• Trying to Sell or Rent?

    Posted on September 18th, 2013
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    Property management companies and Real Estate Brokers and Agents deal with odor issues on a routine basis.

    Cigarette, pet, musty/mildew, dead rodent, and cooking odors are most common and make a home harder to sell or rent.

    Real Estate is often slow selling/renting or discounted due to odor issues. It has been reported that approximately 5-10% of all listing have odor issues that may impact the sale. Clear The Air Odor Eliminators are an easy, inexpensive way to solve the problem and get your property sold or rented.

    Clear The Air Odor Eliminators are an easy, inexpensive way to solve the problem and get your property sold or rented. Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the carpet pad, and sub-floor. Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances.

    Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets even if eaten.

    Check out how to eliminate odors in a house:

    • Hang 1 or 2 bags in each room that has odor. Some air circulation is best. One bag covers approximately 100 square feet. Bags will last approximately 3 months; we suggest leaving them up until house is sold/rented.
    • If you have pet urine odors in the carpet (including cat urine) sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Cat Urine on carpet, tile, concrete, furniture, or any other surface. Leave down overnight; sweep or vacuum up and odor will be completely eliminated. One canister covers approximately 100 square feet.
    • If you have odors outside on lawn or shrubs sprinkle Clear The Air Odor Eliminator for Lawns down. Leave down indefinitely, Clear The Air is an excellent nitrogen soil amendment. One canister covers approximately 100 square feet.

    If you have a dead rodent odor please click How to Eliminate Dead Rodent Odors PDF.

    Many agents keep a case of bags in their trunk.

  • 7 Must Know Tips For Bird Owners

    Posted on September 13th, 2013
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    Are you a first time bird owner?

    Even if you’ve had birds all your life, the following tips are helpful to all bird owners:

    • Before bringing your bird home, you will want to make sure you purchase a large well-constructed cage.  No matter the species, it is important for your bird to have enough room to stretch his wings and fly short distances.  Horizontal bars and perches need to also be installed in your cage at varying heights.
    • Line the bottom of the cage with plain paper or paper bags that are cut to size and make sure it is changed daily.  We recommend sprinkling Clear The Air at the bottom of your bird cage to keep odors away.  Place your bird’s cage in a warm, bright part of the house off the floor that is close to where the action is but away from drafts and direct sunlight.  Make sure your bird is not close to the kitchen as they are extremely sensitive to fumes from ovens, cookware and such.
    • When it comes to feeding your bird, pelleted food is the way to go.  While seed mixes provide variety, they do not always provide the best nutrition. Fresh veggies and fruits should be given to your bird every day.  Dark, leafy greens are packed with vitamins and many birds also enjoy carrots and broccoli.  Fresh cold water should also be available at all times and changed at least once a day.
    • A trained and tamed bird will need at least an hour of exercise out of the cage in a safe and enclosed room every day.  He may simply want to just sit on your shoulder or explore the room.  For birds that do not take to handling, providing a selection of toys like ladders, swings and mirrors with bells are a great way to keep your bird entertained.
    • Providing a shallow dish at the bottom of the cage is a great way to provide a bath for your bird and keeping his plumage looking perfect.  It is probably a good idea to schedule a bath right before you plan to clean out the cage.

    Do you have any bird tips you’d like to share? Please comment on our blog.

  • Rats!! Is The Odor Making Your Home Uninhabitable?

    Posted on September 11th, 2013
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    Do you have a rat or mouse infestation?

    Clear The Air’s products specialize in eliminating dead rat odor from just about anywhere. Our product works so well exterminators all over the world use our product!

    We would like to share with our readers how to eliminate dead rodent odor from their home or office. If you put poison in the walls of your home to kill the rats, they will most likely die within your walls creating a horribly foul smell that is difficult to get to unless you cut holes in your wall.

    Clear The Air Odor Remover Bags are used by Pest Control Professionals to remove dead rodent odors, and urine and feces odors associated with rodents. The carcass does not have to be removed to remove the odors.

    Earth Care Bags do not have to come into contact with dead rodent or odor causing agent. Simply hang the bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone. Earth Care acts like a magnet by attracting and neutralizing smells. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets, even if eaten. Earth Care adsorbs odors rather than masking them with a fragrance.

  • No More Kitty Hairballs!

    Posted on September 9th, 2013
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    Help lower the amount of hairballs your cat is bothered with.

    Not only do we not like cleaning them up but they are unpleasant for your cat, causing intestinal blockage which can be a serious health problem.

    Hairballs develop as a result of your cat’s fastidious grooming cycle. When your cat grooms himself he catches loose and dead hair and swallows it. If some hair stays in the stomach, a hairball is formed.

