• Mutt Monday’s Dog Of The Week

    Posted on December 23rd, 2013
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    Check out Duke from the San Diego Humane Society.

    Duke (#124538), is an American Pit Bull Terrier/Great Dane. He is 4 years and 6 months old and his Adoption Fee is only $95.00. Check him out:

    Why I’d make a great companion: To know me is to love me or so I’ve been told! My name is Duke and I am an independent thinker who enjoys a bit of adventure. I am also devoted, loving and mellow as well. In short, I have a multifaceted personality that I believe that as you get to know me you will come to adore. I am well-mannered on walks and I take everything in stride, including passing dogs, skateboarders, bikes, cars and other distractions. Prepare yourself, as I am generally the center of attention when I am out and about because of and I quote ” stellar good looks and gangly long legs.” Although, I enjoy a moderate activity level, I am perfectly content with the occasional lounge session at the feet of my beloved pet parent where I can enjoy a chewing session with my tennis ball. I absolutely enjoy a good rub down and I L-O-V-E the sensation of ‘collapsing’ tennis balls in my mouth. But what I would really enjoy, is a family to call my own. I have been waiting to give my heart completely to my forever family and if that is you, than you can expect to rewarded a hundred-fold.

    Type of home I’m looking for: I will do best in a house with teenaged children and without cats.

    Other things you should know about me: My adoption fee includes my spay / neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, a gift from Hill’s Science Diet, a license if residing in Oceanside or Vista, and limited veterinary medical coverage from VCA Hospitals up to $250!!

    During the adoption process a San Diego Humane Society Trainer will be present to answer any questions and share how to best care for me and tips for continued training in the future.

  • How To Sell Or Rent Your Home Faster

    Posted on December 18th, 2013
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    Trying to Sell or Rent?

    Property management companies and Real Estate Brokers and Agents deal with odor issues on a routine basis. Cigarette, pet, musty/mildew, dead rodent, and cooking odors are most common.

    Real Estate is often slow selling/renting or discounted due to odor issues. It has been reported that approximately 5-10% of all listing have odor issues that may impact the sale. Clear The Air Odor Eliminators are an easy, inexpensive way to solve the problem and get your property sold or rented.

    Here are some tips to get your home sold or rented faster:

    • Eliminate odor from your home and make it smell good. Smell is very powerful and instantly sets the tone for your potential buyer’s experience in your house.  Use Clear The Air’s Odor Eliminators to get rid of any embarrassing odors lingering in your home.
    • Clean your house and keep it clean. If you are planning to live in your home while it is on the market, you have to make daily cleaning a part of your plan.  A dirty home will give the potential buyers sense that the home is not well taken care of and can keep them from coming back a second time to look at your home with an offer.
    • Fix the broken stuff.  If little broken things are visible, your potential buyers start wondering what other maintenance issues your home might have and get scared.
    • De-personalize your home.  Want potential buyers or renters to imagine themselves living in your house?  Then take you out of it.  You have got to take down your personal photos, scrapbooks, take down from the mantle the carving of your last name.  Buyers need to see their family living here…not yours.
  • How To Care For A Pet Bunny

    Posted on December 13th, 2013
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    Did you know a rabbit can be trained to use a litter box, come when you call them and sometimes play tag with you?

    Domestic rabbits make great pets and if well cared for, indoor rabbits can live for seven to ten or more years.

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to caring for your bunny rabbit:

    • Bunnies should be kept indoors in a cage large enough from him to move freely.  If you have a wire cage, it is a good idea to cover the bottom with a piece of wood or corrugated cardboard since wire bottoms can ulcerate your rabbit’s feet.  For bedding, you can use hay, aspen shavings or straw so he can make a cozy nest.
    • Sprinkle Clear The Air at the bottom of their cage to eliminate any odors caused by your bunny. Our product is 100% non-toxic and safe even if ingested.
    • Your rabbit’s diet should consist mostly of grass hay, such as timothy or brome.  This helps keep his intestinal tract healthy and unlimited hay should be available at all times.  You should also feed your bunny rabbit pellets that are of good quality.  Fresh leafy greens are the third important component of your pet’s diet such as turnip greens, carrot tops, collard greens or dark leaf lettuces.
    • Always have clean fresh water available for your rabbit.
    • Rabbits will do their best to keep their living quarters clean as they are very clean animals by nature.  They will usually choose one corner in their cage as their bathroom.  To help litter train your bunny, once you see where his bathroom area he has chosen is, put a newspaper lined litter box in that corner.  Fill it with pelleted newspaper litter.  Don’t use pine or cedar shavings as these fumes can cause problems to your rabbits liver enzymes.
    • Brush your bunny regularly and handle him often very gently and he will become a wonderful family pet!
  • Get Rid Of Musty Basement Odors

    Posted on December 11th, 2013
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    During the winter is usually when the basement smells the worst.

    Thankfully, Clear The Air does a wonderful job at eliminating those musty mildewy odors from your basement. If you dread going in the basement because of the foul odor you have to experience each time, check out how to eliminate basement odors with Clear The Air:

    • Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet.
    • Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months.
    • If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
    • One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.

