Don’t You Love A Story With A Happy Ending?
Posted on March 12th, 2014Here at Clear The Air, when it comes to animals, we love a happy story!
The San Diego Humane Society does a wonderful job of finding pets’ forever homes and we love to share success stories from them.
Charlie & Diego – Bonded Pair Provide Love and Warmth
Charlie and Diego are brothers. When my husband and I saw them at the Central shelter we noticed they were VERY bonded. We had never had two cats at the same time but we didn’t feel we could separate them.
That was two years this past Sept. They have continued to express love for each other while maintaining decidedly different personalities…this makes them even more fun to observe.
I could talk for hours about what a wonderful experience this has been for us, but what would Charlie and Diego say? See Picture… caption’s would be: “We are so glad we were adopted by a quilter mom who lets us lay on every new quilt she finishes and sleep in a box of scraps in the sewing room, and a dad who built a cat condo and potty box area adjacent to a
window so we can sit outdoors and be safe and NO potty smell in the house. We also enjoy nap time with him!”
Testimonial Tuesday for Clear The Air!
Posted on March 11th, 2014We love hearing happy customers let us know how Clear The Air worked for them!
Every Tuesday we like to share testimonials of our product and how it worked for our customers. Check out some of the latest reviews on Clear The Air below:
I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get the smell of cat urine out of my mattress from when my cat had a UTI. I bought all the top recommended neutralizers, all sprays or liquids of some kind, and nothing worked. Nearly at my wit’s end, I looked up more products online and did some more research. It finally made sense to use a non-liquid to remove the smell. I bought this product as a last resort and sure enough, it worked on the mattress! Don’t waste your time with liquids; this is the stuff! ~M
I cannot believe that I have FINALLY found a product that actually works to take out the smell of cat urine from my carpet! I was gone on vacation for over two weeks and the person that was coming in to feed my two male cats did not put them back into the basement for the night. She let them roam the house and they urinated on my carpet. The smell was horrendous and I thought that I was going to have to remove the carpet. This product actually works! THANK YOU! ~Antonia
My 15 year old cat used my carpet as his litter box for several months when he was sick. I spent tons of money and tried countless products with little to no success in removing the smell that had soaked in. I thought I was going to have to live with the smell until I could afford to replace all the carpet, but decided to try one last product – this one. WOW! I followed the directions on the can and it really did get the smell out! I am getting ready to order more now so I can do the whole house. Much less expensive than replacing the carpet (not to mention much less stressful). Highly recommend this product! ~F
I have never been so impressed with a product! We were sure we would have to replace our carpet after our elderly dog lay down and died on it. But one application of Clear the Air removed all traces of odor. There’s no fragrance. Our house just smells normal again. ~Dean
How To Eliminate Diaper Pail Odors
Posted on February 27th, 2014Does your diaper pail smell?
If you have a new baby, you are probably trying to keep diaper pail odors at bay.
However, with some planning and common sense, the diaper pail does not have to stink quite so much. With frequent cleaning, use of Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminators, and limiting the diaper’s exposure to the air, your home can be the best smelling home with a baby in it on the block.
The best way to help eliminate diaper pail odors is to keep one or two of our Odor Eliminator Bags at the bottom of your diaper pail. You can also sprinkle our Odor Eliminator at the bottom of your diaper pail. Hang a bag from the changing table, closest to the diaper pail to absorb odors as well.
You can also empty the diaper pail more frequently to help cut down on the odor. This will also help your Odor Eliminator Bags last longer.
Don’t use air fresheners. These only mask the odor and do not actually absorb it like Clear the Air’s Odor Eliminators. All you end up getting is a flowery/poopy diaper smell. Not too pleasant!
Wash out the diaper pail to limit bacteria in the air from the pail. Wash the pail with hot water and soap once in a while.
Do you have questions about using our product? Please comment on our blog or contact our customer service department. Our products are 100% safe, even if ingested, making it perfect to use around children and pets.
A Happy Dog Adopted From The SD Humane Society
Posted on February 24th, 2014We love stories with a happy ending!
