• Reptiles – How To Properly Care For Them

    Posted on June 28th, 2013
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    Cage maintenance for your reptile should receive proper attention.

    Reptiles are susceptible to bacterial infections of the skin and digestive tract so cages and housing  must be thoroughly and regularly cleaned.

    In order to a safe and healthy home for your reptile, routine cage maintenance is necessary by keeping the cage odor-free.  It is ideal to place an Odor Remover Bag in the cage to help keep away any foul odors.  Clear the Air is completely non-toxic and 100% safe around all types of animals.

    Certain precautions need to be taken during cleaning since the fecal matter of reptiles may harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella. It is most commonly transmitted to humans through oral ingestion after handling a reptile or contaminated equipment, through open cuts or sores during handling, or through contact with contaminated soil or environmental items. For this reason, your reptile’s cage, furnishings, and cleaning equipment need to be cleaned regularly and periodically disinfected. Sprinkling Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminator will eliminate any odors in your cage and will help to keep your reptile enjoying his home.

    Wear protective gloves during maintenance and wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water after handling reptiles, reptile cages and equipment, and the stool of reptiles.

    Cage Accessories – Before introducing natural items such as rocks and branches into your reptile’s home, make sure they are sterile. Rocks should be thoroughly cleaned and then boiled in water for 30 minutes. Sand can be rinsed with large amounts of water to remove any particulate matter and then heated in an oven at 200-250°F for 30 minutes. Branches should also be cleaned and heated in the same manner.

    How Often Should You Clean The frequency and degree of routine cage cleaning will vary from species to species depending on the size and habits of your reptile. Always read and learn as much as possible regarding the needs and preferences of your reptile, and tailor your cleaning schedule around the needs of your particular pet. For example, cages of large iguanas require more work than those of a snake. As you become more familiar with the needs of your pet, you may have to alter your cleaning schedule as needed. However, in general, you will need to:

    • Perform daily cleaning to remove spills, uneaten food, shed skin, and other waste materials. Clean and disinfect food and water dishes daily when providing fresh food and water.
    • Clean and disinfect the entire cage, substrate, and decorations weekly.

    Do you have any tips of keeping your reptile happy and healthy? Please comment on our blog!

  • Pew! Eliminate Litter Box Odors

    Posted on June 27th, 2013
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    No matter how much you love your cat, your cat’s litter box can sometimes be unpleasant.

    Clear the Air loves cats and we take special care in making sure our cats’ litter boxes are properly cared for and odor free.

    While our product works absolute wonders on the litter box to eliminate and keep odors down, there are other measures you can take to ensure your cat’s litter box is odor free to you and your cat’s noses.

    • Use Clear The Air a few times a week to sprinkle over your cat’s litter. Is company about to arrive and your cat leaves a present for you in his litter box? Sprinkle our granules over the “present” and the odor will vanish, we guarantee it!
    • Scoop your box at least daily, sometimes even more. The longer urine and feces sit there the more likely the smell will invade the rest of your home.
    • Replace litter twice a month depending on how many cats use the litter box. Empty out your entire litter box and wash the box with soap and water. Dry the litter box, sprinkle a thin layer of Clear The Air Cat Urine Odor Eliminator and add then add sand.
    • As time goes on, you will want to replace your actual litter box. Your cat’s claws and scooper can make small grooves in the bottom and sides or your litter box. These small grooves are hard to sterilize and hold onto odor.
    • Make sure your litter box is in a well-ventilated area. You also want to make sure your cat has plenty of room to get around his litter box. If the box is in a tiny, dark hidden space the odor may be unpleasant and your cat may be more likely to find another unwanted place to use the restroom.
  • 9 RV Safety Tips For Your Family Vacation

    Posted on June 21st, 2013
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    Summer is here, the kids are out of school and it is time to get the RV out to set out on your family summer vacation.

    Clear The Air would like to share some RV safety tips everyone should know when they set out on their trip this summer.

    Remember to always use Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminators in your RV to eliminate any odor you may have. Our product works great with refrigerator odors, pet urine or feces odor and any type of musty mildew odor.

