• Adopt A Senior Pet Month is NOW!

    Posted on November 23rd, 2012
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    Adopt a senior pet this month for a reduced adoption fee.

    The month of November is dedicated to “adopt a senior pet”. When you adopt a senior pet, you are adopting a homeless pet that is already house trained, doesn’t chew up furniture, and as already settled into its personality so there are no surprises as time goes on.

    Many people might think that a senior pet is an old pet with no life left, but quite the opposite is true. Most senior pets end up in shelters and rescue groups because they were once in a home and something happened in the family that prevents them from keeping the pet.

    For example, the death of a pet owner is the most common reason for pets to become homeless. Divorce often leads to split families and turmoil and the pets can get “forgotten” in the midst of human emotional turmoil. No matter the reason, senior pets are not to blame for becoming “homeless”, they are simply the victims that get left behind. Anyone who has adopted a senior pet can tell you that it’s the best adoption you can ever choose.

    At animal shelters and rescue groups everywhere, there are loving, healthy senior pets looking for that one special home to cherish them for the rest of their life, and they don’t ask for much: just a warm place to sleep, good meals and plenty of love.

    During the month of November, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA is honoring its ‘Sensational Senior’ animals with reduced adoption fees!  senior pets in need of homes are looking for that one special family that will cherish and love them in their golden years, and they don’t require much more than a warm place to rest and plenty of love.

    From now until November 30, the adoption fee for all senior animals (over age 7) will be reduced to $25.  If a second ‘animal buddy’ is adopted, the fee will be waived entirely!  Special discounts are also available to adopters over age 55 who choose to adopt a senior animal.  These fees include microchipping, spay/neuter, vaccinations and veterinary exam. Don’t delay—curl up with a sensational senior animal today!

  • Two Pets Find A Home During Hurricane Sandy

    Posted on November 16th, 2012
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    The ASPCA recently reported a great story about two lucky pets who found homes during the torrential torment of Hurricane Sandy.

    Clear the Air is happy to report this great story:

    As Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the Tri-State region, ASPCA employees worked tirelessly around the clock to provide critical care to animals in need, including the animals in our Adoption Center in Manhattan.

    We are thrilled to report that two lucky animals found loving forever homes in the midst of the chaos caused by this historic storm.

    First, a very special Chihuahua named Bentley—later changed to “Sandy” in honor of the occasion of his adoption—went home with Katherine N. on Monday to join his new family.

    This sweet dog has come a long way. When he first arrived at the ASPCA in July, Sandy suffered from severe pneumonia and a broken leg. His pneumonia prevented him from undergoing immediate surgery and as a result, he lost his leg. Sandy took this in stride, happily moving around on three legs.

    Katherine was drawn to Sandy while volunteering as a dog walker at the Adoption Center—his sweet personality and love for sitting in laps was irresistible. She has re-named him “Tito,” and calls him a “hurricane miracle.” He is safe and sound in Katherine’s home, making friends with her other dog, Nina, whom she rescued from the ASPCA in 2005.

    On Tuesday, a sweet 12-week-old kitten named Nelly also received his happy ending. With a day off from work due to Hurricane Sandy, Christie H. and Mark G. visited our Adoption Center and adopted Nelly to join their cat, an ASPCA rescue named Ted, in their New York City home. Now Nelly is “Ned,” and Ned and Ted are getting along great.

    We couldn’t be happier that these two shelter pets found loving families, who were willing to welcome shelter pets into their homes during an unsettling time.

    Story can be found at: http://blog.aspca.org/content/two-lucky-pets-find-homes-during-hurricane-sandy

  • Why Do Pit Bulls Have A Bad Rap?

    Posted on November 14th, 2012
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    Clear the Air is always saddened to see so many Pit Bull breeds in the local shelters. Unfortunately people have a misconception about the breed and we would like to share part of an article from the ASPCA about why Pit Bulls have a bad rap.