Especially when it involves animals! Check out this great happy ending story from the San Diego Humane Society about a dog, Milo, who was adopted by a sweet and loving family…he even has his own Facebook Page!
“He is my inspiration and gives me more joy then anyone could ever imagine!”
We adopted Milo a pug/ Chow Chow mix in 2008 from SD (Gaines Street) location and he has been the smartest most loving dog we have ever had.
He loves to go with us everywhere we go including our office. He goes to work every day.Milo even has his own tie for the office, but usually wears a simple bandana for a more casual look!
He enjoys just sitting in the car, thinks he is a pug and will try to climb on your lap. He has learned many tricks but his best trick is just the fact he loves to cuddle!
He was a groomsman in my sons wedding last year and even danced with guests at the reception. He is “The boss” like all the staff at the office like to call him and he loves every minute of it.
One of the artists at Kess Inhouse in Oceanside (Where Milo Works ) even
created an Art piece of him and now others can enjoy his sweet face because you can buy it on home goods on Kess inhouse website and even direct from Amazon.
He is my inspiration and gives me more joy then anyone could ever imagine!
Here is Milo’s facebook page
facebook.com/MILODOGPAGEThe Gupta Family
October 2013 -
Meet Tuffy, An Available Dog At The SD Humane Society
Posted on January 20th, 2014Tuffy is one of the Employee Picks at the San Diego Humane Society.
Clear The Air loves featuring pets from the San Diego Humane Society who are in need of a home.
Here is who we chose today and why the employees at the SD Humane Society things she’s a gem!
Amie, one of the certified teachers on at the San Diego Humane Society‘s staff who does educational outreach, simply adores the sweet senior doggie named Tuffy. Here’s Amie’s explanation for the bond she feels with this special gal:
“The first time I saw Tuffy, I was drawn in by her big beautiful eyes and sorrowful expression. This girl wears her heart on her sleeve! From the minute you meet this sweet girl you know she is longing for a forever-family of
her own. She takes her time when she meets a new person, but once you gain her trust (and having some peanut butter doesn’t hurt!) she blossoms into a love-bug. Tuffy embodies what I love most about the animals I see come through SDHS, an amazing resilience and capacity to love and trust no matter what circumstances that brought them in our door.”
Come to our Central Campus to meet sweet-souled Tuffy today!
How To Eliminate Cat Litter Odor
Posted on January 14th, 2014Does your cat’s litter box smell?
Clear The Air’s Cat Odor Eliminating Products are specially formulated to eliminate cat urine odor.
If you have a cat you know that cat urine odor is incredibly strong and can be almost impossible to get rid of. However, our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator works wonders at keeping this odor away.
Check out our helpful tips to ensuring your cat’s litter box goes unnoticed to your nose:
Scooping – The number one rule, and the only thing that will keep litter box odor at bay, is constant cleaning. That means scooping the box out at least twice a day, removing the solids and liquid clumps if you use clumping litter. If you don’t use clumping litter, you can use a large solid metal spoon to lift out the most urine-soaked areas each time you clean and add litter as needed to replace what is removed.
Washing Your Litter Box – You should also get in the habit of washing the litter box at least every other week if not more. Use a mild unscented dish detergent and rinse clean. Remember to clean your scooper too. When the box is dry, sprinkle a thin layer of our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box first. Then add two to three inches of litter. Cats do not like a deep tray of litter and this allows you to add litter as you scoop.
Type of Litter – Some have perfumes and others have additives to only cover the smell. To a cat, these smells can be overwhelming and make the box unwelcoming. It is usually a good idea to get unscented litter and sprinkle our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator in the box to eliminate the odor, not cover it up.
Type of Litter Box – Using the largest box your home can accommodate is the best idea. A good rule of thumb is to get a box that is at least twice as long as your adult cat and wide as the cat is long. Even though a covered box is nicer to look at, most cats don’t like them and they also trap odors inside making it unpleasant for your pet to enter.
Location – Lastly, location of your cats litter box is very important to keep your pet happy to relieve himself in the correct areas. The rule is one litter box per cat plus one. It is important to have the boxes in different locations. Also make sure the box is in a low traffic area, away from his or her food and in a place that your cat can easily get in and out of.
