets and Furniture on all upholstery and carpet. Leave down overnight and vacuum. All odors will be completely eliminated.
    • The bags will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. Each bag will cover approximately 100 square feet, some air circulation is best.
  • The Unique Bond With Your Cat

    Posted on March 15th, 2012
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    Cats, their owners and the unique bond that is created.

    A new study conducted by Kelton Research reveals that Americans share a powerful bond with their furry felines in a relationship only they understand.  They found that 31% of survey takers admitted that they’d rather speak with their cat after a long tiresome day than with their best friend, children or parents.  This is because 33% of the surveyors say they believe they communicate better with their cat than their significant other.

    Cat owners are very secure in the bond they have with their cat.  According to the survey, almost all cat owners (97%) said they can name at least one emotion or state of mind that they can easily decipher from the way their cat acts.  Moods such as hunger, happiness and fear were all emotions cat owners could easily see in their cat.

    The study also found that a lot of pet owners relate their cat’s inner voice to a celebrity.  According to the survey, 18 percent said that if their cat could talk they would sound like the popular talk show host Ellen Degeneres.  Thirteen percent said Fran Dresher while 12 percent said Sean Connery.

    According to the survey, when it comes to communication between cats and their pet parents, 20% of parents believe their cat is trying to communicate with them through gestures or sounds.  On average, cat owners believe their feline companions understand about 13 different words.

    Cats are members of the family and people rely on them for companionship.  When a bond is formed between pet parents and their cats, it extends beyond meows to an innate relationship that provides an even deeper understanding.

    Do you feel you have a deep bond with your cat?  Cats and other domesticated animals provide unconditional love for their family and it is amazing what kind of a bond you can develop with your pet.

  • Pet Spending At An All Time High

    Posted on March 14th, 2012
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    As one would think, during a recession people would spend less on extras for their pets.  However, annual spending on pets has reached an all time high.

    In 2011, American Pet Products Association reported that Americans spent $50.96 billion on their pets – an all time high and the first time in history more than $50 billion has gone to dogs, cats, canaries, guppies and the sort.

    65% of that spending was for food and vet costs.  However, the service category, such as grooming, boarding, pet hotels, pet sitting and day care, grew more than any other.  It rose 7.9% from $3.51 billion in 2010 to $3.79 billion in 2011.

    Owners are conscious about taking care of their pets and are planning ahead for when they go on vacation.  Numbers indicate that animal sales and adoptions are flattening out and the number of people switching to a high end food products are topping out.  Pet ownership has become less of an impulse decision and seems that those that have made the commitment to having a pet want to do it right and make their pets the happiest they can be.

    Another area in the pet industry is pet insurance and is expected to grow rapidly.  In 2011, insurance was estimated to be at $450 million and is expected to grow over $500 million in 2012.

    Entrepreneurs and investors are also taking advantage of the growing pet industry as consumers are looking for creative and innovative products.  Products such as puzzle feeders for dogs along with bionic toys for destructive toys are some of the new products the pet industry is seeing consumers go after.  This proves people care about their pets enough to calm any type of separation anxiety or destructive issues.

    Always keep in mind Clear the Air offers wonderful range of Odor Eliminator products to make your pet enjoyably odor free!

  • Helpful Tips for Spring Cleaning

    Posted on March 5th, 2012
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    Spring is upon us and we’d like to share some easy spring cleaning tips.

    Remember, if you have any foul odors lingering in your home, always make sure to use Clear the Air to completely eliminate those odors!

    Come up with a game plan – Jot down the areas of your home that you need to clean, come up with a plan and be sure to budget in time for distractions so you won’t get discouraged after just a few hours cleaning.  In essence, make a reasonable plan of attack that has at least a 98% chance of being accomplished!

    Make sure you have your supplies first – There is nothing more frustrating than to start a project {or Spring cleaning} only to find that you’re out of supplies.

    Ask for help from your family – Having small tasks to accomplish while growing up gives children a feeling of accomplishment.  Delegate tasks for your children based on their age.  Or, if you wish, you can bring them over to their grandparents while you crank up the music and get cleaning!

    Take on one task at a time – It’s exciting to get started cleaning and sometimes you may tend to get distracted with various projects throughout the house.  It is incredibly helpful and sanity-saving to work on one area at a time.  Inadvertently, piles of stuff will migrate to other rooms in your house, but those can be tackled when you get to them.

    De-clutter Before Cleaning – It is frustrating to be ready to dust an area only to realize that you have to move 15 knick-knacks, 10 pieces of junk mail, broken crayons and wadded up tissues before you can get started. Save yourself a headache and get rid of the garbage and extraneous clutter before cleaning.