    Sadly, the pit bull has acquired a reputation as an unpredictable and dangerous menace. His intimidating appearance has made him attractive to people looking for a macho status symbol, and this popularity has encouraged unscrupulous breeders to produce puppies without maintaining the pit bull’s typical good nature with people. To make matters worse, irresponsible owners interested in presenting a tough image often encourage their pit bulls to behave aggressively.

    If a pit bull does bite, he’s far more likely to inflict serious injuries than most other breeds, simply because of his size and strength. A pit bull bite is also far more likely to draw media attention. Many dogs of other breeds bite people, but these incidents almost always go unreported. They’re just not exciting enough fodder for television and print.

    Despite this bad rap, a well-bred, well-socialized and well-trained pit bull is one of the most delightful, intelligent and gentle dogs imaginable. It is truly a shame that the media continues to portray such a warped image of this beautiful, loyal and affectionate breed. Pit bulls once enjoyed a wonderful reputation. Some of the most famous dogs in American history were pit bulls. A pit bull named Stubby, a decorated hero during World War One, earned several medals and was even honored at the White House. During duty, he warned soldiers of gas attacks, found wounded men in need of help and listened for oncoming artillery rounds.

    Pit bulls have been featured in well-known advertising campaigns for companies such as Levis, Buster Brown Shoes and Wells Fargo. The image of a pit bull, which was considered a symbol of unflagging bravery and reliability, represented the United States on recruiting and propaganda posters during World War One. Many famous figures, including Helen Keller, President Theodore Roosevelt, General George Patton, President Woodrow Wilson, Fred Astaire and Humphrey Bogart, shared their lives and homes with pit bulls.

    Modern pit bulls can still be ambassadors for their breed. Some are registered therapy dogs and spend time visiting hospitals and nursing homes. Some work in search-and-rescue. Tahoe, Cheyenne and Dakota, three search-and-rescue pit bulls from Sacramento, California, worked tirelessly at the World Trade Center during the aftermath of 9/11.

    Others, like Popsicle, an accomplished U.S. customs dog, work in narcotics and explosives detection. Still others serve as protection or sentry dogs for the police. The majority are cherished family members. Pit bulls become very attached to their people, and most love nothing better than cuddling on the couch or sleeping in bed with their pet parents (preferably under the covers)!

    Read more about pit bulls at: http://www.aspca.org/Pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/dog-articles/the-truth-about-pit-bulls

  • Benefits Of Owning A Cat Or Dog

    Posted on November 13th, 2012
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    Pet ownership has many benefits.

    We had posted this blog article a few months back but thought it was interesting some of the benefits of having a dog or cat.  Not that us here at Clear the Air need reasons to have our cats or dogs, for those that wonder why us animal lovers are so crazed over their pets, check out these benefits of having a pet.

    There are many benefits of having a pet.  Not only are they entertaining and provide unconditional love, but you your health can also be benefited by having a pet.

    Pets can help decrease stress. In a 2002 study at State University of New York at Buffalo, researchers found that when conducting a stressful task, people experienced less stress when their pets were with them than when a spouse, family member or close friend was nearby.

    Lower Blood Pressure.  While some studies have found a stronger connection than others, having a pet has the potential to lower blood pressure, especially in hypertensive or high-risk patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Eases pain. Believe it or not, pets can be the best medicine, especially when a person is dealing with chronic pain such as migraines or arthritis.  One study from Loyola University found that people who use pet therapy while recovering from surgery may need significantly less pain medication than those who do not.

    Improves mood. A lot of the health benefits of owning a pet may stem from the mental and emotional benefits.  They give you a sense of belonging and feeling of being needed, while stroking and handling animals can be incredibly therapeutic for those who are stressed.

    Pets help children develop.  Children who grow up in a household with pets benefit in countless ways, especially in their emotional development.  Pets are also hugely beneficial to children suffering from autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For children with ADHD, taking care of a pet can encourage them to focus on responsibilities through a predictable routine.