These suggestions may take a lot of effort but not only with your cat be happier but you will as well, not having to put up with cat urine odors. Remember to pick up Clear the Air’s Cat Urine Odor Eliminator available at all Petco stores or online.
How To Care For Pets In The Cold Weather
Posted on January 6th, 2014Cold weather tips all pet owners need to know.
The east coast of the nation is experiencing extreme cold weather conditions. During these conditions it is vital to make sure your pets are inside and warm.
Clear The Air would like to share some cold weather tips from the Humane Society:
- Keep pets indoors and warm – Don’t leave dogs or cats outdoors when the temperature drops. Regardless of the season, short-haired, very young, or old dogs and all cats should never be left outside without supervision. Dogs and cats are safer indoors, except when taken out for exercise. During walks, short-haired dogs may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater.
- Help neighborhood outdoor cats – If there are outdoor cats, either owned pets or community cats (ferals, who are scared of people, and strays, who are lost or abandoned pets) in your area, remember that they need protection from the elements as well as food and water. It’s easy to give them a hand.
- Give your pets plenty of water – Pets who spend a lot of time outdoors need more food in the winter because keeping warm depletes energy. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make certain the water is fresh and unfrozen.
- Protect paws from salt – The salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate the pads of your pet’s feet. Wipe all paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and irritates his/her mouth.
- Avoid antifreeze poisoning – Antifreeze is a deadly poison, but it has a sweet taste that may attract animals and children. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze (and all household chemicals) out of reach.
- The best tip of all: keep your pets with you – Probably the best prescription for winter’s woes is to keep your dog or cat inside with you and your family. The happiest dogs are those who are taken out frequently for walks and exercise, but kept inside the rest of the time.
Read entire article at the Humane Society’s website.
San Diego Humane Society’s Hidden Gem
Posted on December 11th, 2013Rudy – one of the San Diego Humane Society’s hidden gems.
Hidden Gems are wonderful companion animals that are not “on display” in the San Diego Humane Society’s public adoption gallery because they do best in a calm and quiet environment outside of the public adoption area.
These animals are readily available for adoption – check out Rudy:
Rudy. Rudy Pa-tudy. The Rudster. Poody Rudy. What does this special 2-year old Miniature Pinscher have even more of than nicknames?? PERSONALITY! …and BRAINS!…and ENERGY!!
It’s true, the only thing that’s remotely small about this doggie, is his size! In addition to his enormous amount of spirit, zest & zeal, he has one huuuuge brain. And that is very fitting you see, because he also possesses a ginormous heart with an abundance of love that he is ready to share.
This adorable boy is currently in a foster home where he has been making tremendous progress toward becoming the very best family member he can be. In addition to working on his manners and training, he is also having a blast with his foster siblings (as you can see from the photo to the right). But he would LOVE to have a home of his own in which his new family could continue to help him practice good behavior and keep that remarkable mind of his challenged. He will also need lots of physical activity as well. And when these two things are present – physical & mental stimulation – our cutie pa-tudy Rudy is at his very best & promises to be an unbelievably wonderful member of the family.
How To Keep Your Pet Warm During The Rainy Season
Posted on November 23rd, 2013Pet care tips during winter.
We’re getting into the colder months of the year and don’t you love to be able to go home out of the cold and curl up with your pajamas and sit by the fire.
What about your dog? Don’t you want to make sure he is as warm and cozy as you are when you’re at home?
Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your dog warm this winter:
Keep them indoors. This is the surest way to keep your pets warm. Dogs, while they enjoy outings, are often happier indoors as well so they can dote on their owners. Cats enjoy being able to snuggle up somewhere warm indoors.
Get your dog jackets and sweaters. If your home is a little chilly, cute jackets and sweaters can keep them warm. If they are going outside with you into the snow (dogs more than cats), it’s better to choose something that has a waterproof nylon covering. Make sure the sweater or jacket fits them properly and they are comfortable enough to maneuver in it.
Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.
Proper outdoor housing. If your dog spends a lot of his time outdoors, make sure he has the right housing. His doghouse should have a sloped roof, insulation and even a heater if he is expected to live in there.