    Check out a testimonial from a pest control operator who used Clear The Air to eliminate musty mildew odors:

  • Keeping Your Pets Warm This Winter

    Posted on December 4th, 2013
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    The rainy season is upon us and for us Southern Californians, it is getting cold!

    It is important to make sure your pets are warm and dry during the winter. Keep them safe, warm and happy with these tips:

    • Pets should have a comfortable and clean, dry shelter to stay in especially if your pet spends the majority of its time outdoors.
    • Check to make sure your shelter for your pet does not have any leaks and that falling rain cannot splash inside of the dry shelter.  It is important to place it in an area where water does not accumulate.  Bottom line: keep your pet high and dry!
    • Continuous rain will usually decrease the frequency of your important walks with your dog. In order to compensate for less outdoor time, play with your pet more indoors either chasing a ball or playing tug of war just to get your pet the exercise he’s used to.
    • Pets should always have access to adequate shelter and under no circumstance should you leave your pet tied up in the rain.
    • Should there be an emergency you must have an escape or evacuation plan mapped out for your pets.  Prepare a first-aid kit for your pets in case they become wounded and never abandon them during a disaster.
  • How To Eliminate Musty Mildew Odors

    Posted on December 4th, 2013
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    Does your basement smell damp and musty?

    Basements usually have a musty odor and if you have ever experienced a flood in your home, musty mildew odors can also be left behind.

    Clear The Air can eliminate your basement’s musty odors easily, safely and without any toxic or harsh chemicals. If you smell musty odors, we suggest doing the following to eliminate those odors:

    • Hang 1-2 bags in basement. One bag cover up to 100 square feet.
    • Bags will continue to eliminate musty odors for up to 3 months.
    • If odors are strong (or you have had a flood) also sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Concrete or Carpet granules on floor, leave down 24 hours and sweep or vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
    • One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator For Concrete or Carpet granules covers approximately 100 square feet.

    The great things about Clear The Air is that it doesn’t have to come in contact with the odor producer. It will actually pull odors from the entire area. Do you have questions about eliminating odors around your home? Please contact our customer service representative and she will be happy to answer all your questions!

  • How To Eliminate Pet Urine Odors

    Posted on December 2nd, 2013
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    Clear The Air’s helpful tips to eliminating pet urine odors.

    Cat & dog urine odor is one of the strongest and toughest odors to get rid of. Most products on the market are wet and must come into contact with the urine to remove the odor.

    This means if you have urine that has soaked into the carpet you must pull up the carpet and pad and soak the carpet, pad and floorboards. What a mess! With Clear The Air Cat & Dog Urine Odor Eliminator just sprinkle the granules on top of the carpet leave on overnight and vacuum in the morning and the odor is completely eliminated. Works well on all surfaces pulling the odors out of tile and concrete. It also will completely eliminate the odors from your litter box and no one will know you have a litter box in the house!

    Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.
    It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Directions to Eliminate Cat Urine Odors From Litter Box:

    • Add granules to bottom of litter box, add litter, then add additional granules on top.
    • Add ½ cup of granules each time litter is changed, scooped or as needed.
    • Will prolong the life of your litter.

    Eliminate Urine Odors From Carpets, Wood Floors, Tile, Concrete or Furniture:

    • Remove feces and excess urine.
    • Sprinkle granules over area until dry granules are present on top. Also works well on old dry urine odors.
    • Leave overnight, then sweep or vacuum.
    • Clear The Air pulls odors from carpet, padding, and subfloor.
    • Typically one application will eliminate all odors; occasionally a second application is necessary.
    • One canister covers 100 square feet.
  • How To Eliminate Cigarette Smoke Odor

    Posted on November 25th, 2013
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    Need to get rid of that pesky cigarette odor? Read on!

    If you have bought or rented a new home and the previous dweller was a smoker, you are probably fed up with trying to get that sultry cigarette odor out of the house.

    Did you know Clear the Air will remove cigarette odor from ANYWHERE? Cars, homes, carpets, rugs, clothes, offices and anywhere else cigarette odor has crept in to.

    Unfortunately, cigarette odor has a way of creeping into the walls making it almost impossible to remove the odor completely.  Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator will pull these odors out of your house, 100% guaranteed!  Our product doesn’t even need to come in contact with the odor and it will remove the odors out of carpets, drapes, furniture, clothing and bedding.

    Clear the Air is simple to use and is an inexpensive solution to odor elimination.  Here are the directions to removing cigarette smoke odor out of your home:

    • Hang 1-2 Earth Care Odor Eliminator Bags in each room that smells like cigarette smoke. One bag will cover 50-100 square feet. Odor will be eliminated in 24 hours.
    • A Bag will last 1-2 months, if room is heavily permeated with smoke odor the bag may need to be changed more often at first.
    • If odors are particularly strong or room has been smoked in for years sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture granules on carpets and furniture. Leave down 24 hours and vacuum. Odors will be completely eliminated.
    • One canister of Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpet and Furniture covers 100 square feet; one bucket covers 900 square feet.
    • Granules can also be placed in ashtrays and cigarette butt receptacles.