    Monitors Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetics.  According to the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Forecast magazine, a 1992 study found that one-third of the pets living with diabetics (mostly dogs, but other pets included cats, birds and rabbits) would change their behavior when their owner’s blood sugar level dropped.

    Prevents Strokes. Although dogs are often touted for their health benefits, cat owners can see gains, too. Felines are just as beneficial to your health as dogs.  If you have a cat,  you are less likely to have a heart attack and even increasingly less likely to have a cardiovascular incident like a stroke.

  • Keep Your Dog Warm This Winter

    Posted on November 9th, 2012
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    Keep your dog warm this winter with our winter tips.

    We’re getting into the colder months of the year and don’t you love to be able to go home out of the cold and curl up with your pajamas and sit by the fire. What about your dog? Don’t you want to make sure he is as warm and cozy as you are when you’re at home?

    Certain breeds of dogs are affected by cold weather more than others. If your dog is older and has certain health conditions, such as arthritis, it is important to make sure your dog is warm and comfortable.

    Clear the Air would like to share some helpful tips to keeping your dog warm this winter:

    Keep them indoors. This is the surest way to keep your pets warm. Dogs, while they enjoy outings, are often happier indoors as well so they can dote on their owners.

    Get them jackets and sweaters. If your home is a little chilly, cute jackets and sweaters can keep them warm. If they are going outside with you into the snow (dogs more than cats), it’s better to choose something that has a waterproof nylon covering.  Make sure the sweater or jacket fits them properly and they are comfortable enough to maneuver in it.

    Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.

    Proper outdoor housing. If your dog spends a lot of his time outdoors, make sure he has the right housing. His doghouse should have a sloped roof, insulation and even a heater if he is expected to live in there.

    Bedding. His bed should be at least 3 inches off the cold floor to avoid drafts. Low platforms made of a light wood or aluminum frame with canvas stretched over it suit these pets just fine.

    Booties. Your dog regulates his temperature through the soles of his feet (as well as his tongue, of course). When walking in the snow, booties can help keep him warm. This will also protect him from salt and other products used to melt ice.

    Increase feeding. Dogs use up more calories in the winter trying to stay warm. Feed him a little more in the winter months, especially if he spends a lot of time outside.

    Use a hot water bottle or snuggle disk. If your home is chilly, you can keep your dog warm by using a hot water bottle under his bed or even a snuggle disk, which is a manufactured disk that is heated in a microwave oven and can maintain heat for hours.

    Don’t forget the occasional special treat and the belly rub. Nothing warms your dog’s heart more than special food and attention, so give him both.

  • Zimba, One Of Our Beloved Family Members

    Posted on October 22nd, 2012
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    Here at Earth Care Products our staff consists of many valuable employees.  Today we would like to tell you about Isis and Zimba.

    Isis is a rescued standard poodle, she of course has all the brains of operation.  Zimba is a 110# Rhodesian Ridgeback, and he is our office clown.  Recently we attended Pest World and sent them to be boarded by Dane Lightfoot.  Dane takes his charges out for various activities several times a week.  In the picture you can see Zimba is going horseback riding among many other various outtings.  Dane takes pride in what he does and when we picked up Isis and Zimba, he kindly sent this wonderful write up Z and some suggestions on where he can improve.


    Zimba is a very intelligent and teachable dog. He responds quickly to voice commands and he has a strong desire to please. He does not have very much self-control and is underdevelopled emotionally. He needs extra help to mature properly and he needs to be discouraged from acting like a clown. When a dog does not feel the weight of family responsibility they create their own set of responsibilities and many dogs like Zimba choose the role of class clown because it is entertaining and at first everyone is laughs at first.

    Continuing to Grow

    Zimba must be offered challenges and they must be varied and have an element of uncertainty in the outcome. You must also train your reactions to reward him emotionally for good thoughts and behavior. He must also be exposed to the world around him on a larger scale so that he has a new place to try new reactions because it is much easier to get a dog to start acting differently when they are in an unusual environment. He must also be given a chance to make mistakes; they are where real growth happens.