    We would like to clue our readers in to learn how to help your cat reduce the amount of hairballs he gets.

    1. Help out your cat with his grooming, especially long haired cats. The more fur you remove from your cat the less likely he will end up with a hairball. Cats usually loved being brushed so this can be a great bonding time for you and your cat.
    2. Pick up some hairball formula cat food at The Country Feed Store. These high fiber foods are designed to improve the health of your cat’s coat.
    3. Use a hairball product or laxative. We carry hairball remedies at the Country Feed Store, most of which are very mild laxatives which help hairballs pass through the digestive tract.
  • How To Eliminate Urine Odor In Artificial Grass

    Posted on September 6th, 2013
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    Do you have artificial grass in your yard?

    A lot of times people add artificial grass to their yard to provide a place for their dog to use the restroom.

    Unfortunately, there is no soil for the urine to soak into, thus creating an unpleasant odor that can usually be quite strong especially during the summer heat.

    Clear The Air’s Lawn/Yard Odor Eliminator works wonders to eliminate urine and feces odors from artificial grass.

    Simply sprinkle our Lawn/Yard Odor Eliminator over your artificial grass and the odor will be eliminated in 24 hours. If the odor is extremely strong you may need to do two applications. There is no need to vacuum up or sweep the granules away. Our products are 100 non-toxic and safe even if ingested.

    Clear the Air does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the artificial grass even if it has soaked all the way through . Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean.

  • How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Home

    Posted on September 4th, 2013
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    Unfortunately wherever you live, rats and mice are present.

    Our product works wonders on dead rat odor anywhere in your home and exterminators across the world use our product. Check out our tips to keep rats and mice out of your home.

    How do you know if you have rats or mice:

    • You will notice droppings in your home or garage.
    • Sprinkle powder around the floor or anywhere you suspect rats, put a piece of food in the middle and see if you see tracks the next day from rats or mice.
    • Check your pantry for holes or chewed edges on food packages. Also shredded paper or tooth marks are a good indication you have rats or mice.
    • Listen for scratching in walls or attics especially at night.

    In order to avoid having rats or mice invade your home and wreak havoc, you should follow these helpful tips:

    • Keep garbage can lids tightly covered. Feed dogs and cats in a dish and take up the food they don’t eat. Don’t leave any reason for rats and mice to visit your yard.
    • Don’t provide hiding spaces for rats or mice. Pull weeds, remove trash and any sort of junk you may have in your yard. You should also store wood and other materials a foot off the ground and never up against the house.
    • Keep any entryways to your home closed up with screens and make sure the screens do not have holes in them. Mice can get through the tiniest of holes. Caulk or cement around pipes and cables where they can pass through walls.
    • You can use poison or bait traps in your home. Put them in along the walls or cupboards where mice might get in. Remember to keep Clear The Air Odor Eliminator Bags handy if a rat or mouse dies behind a wall or inaccessible area.
  • How To Eliminate Odor Behind Your Home’s Walls

    Posted on August 28th, 2013
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    Dead rodents can die in your wall and often you are unable to find the carcass to remove it.

    Earth Care Odor Remover Bags are used by Pest Control Professionals to remove dead rodent odors, and urine and feces odors associated with rodents. The carcass does not have to be removed to remove the odors.

    Earth Care Bags do not have to come into contact with dead rodent or odor causing agent. Simply hang the bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone. Earth Care acts like a magnet by attracting and neutralizing smells. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. It is also safe around children and pets, even if eaten. Earth Care adsorbs odors rather than masking them with a fragrance.

    How to Eliminate Dead Animal & Related Urine/Feces Odors

    • It is not necessary to remove dead carcass to remove the odor.
    • More bags = better faster results. We recommend a minimum of 3 bags.
    • Hang a bag in every room you smell odor.
    • If you believe dead animal is in attic or crawl space hang one bag there also.
    • Bag will outlast odor from carcass and handle any urine or feces odors that may exist from previously infested areas.
    • One bag covers up to 100 square feet. It will last 3-4 months in use, or indefinitely in plastic wrap.
    • Minimum of three bags needed to remove dead rodent/Animal odors.

    Find out what others are saying about Earth Care’s Odor Eliminating Bags:

  • 5 Reasons To Adopt A Pet

    Posted on August 21st, 2013
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    Why adopting is better than purchasing a pet.

    Thinking about getting a new pet? Before you go to your local pet store or contact a breeder, please consider adopting a pet.

