• Eliminate Smelly Shoe Odor

    Posted on April 25th, 2013
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    Do your shoes smell? Are you embarrassed to take them off? We can help!

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to eliminating shoe odor and avoiding embarrassment when it comes to removing your shoes.

    1. Run your shoes through the wash or hand wash them if they are delicate. Use plenty of soap and water to ensure you get your shoes fully clean.
    2. Place them outside in a well ventilated area. Sprinkle a liberal amount of our Clear The Air Odor Eliminator in your shoes and leave outside.
    3. After 24 hours, grab your shoes and shake out the Clear The Air Granules.
    4. Put your shoes on and you are ready to go!

    If your shoes still have a hint of odor lingering, you may want to do a second application. It is important to remember to leave your shoes in a well ventilated area when sprinkled with Clear the Air.

    Our product also works wonders on gym bags and lockers. Place our odor eliminator bag in your gym bag and within 24 hours odors will be eliminated. You can also hang our Odor Eliminator Bag in your gym locker to eliminate odors.

  • How To Eliminate Odors From Your Furniture

    Posted on April 18th, 2013
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    Furniture shouldn’t have to be replaced if it has a strong odor.

    Instead of paying an arm and a leg to have your furniture professionally cleaned if it has a strong odor, use Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture.

    When you have furniture professionally cleaned, you still are not guaranteed to have the odor 100% eliminated.We guarantee our product to work or you money back.

    Whether you have an odor on your couch, chairs, rugs or lazy boy recliner, simply sprinkle our Carpet/Furniture Odor Eliminator on or near the odor and leave on for 24 hours. After 24 hours you can vacuum up the granules and the odor will be eliminated. For very strong odors, a second application may be necessary.

    Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. It works well for old soaked in urine odors. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances.

    Clear the air does not cover up odors; it literally pulls the odors from carpets and furniture leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    “I used the Pet Odor Eliminator on outdoor carpet for dog urine, it took the odor out, it was easy to use, natural and not messy like a wet product. I recommend the Concrete product for people with an odor problem on concrete or landscape rocks.” – B. Luna

    Have questions about removing a stubborn odor? Contact us and we’d be happy to help!

  • Why Does My Cat Have Whiskers?

    Posted on April 15th, 2013
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    What does a cat use its whiskers for?

    Whiskers are a very important part of your cat’s body. Whiskers, like hair and nails, fall out and are replaced.

    Whiskers are different from your cat’s body hair. They are two to three times thicker than your cat’s hair and are rooted very keep in your cat’s face into an area which is rich in nerves and blood vessels.

    Cats have whiskers on their checks as well as shorter ones above their eyebrows, on their chin and on the back of their front legs. A cat’s facial whiskers are good for navigation, mood indication, and measuring an opening.

    Whiskers help a cat feel his way around and are so sensitive they can detect the slightest directional change in a breeze. This helps a cat at night slink away through a room and not bump into anything. When a cat is angry or feels defensive, his whiskers will be pulled back. If the cat is happy, curios or content, his whiskers are more relaxed and can even be pushed forward.

    Whiskers on a cat are primarily used to help a cat judge whether or not he’ll fit through an opening. A cat’s whiskers are roughly as wide as his body – being used as sort of a natural ruler. Whisker tips are sensitive to pressure. You’ll most likely see a cat stick his head in and out of an opening before he puts his body in it. By doing this, he judges the width of the opening to see if he can fit.

    What other facts do you know about a cat’s whiskers? Please comment on our blog to share with us!

  • How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Home And Yard

    Posted on April 11th, 2013
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    Don’t let rats invade your home.

    Both rats and mice can cause major destruction to your home. Clear the Air would like to share some tips to avoid a rat infestation in your home.

    First you need to check to see if you have rats. Look to see if you see mouse or rat droppings. In your yard, you can check weedy places, under boards and dog houses or near garbage cans to see if a rat has made a burrow or nest. Also any holes or edges around your home and yard with chewed edges are sure signs of a rat or mouse.

    Rats and mice breed fast. A mouse can have several young when she’s two months old. Then, two months later, her young will breed. In the meantime, the mother will produce another litter. So you must keep working to get rid of them. Here are some tips to keeping them out of your property:

    • Keep garbage in tightly covered cans. Feed dogs and cats in a dish, then take up the food they don’t eat. Don’t leave it out for rats and mice.
    • Remove trash, old boards, weeds and junk cars. Rats and mice like to hide in such places. Don’t pile wood against the house. Store wood and other materials at least a foot off the ground.
    • Keep doors closed. Cover windows with screens. One-fourth inch or smaller mesh will keep rats and mice out. Keep floor drains tightly sealed. Cement or caulk around pipes and cables where they pass through walls. Mice can get through any hole that will admit the tip of your little finger.
    • If you use poison or a trap to kill your rats, chances are the rat will die in the wall of your home. This can cause a horrendous odor and thankfully Clear the Air has an easy solution to rid your home of that dead rat odor. Click here to learn more about eliminating dead rodent odor.
    • Birdhouses and seed should be on poles and in trays rats can’t get.
    • Roof rats get into your house from tree branches that hang over the roof. Keep trees cut back and cover any openings in the eves.
  • Get Rid Of Odors In Your RV

    Posted on April 3rd, 2013
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    Summer is around the bend and it is time to plan those fun family vacations with the RV.