    1. Batteries – Summer heat can wreak havoc on your RV system. Having backup batteries is extremely important so you don’t get stranded somewhere.
    2. Generator – Use your coach air conditioners when driving rather than your engine (dash) air. Using your coach air conditioner or heat pump will provide good climate control and it will force you to exercise the generator under load.
    3. Keep Doors Closed – Cabinet doors can pop open when you are traveling and especially if you cross over bumpy terrain. Make sure your cabinet doors are closed and in the locked position.
    4. Trash – Minimize the use of disposables. Mix your own cold drinks from powders, and assign a mug to each family member rather than using paper cups. Discard excess packaging at home.
    5. Nature – In hot weather, use natural shade, awnings and canvas covers. In cold weather, park where the RV will be protected from north and west winds.
    6. Driving – Allow more time to brake, change lanes, and merge onto a busy highway because big vehicles take more time to accelerate and slow down than small ones.
    7. First Aid – Make sure to have a first aid kit packed and easily accessible. It is also a good idea to have extra phone chargers, flash lights, paper and pens, and bug repellant.
    8. Campsite – Survey your assigned site. Be sure there are no low-hanging branches or other obstacles that will interfere with the RV. If you have a slideout or awning, be sure there is room on either side for those to fully extend.
    9. Hookups – If you are hooked to a sewer connection, you can open the gray water tank valve to allow sink and shower water to drain directly into the sewer. It is the smaller of the two valves. Never leave the black water tank valve open.
  • 13 Crazy Cat Facts

    Posted on June 19th, 2013
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    Clear The Air loves cats! Check out these crazy cat facts for all you cat lovers out there:

    1. One litter of kittens can be produced by more than one father.
    2. A cat’s heart beats up to 140 times per minute, or about twice as fast as a human’s.
    3. Many people think that cats are colorblind, but it’s a myth. Now we know that cats can see blues, reds and greens. Also, many cats don’t have eyelashes.
    4. Cats will spend about a third of the day grooming. The process is helped along by the backwards-facing spikes on their tongues. Now you know why it feels like being rubbed with sandpaper when they lick you. They will also spend about 16 hours a day sleeping.
    5. Puss, a cat from England, lived to be 36 in human years: the oldest cat on record.
    6. Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows in mourning when their cats died. And if someone killed a cat, he or she could get the death penalty.
    7. Cats weigh an average of 12 pounds. The heaviest cat on record weighed nearly 47 pounds. The lightest was one pound, eight ounces.
    8. When kittens are born, their eyes are blue – but they often change color as the babies grow. The will also start dreaming when they’re about one week old.
    9. Cats can be trained to use the toilet as their litter box. Some can even be taught to flush when they’re done.
    10. Researchers have tried mouse-flavored cat food. The cats who were introduced to it refused to eat it.
    11. You might think it’s disgusting when your cat brings you dead prey (like a bird or mouse), but you should thank her anyway. She thinks that she’s bringing you a present.
    12. Cats rarely meow at other cats. Often a cat meows to his human when you come home or even to greet you when you see each other in the house or yard.
    13. And our favorite – our cats don’t think of themselves as small humans. Rather, they think of us as large cats.
  • How To Eliminate Skunk Odor

    Posted on June 14th, 2013
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    Eliminating skunk odor.

    Have you or your pet been sprayed by a skunk? Clear The Air would like to share some tips on eliminating that terrible skunk odor from yourself, your pet, your furniture and your yard.

    You hear a noise outside and open the door and in runs your dog that has been sprayed by a skunk, before you know it he has rubbed all over your furniture, rugs and you! Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Skunk Odors will completely eliminate the smell from your dog, the furniture, carpets, lawn/shrubs, and you.

    This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral can be sprinkled directly on your pet, as well as inside and out side to eliminate skunk odors. Clear The Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally ”clears the air“ leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is safe around children and pets even if eaten. Granules are totally safe for all lawns and vegetation. No need to remove granules from your lawn or vegetation, as they provide an excellent time-released nitrogen fertilizer.

  • The Pros And Cons Of Five Odor Removal Methods

    Posted on May 31st, 2013
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    This is a summary of the most common odor eliminators. I saved the best until last!

