“How To Get Rid Of Dead Rodent Stink” -A customer’s testimonial
Posted on September 15th, 2011Read about Jason from Massachusetts testimonial on how he was able to completely eliminate a massive rat infestation’s foul odor by using Clear The Air and how he is now a “grateful and passionate client”:
I wanted to write to you to say how impressed I am with your products.
I had a terrible rodent infestation in an entire side of my house. We
had had a pest service come in to rid the house of pests, and I had also
been mitigating all points of entry rodents were taking advantage of as
they came out of the cold from the surrounding forest, and build nests
for the winter. I discovered the location of the nest by the odor of
what smelled like old garbage coming from my 4 year old son’s bedroom
wall and also an overpowering smell of urine coming from the basement
play room directly underneath his room. After identifying the location
of the smell, I completed demolition on a 20 foot by 15 foot area of the
exterior wall of my house. As I had suspected, there was significant
rodent damage.
The condition of the wall was horrific: the insulation was all eaten
away, and there were enormous rodent nests. The worst part was there
was so much feces and urine that combined with the contents of the nest,
insects and bio-matter from decayed rodents, it had all permeated the
sheathing, sheet rock, studs, joists, and concrete foundation from the
second floor all the way to the sill plate and foundation.
After clearing out all the debris, and pounds of rodent feces and
desiccated remains in the basement ceiling, I spent an entire week,
after removing all the exterior sheathing of the effected wall, and
leaving the wall exposed to the outside drying out the studs, and
cleaning it with industrial grade, scented disinfectant. After
replacing the sheathing that was rotting from the urine, and treating
everything I could, multiple times, with disinfectant, I discovered that
after sealing it all up I still had a phantom smell of the nest and
urine. It wasn’t as bad, but it was obviously the same smell,
especially when there was an increase in humidity and the house was
closed up, especially my son’s room.
Out of desperation I began searching the Internet for answers. I came
across Earth Care products when I typed in “how to get rid of dead
rodent stink”, and was encouraged when I saw that your products were
non-toxic, especially having three kids all 5 and under.
I bought three bags and placed them in the large basement room where the
urine smell was the most overwhelming. In just one day the smell had
decreased by at least half. The second day the small was almost
impossible to discern. By the third day there was no trace. It was
incredible! What was so amazing was that they didn’t need to come in
contact with the effected area, just be near it. That was key, since I
had already sealed it up.
This product is amazing. Despite having done my best to improve the air
quality of my home, apart from burning the house down and starting over,
I have a significant peace of mind knowing my children are not breathing
that wretched air from a rodent’s nest. I am ordering more bags for the
rest of the house. Thank you, is all I can say. I would be delighted
to provide a testimony for the efficacy of your product. I am a
grateful and passionate client!
Need to purchase bags and read up on product use? Click Here to go to our Odor Remover Bag Product Page.