• Cat Urine Smells – Customer Testimonial for Clear The Air

    Posted on August 23rd, 2011
    admin No comments

    Once again, another happy, satisfied customer!!

    I should have sent you a “thank you” note months ago…but better late than never!!!

    We had a lengthy conversation last year regarding my “smelly” problem.  You may recall that I was ready to rip up my carpet and install a tile floor.  But, thanks to your prodding, I did what you told me to do and used Clear the Air faithfully for about a month.  The  use of your product did indeed “Clear the Air” and I cancelled the tile installation.  This product has saved me thousands of dollars and saved me the hassle of tearing up my wall to wall carpet.

    Since that time, I’ve shared this secret with several of my cat-owning friends and they,too, have eliminated the odor.

    I would recommend your product to anyone who has an odor problem and I’m sure they would be as happy as I am.


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