    Masking Agents: These are typically fragrance cakes, candles, plug-ins and sprays.

    Pros:Acts immediately, who does not love the yummy smell of a good candle.

    Cons:Often is so strong that it is worse than the offending odor. Not great for people with allergies or sensitivities, not long lasting.

    Contact Odor Control: Enzyme based products, also called live bacteria or biodegeneration. These come in liquid and sprays.

    Pros:They work quickly on airborne odors when sprayed.

    Cons:They must come into contact with the odor source to work. So if there is urine on carpet, you must pull up the carpet, padding, and soak the floorboard, padding and carpet for the product to work. May take a few hours to get rid of the surface odors. Since they are liquid they are often messy to work with.May be harmful to pets or children if touched or eaten.May stain the material one uses it on.

    Ozone Machines: These machines are often used in hotel rooms.

    Pros:Because of safety issue we will only mention cons.

    Cons:Poor performer unless used at very high levels where they are extreme health hazards, especially for people with breathing issues and around pets.We suggest you investigate the safety of these machines before using them at The California Air Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency.

    Time: Most odors will eventually go away with time.If odor is from a dead rat carcass it can take two weeks to over two months to dissipate.


    Cons:Who can stand the odor for any amount of time?

    Anions: These work by a natural affinity of attraction between the odor molecules and the anion. The odors are pulled into the anions like a powerful magnet and then the odors are neutralized. Earth Care Products are an example of this type of odor eliminator.

    Cons:Takes 2-24 hours to work. Some are hazardous to ones health if swallowed depending on the manufacturer.(however Earth Care is safe, even if swallowed.)

    Pros:Eliminates odor does not mask odor. No perfume smell, great for people with allergies or sensitivities. Does not have to come into contact with the odor producer, so if there is urine on the carpet, simply sprinkle on top of carpet wait 48 hours and vacuum up.Earth Care is safe to use around children and pets, even if eaten. Earth Care is all natural and safe for planet earth.

  • A Healthy Bird Is A Happy Bird!

    Posted on May 24th, 2013
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    How to keep your pet bird happy and healthy.

    The crew at Clear The Air loves all animals and we know birds are a popular pet amongst Americans. We would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your bird happy and healthy.

    Remember to use Clear The Air’s Pet Odor Eliminator to sprinkle at the bottom of your bird‘s cage to eliminate any odors. Our products are 100% non toxic and completely safe around animals and children even if consumed.

    1. Your Bird’s Home: Make sure to keep your bird indoors inside a cage or small aviary and that your bird is able to find a cool area when the heat rises in the warmer months of the year. If you are moving your bird, make sure to make the adjustment of temperature a gradual one. Birds do not like sudden changes in temperature. Keep your bird in an area with circulating air.
    2. Your Bird’s Feed: Purchase high quality bird seed or pellets. Birds also like lettuce and fruit for variety. Make sure not to feed your bird apple seeds and onions. You want to also make sure you have a container for fresh water and another for bath water.
    3. Your Bird’s Temperature: Birds can regulate their body temperature through water evaporation like panting, throat vibrations as well as through their feed and the surface of their skin. If you place your bird’s cage in front of a window, make sure the sun’s rays are not overheating your bird.
    4. Your Bird’s Health: If your bird has stopped grooming itself, loses his appetite and does not sit on top of his perch, he may be ill. Make sure you take your bird to the veterinarian immediately. Birds, just like dogs and cats, need regular veterinary care.
    5. Your Bird’s Friends: It is important to spend time with your bird and let him get to know your voice and face. Birds usually like having another bird for company. In most cases a male and female bird in the same cage will work.
    6. Your Bird’s Wings: Your bird’s wings need to be clipped so it will not fly away. If you have your bird’s wings clipped you can take him outside with you. Use caution as your bird will probably try to fly because he is in open air.
    7. Your Bird’s Exercise: Exercise your bird by holding them on a stick and moving it carefully up and down so your bird opens his wings for balance. You can also place a treat a short distance from your bird so he has to walk to get it. Also make sure you have fun toys in his cage that will intrigue him and keep him entertained mentally and physically.
  • Warning – Keep A Flood Out Of Your Home

    Posted on May 13th, 2013
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    Clear the Air knows how devastating a flood can be. We would like to share some helpful tips to keeping flood waters out of your home.