    If you haven’t been in your RV for a while throughout the winter months, you may experience some foul odors lurking in your RV when you go to get it ready for the warmer months.

    Tobacco smoke, kitchen, road kill, skunk, gasoline, smog, “doggie”, urine, mold/mildew, bathroom, and holding tank odors are common odors that stink up our RVs. Air fresheners just mask the odors and often smell worse than the offensive odor. RV detailing is expensive, and shampooing often just spreads the smell around.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be hung in your RV and they will completely eliminate all these odors. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic,  biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Clear the Air is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Your RV

    • Hang or place one bag in bathroom, and one in kitchen area, each bag covers approximately 100 square feet.
    • Leave windows open for air circulation.
    • Do not set bag in direct sun.
    • If there are strong odors in your RV you may also want to sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpets and Furniture on all upholstery and carpet. Leave down overnight and vacuum. All odors will be completely eliminated.
    • The bags will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. Each bag will cover approximately 100 square feet, some air circulation is best.
  • How To Clean Your Reptile’s Cage

    Posted on March 27th, 2013
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    Cleaning out your reptile cage.

    Once a week you should clean out your reptile’s cage. Clear the Air would like to share some step by step tips to cleaning out your cage:

    1. Relocate your reptile to a temporary cage.
    2. Remove all decorations from the cage.
    3. Scoop out any feces from the cage along with shed skin. You can sprinkle Clear the Air’s Pet Odor Eliminator in the cage. It is all natural and 100% non-toxic to your reptile. We also recommend placing an Odor Eliminator Bag on top or near your cage to help keep odor down.
    4. Clean, rinse and disinfect your water and food bowls. Food and water dishes should be washed in hot, soapy water, and dried thoroughly. To provide more cleaning power, use a disinfectant. Always rinse well to be sure no trace of soap or disinfectant remains on the dishes.
    5. Clean all cage surfaces with soap and hot water and rinse well.
    6. Wash all decorations and non-disposable substrate with hot, soapy water. Scrub with brushes to remove wastes and dried liquids then rinse well. After washing use a disinfectant but be sure to rinse the cage and accessories with hot water until all residues are removed.
    7. Allow the cage and accessories to dry thoroughly before reassembling to reduce the risk of mold.
    8. Put all your decorations back in the cage once they are thoroughly dry.
    9. Once the cage is put back in order, you can return your reptile to his cage. Make sure to wash and thoroughly disinfect all cleaning equipment then lastly wash your hands with soap and water.
  • How To Eliminate Odors From Your Dog Bed

    Posted on March 22nd, 2013
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    Eliminate “doggy” odors from your dog bed.

    Does your dog bed have the “doggy” smell you can’t seem to get rid of? Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to making your dog bed smell a little less “doggy”!

    If you have a cover you can take off of your dog bed, we suggest washing that in the washing machine along with any blankets your dog uses in his bed. Once you wash the cover, before you put it back on, sprinkle a thin layer of our Clear the Air Carpet/Furniture Odor Eliminator in your dogs bed. Now put the cover of the bed on and invite your dog to c0zy up! Having Clear the Air in the bed will help keep away that doggy odor for up to three months. Once three months is up, you will probably want to go through that process again.

    If your dog bed does not have a cover and you cannot easily wash it in the washer machine, take it outside. Once outside, sprinkle Clear the Air Carpet/Furniture Odor Eliminator on the bed and let it sit outside in a well ventilated area for 24 hours. You may need a second application depending on how strong the odor is. After 24 hours, shake off the Clear the Air and vacuum the dog bed. Your fresh smelling dog bed is ready for use!

    We also recommend hanging a Clear the Air Odor Eliminating Bag above your dog bed. As you know, Clear the Air does not have to come in contact with the odor producer, it will simply pull the odors like a magnet and eliminate them.

    Do you have questions about keeping your dog bed clean and smelling fresh? Please comment on our blog or call us!

  • How To Care For Your Guinea Pig’s Cage

    Posted on March 21st, 2013
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    Tips on guinea pig housing from ASPCA.

    Clear the Air’s all natural products can help eliminate odors from your small animal cages like your guinea pig. We would like to share some tips on making your guinea pig’s home the most comfortable and fresh smelling possible. Check out our tips:

    Does A Guinea Pig Need A Friend? Guinea pigs are social animals who prefer to live in small groups. If you keep two or more females together, they will become great friends. If you want two males, it’s smart to choose two babies from the same litter. Since guinea pigs, like all rodents, multiply rapidly, keeping males and females together is not recommended.

    How Big Should The Cage Be? As a rule of thumb, you’ll need to provide a minimum of four square feet of cage space per guinea pig—but please try to get as large a cage as possible. You’ll need a solid-bottom cage—no wire floors, please, as they can irritate your pets’ feet. Plastic-bottom “tub cages” with wire tops also make great guinea pig homes. Never use a glass aquarium, due to the poor ventilation that it provides.