    • Emotional Challenges – Zimba’s primary means of dealing with a problem is silliness and clowning around. He is very large so when he bounces around he can break things or hurt people and the more he reacts this way the more difficult it becomes to build the self-control to stop and think. At the same time he must be offered constructive opportunities to have the type of fun that he enjoys like wrestling with Isis.
    • Social Stimulation– He must have time with other dogs and people so that he can develop the social skills he needs to meet new friends. He is not an overly active or overly driven dog but he feels the lack of social time very intensely and it is a source of pent up emotion.
    • Enforcing Rules– Dogs do not feel the same way people do about rules. For people rules can be a constriction, a limitation to our actions. For dogs rules are the structure by which they mold their behavior and adept communication of the rules is the primary guideline for their understanding their responsibilities. Everyone in the house must provide a single, clear message about what is expected of him

    Untrustworthy Behavior When Unsupervised

    Just like children, immature dogs follow the rules because they believe that you will punish them if they do not. In order to make the transition to behaving even when you are not around they must build character and maturity. Maturity comes from being challenged and character comes from failing at those challenges and having a healthy attitude about it. Zimba must be given tasks that push the limits of his abilities and he must be allowed to fail sometimes. Intelligence toys are one good way to provide this type of growth as well as training him for obedience. Many people have very busy schedules and find difficulty setting aside time for obedience lessons but they can be worked into every-day life. If you are sitting at the desk doing work, have him lay beside you. It is not difficult but he should not be allowed to get up until you do. Alternately when you are doing chores around the house make him walk at a heel, the simple exercise of you controlling his thoughts and actions will build his self-control, his maturity and his respect for you, it is also enjoyable for him and very rewarding.


    When Zimba is out on a walk he faces different challenges than other dogs, most dogs will not want to meet and greet a dog his size. He is intimidating in both his size and posture, the only way that he will be able to overcome this is to be encouraged to ignore other dogs walking entirely. In order to accomplish this you must be in control of the walk by doing the following things.

    • Do not let him walk out in front of you, this puts him in a command position and forces him to make decisions for you.
    • Do not let him stop every time he wants to sniff something. If you want him to potty, then tell him so and let him sniff around, but you must make the decision about where and when to stop.
    • When you do encounter another dog, keep him beside you and encourage him to ignore the other dog completely. In the beginning you are going to have to tell people that he is in training and is not allowed to meet any new friends right now and as he progresses and can ignore the other dogs properly then he may begin to meet others. You must always greet the other dog before he does though. He must see how you react to the dog so that he has a guideline.
    • Do not ever leave his leash taut, this is what creates the idea of being restrained in the dogs mind. Keep the leash slack and only use short, sharp tugs to stop him from doing something you don’t want. Remember that every leash message should be accompanied by a verbal message to reinforce that you are trying to tell him something not just pulling on the leash because you like it. He must also be told that he is good when he is walking politely. The greater the disparity in your attitude between his good behavior and his bad behavior, the more quickly he will learn and understand what you are asking for.

    Final Thoughts

    Zimba is a good dog that has a very high desire to please but he has too little self-control. He will be a happier dog when he understands how to really make people happy and how to build healthy relationships with new friends both dog and human. He will also enjoy the greater level of freedom that he would be allowed if he were more reliable. Encourage him to behave the way that everyone would like at all times and he will quickly understand what you want from him.

    Dane is really unique in his care and entertaining of the dogs.  He can be reached at 760 500 5284 or greatdanesgreatdogs@gmail.com.

  • Halloween Safety Tips For Pets

    Posted on October 18th, 2012
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    All you need to know for Halloween safety for your pets.