Bedding. His bed should be at least 3 inches off the cold floor to avoid drafts. Low platforms made of a light wood or aluminum frame with canvas stretched over it suit these pets just fine.
Booties. Your dog regulates his temperature through the soles of his feet (as well as his tongue, of course). When walking in the snow, booties can help keep him warm. This will also protect him from salt and other products used to melt ice.
Increase feeding. Pets use up more calories in the winter trying to stay warm. Feed them a little more in the winter months, especially if they spend a lot of time outside.
Use a hot water bottle or snuggle disk. If your home is chilly, you can keep your dog or cat warm by using a hot water bottle under his bed or even a snuggle disk, which is a manufactured disk that is heated in a microwave oven and can maintain heat for hours.
Don’t forget the occasional special treat , belly rub or scratch on the head. Nothing warms your dog and cat’s hearts more than special food and attention, so give him both.
Cleaning Tips For The New Year
Posted on November 21st, 2013The end of the year is almost here and it is time to do some cleaning to prepare for the near year to come!
Before you start throwing away or donating your items you no longer need, read on to find out how to keep from advancing the careers of local thieves by making it easy to steal your identity as a result of ridding your home of old papers and electronic gadgets like computers, phones, tablets and scanners.
Remember to use Clear The Air for any odors you have while you are cleaning areas you haven’t cleaned in a while! Here are four ways to clean house without compromising your privacy:
Make a Date With a Local Shredder
You’re probably well aware that important documents should be shredded, but this doesn’t mean letting your 7-year-old loose with a stack of papers and a pair of scissors. Privacy Rights suggests that you invest in either a shredder that does cross-, diamond- or confetti-cutting to ensure that your documents can’t be pieced back together.
Alternatively, contact an office supply store or commercial shredding company and take your paper piles to be shredded while you watch. Boring, yes, but wouldn’t you rather spend an hour doing this than days trying to clean up the mess if the papers get into the wrong hands?
Clean Your Electronics
Passing your old electronics onto a new home requires more than just putting everything into the “trash” and then doing the digital equivalent of setting it out on the curb. An article from Tech News Daily says that, with a bit of understanding, it’s not difficult to wipe away sensitive data correctly. There are several programs on the market that allow you to do this. Or, if you would rather, you can take it to a professional.
If you’re going to resell your device, consider just selling it to a company that does refurbishing, because they then take on the liability of your personal data and are highly motivated to make sure the device is as safe as possible. For items that are going directly to the trash, use this as an opportunity to physically release some tension by destroying the memory chips and circuit boards. For CDs and DVDs, use specialty scissors that are tough enough for the job and cut each disc into at least four pieces.
Keep Important Documents Under Lock and Key
You certainly don’t want to accidentally toss out an old tax return, complete with social security numbers of each of your family members. This opens up the possibility of your personal information becoming compromised or even your children’s identity theft, if it falls into the wrong hands. For the items that you need to keep forever, you should consider a fire-proof safe that keeps documents safe and out of harm’s way.
Documents that you should never get rid of include:
• Birth, marriage and death certificates
• Social security cards, passports and citizenship papers
• Prenuptial agreements, divorce documents and military paperwork
• Wills, power of attorney and trust papers
• Insurance and investment paperwork
• Heath records, diplomas and organization membership cards
Set Up a Digital Organizational System
With all the paper that comes into the house via the mail, your child’s backpack, print media and organizations you’re involved in, it’s hard to find a way to keep clutter at bay.
For things that don’t require physical copies, like owners manuals, kids’ artwork and articles that you want to ready, have them scanned into your computer, which you can do through applications like Evernote. Once you’ve filed it away, you can easily search for it when the need arises.
According to Real Simple, receipts should be kept until the items are worn or used. In the case of clothing and food, or for larger purchases, receipts should be kept until the warranty expires or when you discard the item(s).
So before you put that leaning tower of paper in the recycling bin, or attempt to recoup the money you spent on that clunky old desktop, make sure to implement these tips to ensure your privacy and keep your identity protected. Sure, it takes a little extra effort, but it’s a small price to pay when you consider the worst that could happen.