    The following are 5 reasons to adopt your pet:

    1. Healthy Pet – Animal shelters across the United States are filled with happy and health animals begging for a forever home. Shelters provide exams and vaccinations when the pets arrive and also spay and neuter pets before they go out to be adopted. Most animals are given to shelters because of people reasons like divorce, moving, or financial constraints, not because of anything they’ve done wrong.
    2. Save A Life – Did you know about 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year in the US because too many people give up their pets and too few go to a shelter to adopt? Unfortunately there is limited space at shelters and they must make the difficult decision to euthanize an animal who hasn’t been able to get adopted.
    3. Save Money – Adopting an animal in itself is much less expensive than buying from a breeder or pet store. The fees you pay at a shelter barely cover the cost of spay or neuter and vaccinations.
    4. Feel Better – Knowing you provided an animal a forever home that would otherwise not have one is a fulfilling feeling. Plus, animals give you unconditional love along with their psychological, emotional and physical benefits. Caring for a companion animal provides a sense of purpose and lessens feeling of loneliness and isolation for any age.
    5. Stop Supporting Pet Overpopulation – Puppy mills have poor conditions with improper medical care for both puppies and adults. By adopting you are helping to give a pet a second chance at having a loving and forever home.

    Please consider adopting if you are looking for a new fuzzy family member.

  • 7 Fire Prevention Tips For Your Home

    Posted on August 16th, 2013
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    How to avoid a home fire.

    Clear The Air knows the dangers of a home fire and the horrible aftermath it leaves behind.

    Our product works wonders for eliminating any smoke odor from your home. Please contact us if you need help eliminating smoke odors from your home.

    Make sure your home is prepared to not only warn you in the event of a fire but to prevent a fire all together. Below are tips to preventing fire in your home:

    1. Smoke Alarms – Install them if you have none, and check the ones you do have. Press the test button once a month and change batteries every year. Smoke alarms older than 10 years are more likely to fail.
    2. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms – Equally as important as smoke alarms is having a unit that will alert you of high levels of carbon monoxide in the home. Check the unit’s packaging and also with your local fire department to learn more about what constitutes a hazardous CO reading.
    3. Heating Equipment – Heating equipment is a leading factor in home fires during winter months. Be sure to have furnaces serviced by a reputable inspector, cleaned and maintained each fall before cold weather sets in. When operating portable or fixed space heaters, be conscious to keep them away from items that could ignite, including drapes and articles of clothing.
    4. Personal Habits – Be conscious of where you are when you do the things you do. Smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths, sending bedding, trash and furniture up in flames. More fires start in the kitchen than any other place in the home, so keep a watchful eye on what you’re cooking.
    5. Flammables – Ensure that flammables, such as gasoline, kerosene and paints, are kept in proper containers, tightly sealed and stored away from heat and flame. Never store any of those items near a furnace or hot water heater, and be sure to follow manufacturer instructions on storing these types of products.
    6. Extinguishers – Many small home fires can be taken care of using a fire extinguisher before they get out of hand. One thing to remember, though, is that extinguishers do not last forever – plan on replacing the unit about every three years.
    7. Candles – Blow out your candles when you leave a room and never leave them burning if you leave the house.
  • Tips For Bringing Home A Cute Cuddly Kitten

    Posted on August 2nd, 2013
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    Clear The Air loves cats and we know that sometimes it can take a new kitten time to get used to their new surroundings.

    Check out our tips for bringing home a new kitten:

    • Give your kitten some time – Kittens are sometimes adopted at six weeks of age, but 10 to 12 weeks is better. Those extra weeks spent with his mother and siblings help a kitten learn acceptable behavior, from getting along with siblings to getting used to human contact. If a kitten has been gently handled and has gotten used to humans, he will be friendlier and better adjusted. In choosing a kitten, look for one that is inquisitive, doesn’t shy away from your touch, and is ready to play.
    • Provide a comfortable home for your kitten – Away from his litter mates or mother, the kitten needs to feel secure as well as warm. Whether you provide a cardboard box lined with a blanket or a fancier bed from a pet supply store, keep your kitten’s bed in a quiet place, away from household traffic.
    • Introduce your kitten to the family slowly – Although everyone will want to hold the kitten, limit handling for the first few days while your new pet adjusts. Set up his bed, litter box and food in a quiet room where he can be secured until he gets to know his new home. Introduce one family member at a time, allowing the kitten to come to you and learn your touch. Give your resident cat extra attention to ease his or her anxiety. Once the kitten feels comfortable, allow the two to meet briefly. Stay in the room while they sniff and explore each other.
    • Kitten-proof your home before bringing him home – Kittens can get tangled or choked by anything swinging or hanging. Therefore, keep your new pet safe by securely anchoring drape or blind cords out of reach. To prevent chewing on electric and phone cords, bundle them with a cord manager and fasten away from kittens’ reach. In the laundry area, keep washer and dryer doors closed: A kitten may climb into a warm dryer for a nap. Remember, if something would be harmful for a toddler, it’s the same for your kitten.