    Where Should The Cage Be? Always keep the cage indoors away from drafts and extreme temperatures, as guinea pigs are very susceptible to heatstroke. They’ll prefer an environment kept at 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Place one of our Clear The Air Odor Remover Bags around the cage to help absorb any odors.

    What Should I Line The Cage With? Line the bottom of the cage with aspen or hardwood shavings or some other form of safe bedding, such as grass hay. Do not use cedar or pine chips—the oils they contain can be dangerous to your pets. Most importantly, sprinkle our Clear The Air Pet Odor Eliminator at the bottom of your cage to eliminate odors your pet may cause. Don’t worry, it is completely non-toxic and all natural and is even safe if consumed.

    Does My Guinea Pig Need Toys? Guinea pigs love to hide when they play, so be sure to place cardboard tubes and/or empty coffee cans with smoothed edges in the enclosure for this purpose. Plastic pipes and flower pots are good, too, and bricks and rocks for climbing will be much appreciated. All guinea pigs need a cave for sleeping and resting, so provide a medium-sized flower pot or covered sleeping box, readily available at pet supply stores.

  • How To Potty Train Your Dog

    Posted on March 13th, 2013
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    Potty training tips for your dog.

    Do you have a new puppy learning how to potty train? Clear the Air works great for eliminating odors from your dog’s accidents in the house. Plus, it is non-toxic and completely safe even if ingested.

    Click Here to learn more about eliminating dog urine and feces odors.

    Check out some helpful potty training tips for your dog:

    1. Restrict your dog’s access to the house. Making his environment smaller makes him less apt to have an accident. This same process can also be used for crate training.
    2. Keep your dog with you, or keep an eye on him. Dogs usually like to sneak off to have accidents, if you can’t see him, he might be getting into something he shouldn’t be.
    3. Go outside with him when teaching your dog to potty train. If you don’t see him urinating and defecating outside he might just be playing and not taking care of business. Plus going out with him teaches you about his routine.
    4. Quietly praise your dog for going potty outside. Don’t reprimand him for making a mistake, just distract him and get him outside as soon as you can.
    5. If you have a dog that likes one particular area specifically, you can put his food near that area and he will not urinate or defecate where he eats. But be careful, this sometimes doesn’t address the problem and the dog finds a new spot.
    6. Utilize a crate, or a baby gate, or an exercise pen when you are not home. If you are diligent about keeping your dog with you when you are home, but he pees or poops as soon as you leave it is defeating your hard work. Crates are a wonderful tool for potty training.
    7. Do not use puppy pads or indoor aids when potty training if you want your dog to potty outside. Encouraging potty indoor sometimes, but then wanting them to go outside is confusing. Choose one or the other and stick with it.

    Be consistent and use lots of praise while controlling his environment and soon your dog will be happily going potty outside. Do you have potty training tips you’d like to share? Please comment on our blog.

  • How To Eliminate Litter Box Odor

    Posted on March 11th, 2013
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    Don’t let your litter box odor bring you down.

    Does your cat’s litter box have an unpleasant odor coming from it? Chances are your cat may not enjoy using his/her sand box because of the strong odor. Clear the Air would like to share with all our cat lovers some tips for keeping your litter box odor free.

    We have provided some helpful cat litter tips:

    Scooping – The number one rule, and the only thing that will keep litter box odor at bay, is constant cleaning. That means scooping the box out at least twice a day, removing the solids and liquid clumps if you use clumping litter.  If you don’t use clumping litter, you can use a large solid metal spoon to lift out the most urine-soaked areas each time you clean and add litter as needed to replace what is removed.

    Washing Your Litter Box – You should also get in the habit of washing the litter box at least every other week if not more.  Use a mild unscented dish detergent and rinse clean.  Remember to clean your scooper too.  When the box is dry, sprinkle a thin layer of our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box first.  Then add two to three inches of litter.  Cats do not like a deep tray of litter and this allows you to add litter as you scoop.

    Type of Litter – Some have perfumes and others have additives to only cover the smell.  To a cat, these smells can be overwhelming and make the box unwelcoming.  It is usually a good idea to get unscented litter and sprinkle our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box to eliminate the odor, not cover it up.

    Type of Litter Box – Using the largest box your home can accommodate is the best idea.  A good rule of thumb is to get a box that is at least twice as long as your adult cat and wide as the cat is long.  Even though a covered box is nicer to look at, most cats don’t like them and they also trap odors inside making it unpleasant for your pet to enter.  Cats claws can get stuck in liners when they are digging for a place to relieve themselves and the urine can also seep into the liner, trapping odors in the box.

    Location – Lastly, location of your cats litter box is very important to keep your pet happy to relieve himself in the correct areas.  The rule is one litter box per cat plus one.  If your cat is on the third floor of your house and the litter box is in the basement, he may not decide to make the long trek.  It is important to have the boxes in different locations.  Also make sure the box is in a low traffic area, away from his or her food and in a place that your cat can easily get in and out of.

    These suggestions may take a lot of effort but not only with your cat be happier but you will as well, not having to put up with cat urine odors.    Remember to pick up Clear the Air’s Cat Urine Odor Eliminator available at all Petco stores or online.