    Use storage bins for organization – Instead of just dividing up things into separate piles that will likely get knocked over or mixed up, use plastic bins to keep them organized. Have a bin for garage sale items, items to donate, garbage and things that need to be returned to others.

    Start at the top and work to the bottom – Let gravity make your job easier by working with it!  Start at the ceiling by dusting the ceiling fan or light fixture then get all the spider webs off the crown molding.  Work your way down the walls, over the furniture, all the way to the baseboards and flooring.

    Get a new look – Since it’s Spring, try switching out heavy, darker items out with lighter and brighter accessories.  You can do this with all the decorations you already have.

    Come up with a daily cleaning schedule – After all your hard work is done, make sure that you have a good cleaning schedule in place.  Whether you need to make one from scratch or update the one you have, set small daily tasks that will help keep your house in order until next Spring…or until you decide to deep clean your house again!

  • Warm winters are easier on pets

    Posted on February 24th, 2012
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    For all you snow lovers, this winter may be a somewhat of a bummer.  However, your pets may be enjoying this mild winter just fine.  Harsh and cold winters can produce threats for pets.  Some winter dangers are harmful to both humans and pets, while others such as road salt getting stuck between the pads of your dogs feet pertain solely to pets.

    Even though their wild ancestors were well adapted to the outdoors, domesticated cats and dogs are used to regular indoor climates. This makes them just as vulnerable as humans are when they experience severe winter storms.  Exposure to cold temperatures during snow storms and below zero wind chills can cause hypothermia, frost bite, dehydration, lethargy, arthritis pain and the chance of catching a cold.

    With colder outdoor temperatures, there is less opportunity to exercise which can dampen their mood while also increasing their weight level.  In 2009 a survey in the United Kingdom found pets, just like humans, can be susceptible to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

    In order to avoid any harm to your pets, ensure they are kept indoors during winter weather and make sure to take advantage of warm days and keep your pets busy with activities to avoid boredom.

    A good rule of thumb is if you are cold, most likely your pet is too.

  • Clear the Air is International

    Posted on February 22nd, 2012
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    Did you know we have pest control operator distributors all over the world?  Our international scope is also about to launch into Israel as well!

    We are currently in the following parts of the world:

    United States


    New Zealand


    Central America

    United Kingdom



    Middle East



    Click here to visit our International Pest Control Operators web page.

  • Does Your Basement Smell Musty?

    Posted on February 16th, 2012
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    Does your basement have that damp, smelly, musty odor?  You may also have had a flood and after the water was cleaned up, you still smell a musty mildew odor.

    When items sit in storage for many years, musty odors are likely to develop.  As the items continue to age and deteriorate within the confines of this underground space, the aroma often heightens and becomes increasingly off-putting.  If you are looking to restore your basement, you will most likely be faced with the dilemma of how to remove the odor.

    Fortunately, Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator will completely eliminate these odors.  Clear the Air is simple and cost effective to use and is truly the answer to your basement’s musty mildew odors, 100% Guaranteed!  Clear the Air will not cover up the odors, as it draws in odors like a powerful magnet, without ever having to come into direct contact with the source.

    Click Here to learn how to remove basement odors and purchase Clear the Air.

  • Day #3 of Helpful Tips For You And Your Pet

    Posted on February 2nd, 2012
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    We are happy to announce Day #3 of our Helpful Pet Owning Tips.  Each day we will have a new helpful tip for you and your pet to keep in mind.

    Day #3: Preparing for a New Pet

    Before you bring you new furry friend home, you need to prepare your home to prevent any confusion and stress that may arise from your pet being in its new environment.

    Supplies – You need to make sure you have For example, if you are bringing a new cat home, make sure the litter box is all set up.  Make sure to have food, food and water bowls, leash, harness/collar, brushes and so on.

    Delegate Tasks – Make sure it is decided who will be in charge of what for your new pet.  This is important to establish before you start looking for your new pet.  Who will do the grooming, feeding, exercising, cleaning, playtime, etc.

    Pet-Proof – Make sure you make your home safe for your new friend.  There are many household items that people are not aware of that can make your pet extremely sick or cause death.  Check out our Day #1 Tip for a list of these items.

    Handling – Everyone in the family needs to know how to safely pick up your pet.  There are certain times, such as during feeding, that your pet should be left alone.  Make sure everyone in the family is knowledgeable on how to handle your new family pet.

    Other Pets – Not only will your new pet be nervous at first in his/her new home, if you have any existing pets, they will probably at first be ticked off that there is another animal being brought into the house.  At first, it will be helpful to keep them separated and gradually introduce them for short amounts of time.

    Of course if your new pet has an accident in the house, please use Clear The Air’s Odor Remover to completely eliminate any foul odors.  Good luck with your new pet!