• Why Is My Cat Peeing In The House?

    Posted on February 18th, 2013
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    Cat urine is one of the most difficult odors to eliminate. If your cat has been going to the bathroom in your house, outside of his litter box, there may be some ways you can fix this problem.

    In order to eliminate the cat urine odor, use our Cat Urine Odor Eliminator product to eliminate the odors.

    Medical Problem: A kidney or bladder infection is the most common cause. Your cat should be checked out by your vet to exclude any medical issues. If your cat’s problem is behavioral, you’ll need to find out why he is misbehaving. Any kind of stress can make your cat stop using his litter box. If you have recently moved, had a new baby or have introduced another pet; all these actions can cause your cat to feel threatened.

    Litter Box: A cat that is unhappy with his box will stop using it. Think about it: would you use a dirty, smelly toilet? Of course not. Cats are very clean animals and some of them are extremely finicky about their litter boxes. The problem could be a different litter, dirty box, location, or sharing with another cat. If you have multiple cats, they each should have their own litter box. A cat that has been declawed will have special needs when it comes to litter. You may need to switch to paper litter that is softer on his delicate paws. Make sure the litter box is cleaned daily. Sometimes all it takes is changing to a new litter, getting a new box or moving the box to another part of the house.

    Behavior Change: Pay extra attention to your cat and praise him often. Remind him that he is loved and an important part of the family. Moving to a new home is a big change in your cat’s life. He could be stressed by the move. He could also be reacting to the scent of a former tenants pet. This will cause your cat to start peeing in a certain spot. To stop this, you need to completely remove the odor so your cat won’t want to leave his scent.

    No More Urination: you must remove the odor from your home. Your cat will keep returning to that area if he can pick up the scent. Urine should be cleaned up as soon as possible. Wipe up the mess with a paper towel and then clean it. Sprinkle Cat Urine Odor Eliminator where your cat went to the bathroom and leave on for 24 hours. You may then vacuum it up. In some cases a second application may be necessary. Remember, our products are 100% non-toxic and safe even if ingested.

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