    Please remember to use our Clear The Air Odor Eliminator Bags to eliminate musty mildew odors you may experience as the result of a flood.

    • Give the water an opportunity to disperse before it reaches your home. Clear ditches and deans to make sure they are free flowing.
    • Use silicone sealants around all gaps in your windows and doors. Pay special attention to pipe and cable entry points.
    • Walls and floors can be made more water-resistant by having extended concrete footings and a waterproof membrane put in the foundation.
    • Install anti back-flow valves by a plumber.
    • Keep an ample supply of sand bags ready to use. During flooding you can guarantee they’ll become sparse. If you are in dire need and cannot find sand bags, you can use plastic bags or pillow cases filled with soil.
    • Place a half filled bag lengthways against a door and parallel to the direction of the water flow. Tuck the open end of the sand bag under the bag and turn it towards the water flow.
    • Sand bags placed in layers, like a brick wall so each layer overlaps, will help create a strong barrier.
    • If you live in a condo or town-home, discuss with your neighbors your plans for a potential flood.
  • The Key Tips To Bunny Care

    Posted on May 8th, 2013
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    Did you know a rabbit can be trained to use a litter box, come when you call them and sometimes play tag with you?  Domestic rabbits make great pets and if well cared for, indoor rabbits can live for seven to ten or more years.

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to caring for your bunny rabbit:

    • Bunnies should be kept indoors in a cage large enough from him to move freely.  If you have a wire cage, it is a good idea to cover the bottom with a piece of wood or corrugated cardboard since wire bottoms can ulcerate your rabbit’s feet.  For bedding, you can use hay, aspen shavings or straw so he can make a cozy nest.
    • Sprinkle Clear The Air at the bottom of their cage to eliminate any odors caused by your bunny. Our product is 100% non-toxic and safe even if ingested.
    • Your rabbit’s diet should consist mostly of grass hay, such as timothy or brome.  This helps keep his intestinal tract healthy and unlimited hay should be available at all times.  You should also feed your bunny rabbit pellets that are of good quality.  Fresh leafy greens are the third important component of your pet’s diet such as turnip greens, carrot tops, collard greens or dark leaf lettuces.
    • Always have clean fresh water available for your rabbit.
    • Rabbits will do their best to keep their living quarters clean as they are very clean animals by nature.  They will usually choose one corner in their cage as their bathroom.  To help litter train your bunny, once you see where his bathroom area he has chosen is, put a newspaper lined litter box in that corner.  Fill it with pelleted newspaper litter.  Don’t use pine or cedar shavings as these fumes can cause problems to your rabbits liver enzymes.
    • Brush your bunny regularly and handle him often very gently and he will become a wonderful family pet!
  • Does Your Dog Bed Smell?

    Posted on May 1st, 2013
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    How to eliminate doggy bed odors.

    A lot of times our dog beds will acquire that good old “doggy smell” and although our dogs may think it smells heavenly, sometimes it’s nice to eliminate the odor so you can’t smell it laying in your bed!

    What we recommend is taking apart your dog bed (should you have a cover on it) and throw it in the wash along with any blankets your dog may use in his bed.

    After you wash and dry your dog’s bedding, we recommend sprinkling our Clear the Air Furniture Odor Eliminator on the padding before zipping up the cover around the dog’s bedding. Your dog’s bed should smell fresh and with Clear the Air in your dog’s bed, the doggy odor will stay away for longer.

    If your dog bed cover can not be unzipped and separated from the padding within the bed, place your dog’s bed outside in a well ventilated area and sprinkle Clear the Air Furniture Odor Eliminator all over the bedding. Leave on the bed for 24 hours and when done, shake out the granules and vacuum any leftover granules.

    It is also a good idea to hang our Clear the Air Odor Eliminator Bags above your dog’s bed to absorb any “doggy” odors your dog may leave behind.

    Do you have any questions about eliminating odors? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service agent!