    We like going through Clear the Air’s older blogs and thought this would be useful to share once again with our readers.  The holidays, starting with Halloween, are a fun time but you should take some precautions to make sure your pets are safe and just as happy as you during the holidays.

    Check out our Halloween safety blog from last year:

    Halloween is a fun time for kids and adults, but it can also be scary for animals if you’re not careful. Any holiday brings an increased risk of harm and health problems for animals when candy and decorations are involved, but Halloween can be especially risky for a number of reasons. We encourage everyone to have a safe and fun holiday, but please keep the safety and well-being of your pets in mind!

    Here are some tips to keeping your pet safe during the Halloween season:

    1. Never leave your dog outside unattended – this is a generally safe rule to follow, but it is particularly important on Halloween. It is a sad truth that disturbed individuals have been known to injure and even kill pets on Halloween. No matter how safe your neighborhood may be, Halloween often brings out the pranksters and vandals, so don’t take any chances and keep your dog inside with you where you know he is safe.

    2. Most people will agree that there is nothing cuter than a dog in costume.  However, as appealing as your dolled-up pup may be, it is important to always keep your dog’s happiness, safety and comfort in mind.

    If you are going to put your dog in costume, make sure it fits properly and does not pose a risk of strangulation. Remove any loose accessories that could be choked on such as ribbons or buttons. If your dog seems even the slightest bit uncomfortable, please reconsider your costume choice. A ballerina beagle may look adorable, but your dog does not know why he is wearing the getup and may do whatever it takes to get out of it, including chewing through the fabric.

    3. Everyone knows the best part of Halloween is the candy, but unfortunately this is one of the main reasons that vets see an increase of sick animals around this holiday. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and will likely notice the increase of sweets in the house. Keep all types of candy away from your dog!

    Most people already know that chocolate is toxic to dogs and can make them very sick. But chocolate is not the only sweet treat that poses a risk. Sugar-free candy contains a chemical called Xylitol that can make dogs severely ill even in small doses. Candy foil and wrappers can be just as harmful, as they can cause choking or a blockage in a dog’s digestive tract. If you have kids, let them know that the dog cannot share their Halloween treats.

    4. If you put up Halloween decorations, be sure to keep them well out of your dog’s reach. Dogs gravitate towards things that are shiny, small and/or inedible – all of which can cause serious health problems! Candles, lights and cords are a huge safety hazard for all pets. A curious dog that gets too close could be burned or electrocuted. A wagging tail can knock over a candle and start a fire in no time at all! Instead of putting a candle in your pumpkin consider using a small battery-powered light, which is safer and lasts longer!

    5. Make sure your dog is in a safe, secure place when the trick-or-treaters come knocking at your door. The continuous knocking or ringing of a doorbell combined with the constant opening and closing of the door will offer plenty of opportunities for your pet to dart out and run away.

    In addition, strangers arriving in spooky masks can be very frightening and could cause even the friendliest dogs to behave aggressive or territorially as a result of stress and fear. To avoid unnecessary stress or unpleasant confrontations with the neighborhood children, I suggest keeping your dog in a separate room. Try leaving a radio or TV on to drown out the sound of the many visitors.

    6. No matter what your friends said in college, a drunk dog is NOT a happy dog. Never ever give any amount of alcohol to any animal. If you think it would be funny to see your dog intoxicated, think again. Alcohol is essentially poison to dogs and can cause symptoms including but not limited to: vomiting, disorientation, seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack and death. If you have a party make sure you clean up any leftover drinks, as some dogs are attracted to the sweetness of beer and wine.

    While keeping your family safe during Halloween is always a must, keeping your pets healthy and safe is also essential. If you have kids, I recommend sharing these tips with them so they can learn how to be responsible and keep their beloved pet safe while enjoying the Halloween festivities.  Please safe, be smart and have a very happy Halloween!

  • Success Story From The San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on September 28th, 2012
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    We love seeing success stories from the San Diego Humane Society.  This one is special, as this kitty is blind.  Check out Joey’s story below.