    Of course, if you have any questions on removing cigarette smoke odor, please do not hesitate to call our helpful Customer Service Agent, Pat, at (800) 611-1611 or (760) 941-5302 or via email: pmolina@cleartheair.com

  • Cleaning Tips For The New Year

    Posted on November 21st, 2013
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    The end of the year is almost here and it is time to do some cleaning to prepare for the near year to come!

    Before you start throwing away or donating your items you no longer need, read on to find out how to keep from advancing the careers of local thieves by making it easy to steal your identity as a result of ridding your home of old papers and electronic gadgets like computers, phones, tablets and scanners.

    Remember to use Clear The Air for any odors you have while you are cleaning areas you haven’t cleaned in a while! Here are four ways to clean house without compromising your privacy:

    Make a Date With a Local Shredder

    You’re probably well aware that important documents should be shredded, but this doesn’t mean letting your 7-year-old loose with a stack of papers and a pair of scissors. Privacy Rights suggests that you invest in either a shredder that does cross-, diamond- or confetti-cutting to ensure that your documents can’t be pieced back together.

    Alternatively, contact an office supply store or commercial shredding company and take your paper piles to be shredded while you watch. Boring, yes, but wouldn’t you rather spend an hour doing this than days trying to clean up the mess if the papers get into the wrong hands?

    Clean Your Electronics

    Passing your old electronics onto a new home requires more than just putting everything into the “trash” and then doing the digital equivalent of setting it out on the curb. An article from Tech News Daily says that, with a bit of understanding, it’s not difficult to wipe away sensitive data correctly. There are several programs on the market that allow you to do this. Or, if you would rather, you can take it to a professional.

    If you’re going to resell your device, consider just selling it to a company that does refurbishing, because they then take on the liability of your personal data and are highly motivated to make sure the device is as safe as possible. For items that are going directly to the trash, use this as an opportunity to physically release some tension by destroying the memory chips and circuit boards. For CDs and DVDs, use specialty scissors that are tough enough for the job and cut each disc into at least four pieces.

    Keep Important Documents Under Lock and Key

    You certainly don’t want to accidentally toss out an old tax return, complete with social security numbers of each of your family members. This opens up the possibility of your personal information becoming compromised or even your children’s identity theft, if it falls into the wrong hands. For the items that you need to keep forever, you should consider a fire-proof safe that keeps documents safe and out of harm’s way.

    Documents that you should never get rid of include:

    • Birth, marriage and death certificates

    • Social security cards, passports and citizenship papers

    • Prenuptial agreements, divorce documents and military paperwork

    • Wills, power of attorney and trust papers

    • Insurance and investment paperwork

    • Heath records, diplomas and organization membership cards

    Set Up a Digital Organizational System

    With all the paper that comes into the house via the mail, your child’s backpack, print media and organizations you’re involved in, it’s hard to find a way to keep clutter at bay.

    For things that don’t require physical copies, like owners manuals, kids’ artwork and articles that you want to ready, have them scanned into your computer, which you can do through applications like Evernote. Once you’ve filed it away, you can easily search for it when the need arises.

    According to Real Simple, receipts should be kept until the items are worn or used. In the case of clothing and food, or for larger purchases, receipts should be kept until the warranty expires or when you discard the item(s).

    So before you put that leaning tower of paper in the recycling bin, or attempt to recoup the money you spent on that clunky old desktop, make sure to implement these tips to ensure your privacy and keep your identity protected. Sure, it takes a little extra effort, but it’s a small price to pay when you consider the worst that could happen.

  • How To Eliminate RV Odors

    Posted on November 20th, 2013
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    Planning a road trip for the Holidays?

    If you haven’t been in your RV for a while, you may experience some foul odors lurking in your RV when you go to get it ready for Holiday vacations.

    Tobacco smoke, kitchen, road kill, skunk, gasoline, smog, “doggie”, urine, mold/mildew, bathroom, and holding tank odors are common odors that stink up our RVs. Air fresheners just mask the odors and often smell worse than the offensive odor. RV detailing is expensive, and shampooing often just spreads the smell around.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags can simply be hung in your RV and they will completely eliminate all these odors. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. It is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic,  biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Clear the Air is also safe around children and pets even if eaten. It does not have to come into contact with odor producer to eliminate the odor. Earth Care does not cover up odors it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

    Directions To Eliminate Odors From Your RV:

    • Hang or place one bag in bathroom, and one in kitchen area, each bag covers approximately 100 square feet.
    • Leave windows open for air circulation.
    • Do not set bag in direct sun.
    • If there are strong odors in your RV you may also want to sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Carpets and Furniture on all upholstery and carpet. Leave down overnight and vacuum. All odors will be completely eliminated.
    • The bags will continue to eliminate new odors for up to 3 months. Each bag will cover approximately 100 square feet, some air circulation is best.