    Joey – The Sweetest Cat

    joey3.pngWhen Joey was just a baby, I was fortunate to be able to help foster him. He was a spunky tuxedo kitten (and quite photogenic!). I was planning to adopt him, but for reasons beyond my control, he went to another home. I was devastated.

    A year-and-a-half later, Joey was back at the San Diego Humane Society, up for adoption, but now he was blind. Thanks to the wonderful staff at the Humane Society, I was finally able to adopt Joey, who is now at his forever home. Joey has Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), a rare genetic form of blindness, and is now completely blind. But most people don’t even notice unless they pay close attention. He has memorized the house and moves around without hesitation (as long as I don’t rearrange the furniture!). He is an indoor-only cat for obvious reasons, but he plays with his two sisters, my dogs Wiley and Daisy. Joey and Daisy share my lap and nap together every evening.  (Interestingly, Wiley also has PRA, and is also blind, and loves to play fetch!)


    Both Joey and Wiley have really opened my eyes (no pun intended!) to just how adaptable animals with challenges can be. They are the sweetest pets I have ever owned and are no more difficult to care for than sighted animals. They see the eye doctor once a year, and I have to be careful when walking Wiley to make sure she doesn’t injure her eyes, but other than that, they are normal, loving pets. Joey has brought so much love into my life.

    I am so grateful to the San Diego Humane Society for making my family complete!

    – Nancy Baisch, MD

  • San Diego Humane Society Featured Pet

    Posted on September 19th, 2012
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    Check out one of the latest Pets of the Month at the San Diego Humane Society!  This guy, Unger, has a special story and is an employee pick.

    Rebecca S., an Adoptions Counselor at the San Diego Humane Society Central Campus, simply adores Unger and his goofy & lovable personality. She was first drawn to the 2-year old Pit Bull Terrier when she saw his remarkably good spirits during his recovery from a leg amputation surgery. His spunk and sweetness was an inspiration. “Unger only has 3 legs, but he never lets it hold him back!” shares Rebecca. In addition to his happy-go-lucky nature and zest for life, this playful pooch loves to cuddle; offering yet another reason that Rebecca thinks Unger is simply the best. As Rebecca puts it, “Unger is a 60 lb., 3-legged lapdog who is ALWAYS willing to cuddle. What could be more awesome than that?!”

    Doing his happy wiggle dance, enjoying a toy, and playing fetch are all beloved activities of Unger’s… But even greater is his love for people. Now, all he wants is to find some people of his very own who would let him be a part of their family and share his abundance of love with them daily!

    If you are interested in meeting this happy guy, come on down to the San Diego Humane Society Gaines Campus for an introduction! Or, please feel free to call Customer Service at (619) 299-7012 if you’d like some more information.

    Let’s work together to get Unger a new forever home!

  • Featured Pet at San Diego Humane Society

    Posted on September 7th, 2012
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    Check out Abigail!  She is an employee pick at The San Diego Humane Society and is ready for her forever home!

    Check out the bio about Abigail and why she is so special:

    Our Director of Operations for the Central Campus, Morgan H., is happy to select Abigail as her employee pick.  She describes Abigail as adorable, sweet, and silly at times but her outgoing and friendly personality is what attracted Morgan the most, who as a cat lover herself, considers those traits to be perfect for any family who is ready to adopt her.

    Morgan says that every time she passes by, Abigail is ready to say hi and draw a smile for her. Her bright yellow eyes in her cute little black face can tell you instantly how she feels and will have you hypnotized with love.  When she plays, she tends to go for interactive games and her favorite toys are wands and anything with feathers.

    Abigail is just adorable in every way – when she plays, when she roams, and even when she sleeps. If you think Abigail would make a great addition to your family, visit our Airport Road Campus to meet her in person or call customer service at 619-299-7012.

    Would you like to adopt Abigail into your home?  Call the San Diego Humane Society at 619-299-7012.